Medicines in alphabetical order
Helpful information on the required medicines can be found by their name in the "Preparations" section. In alphabetical order, there is a list of medicines with more than 1500 names. The section provides a detailed description:
- pharmacological properties
- indications
- methods of application
- contraindications
- side-effects
- special instructions
- drug interactions
- drug overdoses, symptoms and treatment
- storage conditions
Online store
In our online store you can choose for yourself various medical and orthopedic products, medical equipment for home use. A variety of modern means of rehabilitation and health maintenance will help you under the supervision of a doctor or independently carry out treatment or prevention of the disease. If necessary, you can contact our doctor for advice.
The principle of roller massagers is based on the experience of traditional Chinese medicine, one of the most important elements of which is acupressure.
It is believed that by providing a correct and dosed effect on biologically active points, massagers actively influence human bioenergetics.
The use of massagers reflexively stabilizes the work ("soothes") the autonomic nervous system of the body (during panic attacks), improves blood circulation, and regulates the activity of the endocrine glands.
Massagers allow at home:
- perform a general, toning, and anti-cellulite massage
- eliminate muscle pain
- supplement treatment for osteochondrosis of the spine, arthrosis, radiculitis with protrusion or herniated disc
- eliminate migraine attacks
- relieve emotional fatigue
- help with the prevention of body fat
- correct body contours
Orthopedic products: corset, brace, orthosis
A variety of modern means of rehabilitation and health maintenance will help you under the supervision of a doctor or independently carry out treatment or prevention of the disease. Select the product category you are interested in:
- Corsets and bandages for the thoracic spine
- Corsets and bandages for the lumbar spine
- Corsets and bandages for the cervical spine
Corsets and bandages for the thoracic and lumbar spine
Wearing a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset helps to limit the range of motion in the lumbar spine. When wearing a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset, back pain in the area of inflammation of the intervertebral joints in spondyloarthrosis and the removal of excessive protective tension and spasm of the lumbar muscles are reduced.
In the case of disc herniation and protrusion, wearing a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset helps to reduce the intensity of pain in the leg in the area of innervation of the nerve root.
In such a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset, the patient can move independently at home and on the street, sit in the car, and at the workplace. The need to wear a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset disappears as soon as his back pain stops.
Wearing an extension corset for compression fractures of the spine helps to straighten the fracture site of the vertebral body and creates additional fixation along the axis of the spine.
Terms of wearing an extension corset
The terms of wearing an extension corset can, on average, be from 1.5 to 2 months from the moment of a spinal fracture. It is also necessary to take into account the neurological symptoms in patients with a spinal fracture when wearing a corset.
Существует несколько видов пояснично-крестцовых полужёстких корсетов. Все они подбираются по размеру и могут быть неоднократно использованны в случае повторного появления боли в спине.
Corsets and bandages for the cervical spine
Wearing a cervical brace (Shants' splint) in case of neck pain against the background of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or injury to the cervical spine limits the range of motion. At the same time, the cervical brace creates additional unloading of the tense and defensively spasmodic muscles as a result of neck pain.
When wearing a cervical brace, neck pain is eliminated much faster, which leads to a rapid restoration of the previous range of motion in the neck with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or injury to the cervical spine.
The duration of wearing a cervical brace depends only on the presence and severity of pain symptoms in a patient with pain in the neck with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or injury of the cervical spine. The patient can also sleep in a neck brace.
There are several types of neck brace. All of them are selected in size and can be used repeatedly in case of recurrence of neck pain with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or injury of the cervical spine.
Wearing a special neck brace (Philadelphia collar) limits the amount of movement in the sprained ligaments and injured joints of the cervical spine. At the same time, the neck brace creates additional relief to tense and protectively spasmodic muscles as a result of a neck injury.
Duration of wearing semi-rigid corsets
It should be understood that semi-rigid corsets, due to the features of their design, perform only the function of supporting the posture in a certain position. They relieve or reduce the tension of a person's own muscular corset. Semi-rigid corsets restrict the mobility of a certain part of the body (neck, chest, lower back) when performing movements of the patient. Semi-rigid corsets are not able to immobilize:
- intervertebral disc when it is destroyed (herniated or protruded disc)
- vertebral bodies and their processes (dislocations or subluxations of the vertebrae)
- bone fragments (in case of fractures of vertebrae and their processes)
- intervertebral joints (spondyloarthrosis)
- joints of the pelvic bones (sacroiliitis, arthrosis of the sacroiliac joint)
Therefore, the duration of wearing semi-rigid corsets (cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral) is determined solely by the presence of a pain symptom in the patient. In the absence of a symptom of pain in the patient, there is no clinical need for further wearing of the corset.
A variety of modern means of rehabilitation and health maintenance will help you under the supervision of a doctor or independently carry out treatment or prevention of the disease. If necessary, you can contact our doctor to get advice. In our online pharmacy, you can choose for yourself a variety of medical and orthopedic products, medical equipment for home use.
See also
- Аномалии развития позвоночника (Клиппеля-Файля, шейное ребро, спина бифида, сакрализация, люмбализация и т.д.)
- Артроз крестцово-подвздошного сочленения
- Артроз межпозвонковых суставов (спондилоартроз)
- Болезнь Бехтерева (анкилозирующий спондилоартрит)
- Болезнь Шеермана-Мау (юношеский остеохондроз)
- Боли в позвоночнике (нижняя часть спины, поясница)
- Симптом боли в шее, затылке и руке, остеохондроз и грыжа диска шейного отдела позвоночника
- Грыжа и протрузия межпозвонкового диска
- Кокцигодиния (боль в копчике)
- Люмбаго, люмбалгия и люмбоишиалгия
- Остеофиты позвоночника
- Остеопороз (первичный и вторичный, тел позвонков)
- Остеохондроз позвоночника и его симптомы
- Перелом позвоночника (компрессионный)
- Сакродиния (боль в крестце)
- Сакроилеит (воспаление крестцово-подвздошного сочленения)
- Сколиоз, сутулость
- Спондилёз
- Спондилит (остеомиелитический, туберкулёзный и т.д.)
- Спондилолистез (смещение и нестабильность позвоночника)
- Стеноз позвоночного канала
- Хлыстовая травма шеи (шейно-черепной синдром)
- Эпидурит спинальный