
The doctor's consultation

Where should I start if someone feels bad, is injured, or is sick? The very first step for a patient should always be to seek advice from a specialist.

We advise our patients in case of diseases:


Consultation of a neurosurgeon and a neurologist

The beginning of the compilation of a medical history begins with a doctor's examination of the patient - this is the first and one of the most important stages during the diagnostic assessment of the condition of a sick person. The patient, communicating with the doctor, discusses his condition, signs of the disease, the specifics, and features of its occurrence. The doctor examines these complaints and comments in detail, recording the necessary data in the patient's medical history.

At the first visit, the doctor collects data from the patient's medical history, previous treatment, and diagnostic procedures. On the basis of these data, the doctor will determine a further diagnostic plan, which is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and the method of further treatment of the patient required.

During a neurological examination of a patient, in consultation with a neurologist or neurosurgeon, the knee reflex is checked to assess the preservation of the peripheral innervation of the lower limb.

The physical examination will be further linked to previous data from the patient's medical history if any. A preliminary diagnosis will be made.

If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostics, based on which a plan of the required treatment will be drawn up.

Consultation with a doctor, as well as other diagnostic procedures in neurological patients, must be performed before the start of medical manipulations. This is necessary to further determine the method of treatment that will be the best, most effective, and safe for the patient.

Some several diagnostic tests and procedures are prescribed by a neurologist and neurosurgeon if necessary after an initial neurological consultation. They help to clarify or identify the true cause and form of the disease and thereby form the correct plan for further treatment with a good subsequent clinical result for the patient.

The modern lifestyle of an urban person, when workers are forced to spend a long time sitting in a car or at a computer, has led to the spread of such diseases as a hernia or protrusion of an intervertebral disc with compression of a nerve (spinal root). Patients have a strong feeling of pain, numbness, and shock in the leg or arm (depending on the level of damage to the intervertebral disc). In consultation with a neurologist or neurosurgeon, a neurological examination of the patient is performed and first aid is provided to eliminate severe radicular pain (blockages, manual correction to relax the tension of the nerve, etc.). Based on the results of the examination, a neurosurgeon or neurologist may prescribe an additional examination of the spine in the department of radiation diagnostics, equipped with modern MRI and CT machines.

The sequence of actions when making a clinical diagnosis to a patient begins with a doctor's consultation.

If the patient has already undergone an MRI or CT scan (brain, cerebral vessels, spine, etc.) independently, then the tomography results can be analyzed in consultation with our neurosurgeon or neurologist. Consultation on the results of MRI and CT tomography and the necessary further medical prescriptions and recommendations can be obtained at the outpatient clinic of our clinic, in the hospital, or at home.

The diagnosis of a compression fracture of the spine with a decrease in the height of the vertebral body begins with a neurological and orthopedic examination of the patient by a neurologist or neurosurgeon. Based on the results of a consultation by a neurosurgeon, the patient may be prescribed the necessary additional clarifying diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

The number of craniocerebral trauma (TBI) has significantly increased in the world. This is due to the widespread use of vehicles. Doctors neurosurgeons and neurologists (neuropathologists) consult and treat patients with traumatic brain damage. These include concussions and brain contusions of varying degrees. In the case of bruises with intracranial hemorrhage, there is strong pressure on the structures of the brain with their displacement, which requires the patient to undergo an urgent operation by a neurosurgeon.

With diseases of the vessels of the brain and spinal cord, the patient may experience conditions that threaten his life. In case of rupture of an aneurysm of an artery of the brain or hemorrhage in case of hypertension (prolonged and severe increase in blood pressure or hypertensive crisis), patients require urgent hospitalization and consultation with a neurosurgeon to develop a treatment plan.

Peripheral nerve injury and compression neuritis may require surgery. After consulting a neurosurgeon or neurologist and instrumental diagnostics (ENG, MRI), it is possible to localize the level and degree of nerve damage, which helps to plan well the operative access to it in case of neurosurgical intervention. If surgical treatment is not required, then after consultation, a neurologist or neurosurgeon may prescribe the necessary course of conservative treatment.

Diagnosis of patients in the Department of Radiation Diagnostics with the subsequent consultation of a neurosurgeon or neurologist allows you to determine the patient's clinical diagnosis.