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Advantages and indications for yoga classes

The life of modern people come many mechanisms that make life easier. And with that come many chronic diseases. One of the most common complaints - a chronic or acute back pain and neck. Performing yoga exercises help to cope with back pain and neck. Regular yoga soothe chronic pain and strengthen the spine.

Many people suffer because of pain or discomfort in the back. The reason may be diseases such as scoliosis, low back pain, herniated disc, as well as sedentary work, old injuries, hypothermia, etc. Yoga helps in these disease states. Yoga classes liberate overstretched muscles and strengthen the lumbar spine. That's why millions of people with back problems for the purpose of prevention and rehabilitation are turning to yoga.

In diseases of the spine (scoliosis, osteochondrosis, herniated disc) is best practice yoga with a personal instructor.

Many people regularly practice yoga, which gives a well-developed harmonious and flexible body, joint mobility, muscle elasticity, good spirits and inexhaustible energy. Yoga - it's thousands of years of proven practices for health and longevity. Yoga affects all systems of the body, restoring and rejuvenating it.

Yoga has on the following therapeutic effects:

  • stimulates tissue metabolism, endocrine system, which is especially important in spinal diseases
  • provides tonic, trophic, normalizing effect and creates compensatory function
  • increasing immunobiological properties, enzymatic activity, promotes the body's resistance to disease
  • positively affects on the psycho-emotional sphere, improving mood

Yoga does not require any special conditions. It is enough to recommendations of your doctor and your desires.

Tasks that yoga solves in diseases of the spine (scoliosis, incorrect posture, osteochondrosis, herniated disc, etc.):

  • stimulates normalization of blood circulation in patients with spine and surrounding tissues
  • increases the mobility of the spine and restore range of motion
  • corrects posture and strengthens the muscles surrounding the spine, as well as all the weakened muscles of the upper and lower extremities
  • relaxes tense muscles, relieves chronic functional blocks of the joints and "clips" in the body, forming an abnormal tension
  • revitalizes and rejuvenates the entire body
Yoga does not require any special conditions.

As a result, regular yoga (recommended at least 2 times a week) are gradually leaving chronic pain, there is the strengthening of the body, increases vitality and quality of life. Yoga not only helps you to heal and rejuvenate the body, but also relieves chronic stress, improving overall tone and life satisfaction.

In the spinal diseases (scoliosis, osteochondrosis, herniated disc) is best practice yoga with a personal instructor, as it will allow to properly perform yoga exercises that do not hurt yourself, and quickly restore and strengthen your body.

Individual yoga holds a certified trainer. Advantages of individual yoga with a personal trainer:

  • we develop an individual training program that will help you in the short term to strengthen your spine and get rid of back pain
  • trainer corrects the correct asanas that you can extract the maximum benefit for themselves and do not hurt your body
  • classes are held at your home or in the office, so you do not need to spend time on the road
  • classes are held in convenient time

How usual classes are held and what they consist

Yoga classes take place indoors - in your home or office. The room must be ventilated. To start training you need a mat and auxiliary materials: bricks and belts that will help you in the exercises. All this is easy to purchase in the online store for home delivery. Clothing for yoga - a soft, jersey, does not restrict movement. Before the occupation - for 2.5-3 hours is not tight there. You can drink a cup of herbal tea.

Yoga classes will consist of 3 main elements:

  • warm-up
  • main part
  • relaxation

During the warm-up trainer will show you simple exercises joint exercises that will warm your body and prepare it for physical exercises (asanas). Next - the main part. In this unit, we usually do breathing exercises and asanas. Breathing exercises increase the activity of the respiratory, nervous and endocrine systems, and circulatory system. Exercise strengthens the asanas, relax and stretch the muscles and ligaments of the spine correcting problems. Coach gives you just such a load that will be useful at the moment. The complexity of the recovery process of the main unit classes increases.

As a result, regular yoga gradually withdraw chronic back pain, there is a strengthening of the body, increases vitality and quality of life.

Each session ends with relaxation. This is a prerequisite for a successful recovery and harmonize your body. During the training you Sympathoadrenal increased tone, you are excited. Therefore, the end of the class you need to relax, strengthen the body's parasympathetic system. So the body is balanced and restored.


At what age can practice yoga

Yoga can and should be practiced at any age, especially when there are diseases of the spine. Yoga - this is a very harmonious, soft practice that can be adapted for any age. When practiced regularly, you feel you start to feel myself much younger than their biological age. Return joint flexibility, plasticity of tissues, improves blood circulation and metabolism in the body. And of course there will be more interest in life and new experiences.


The best time to practice yoga

You can choose a convenient time for you. Home to 1.5 hours nobody bothered you. Turn your mobile phone into sleep mode. Yoga in the morning energize you for the day ahead at all. Evening classes will help you relieve stress, fatigue and tune into a peaceful sleep. The more you relax, the more power will be the day.


When to start yoga classes

Better start exercising immediately after a rehabilitation course at the clinic.