
Rules for the preparation of diagnostic procedures

Preparing for the radiography of the stomach

On the eve of the study (stomach X-ray) dinner until 21:00. On the day of the study (stomach X-ray), do not eat breakfast, do not take medications. The study time for stomach radiography is 30 minutes.

The presence of a motorized compression system, the ability to rotate the X-ray tube around the horizontal axis +/- 180 ° significantly expand the diagnostic capabilities of radiography when examining a patient in a clinic.


Neurophysiological studies (REG, EEG, ECHO-EG)

Do not smoke for 2 hours. Do not drink alcohol the day before. To conduct the study (REG, EEG, ECHO-EG), the hair must be clean (without varnish, gel, etc.) and have a comb with you. Duration of the study:

  • REG - 10 min
  • EEG - 20 min
  • ECHO-EG - 10 min

Diagnostic procedure of electroencephalography (EEG) of the brain in adults and children.


Contrast-enhanced pelvic CT scan

CT of the pelvic organs is performed using contrast. Buy an ampoule of Urographin at the pharmacy of any percentage. In the evening: dilute ½ ampoule of Urographin in 0.5 liters of water and drink. In the morning: dilute the second half of the ampoule of Urographin and drink 2 hours before the study.

If contrast is planned when performing a computed tomography (CT) scan assigned to the patient, the attending physician may ask you to refrain from eating and drinking fluids 4-6 hours before the scheduled procedure.


Preparing children for an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) procedure

Instructions for feeding and watering the baby before the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) procedure with short-term anesthesia (sedation):

Type of food
Time of the last meal or liquid intake by the child
Water 2 hours before the scheduled visit to the clinic
Breast milk 4 hours before the scheduled visit to the clinic
Baby formula 6 hours before the scheduled visit to the clinic
Other food products and liquids 8 hours before the scheduled visit to the clinic


Bowel cleansing

Before the study, take "Espumizan" 2 capsules 3 times a day and 4 capsules daily study or enema in the evening and the morning of the study.


Studies of the stomach (esophagus, duodenum)

No special preparation is required for gastroscopy. The study is carried out strictly on an empty stomach.

The gastroscopy procedure is performed in the endoscopy room.


Bicycle ergometry (VEM) or Treadmill test

Stop taking beta-blockers 3 days before the study. Stop taking cardiological drugs (nitro drugs, antihypertensive drugs) the day before the study. On the day of the study: have breakfast in the morning. Have thick socks and sweatpants with you.


Preparation for ultrasound study of the pelvic, prostate and bladder

Ultrasound examination of the pelvis, prostate gland, and the bladder is performed with a full bladder. 1 hour before the study, you will need to drink 1 liter of liquid.

The prostate is normal and with inflammation (prostatitis).


Method of preparation for irrigoscopy with the drug "Fortrans"

The day before the examination (irrigoscopy)
You can have dinner (exclude fatty foods, vegetables, fruits, black bread). "Fortrans" - dilute 1 sachet per 1 liter. water. When researching, calculate from the amount of 1 liter. solution for 20-25 kg. The weight of the subject. Dilute 3 sachets in 3 liters of water - drink 2 liters from 16:00 to 18:00 hours, drink 1 liter from 18:00 to 19:00 hours.

Diagnostic colonoscopy.

On the morning of the examination (irrigoscopy)
1-2 cleansing enemas 1.5 l. warm water (to clean water). If the examination is in the morning, do not have breakfast. If the examination is in the afternoon - a light breakfast (exclude fatty foods, vegetables, fruits, black bread), and 2-3 hours before the examination - a cleansing enema.

Among people, one in twentieth is diagnosed with colon cancer. With early detection and timely treatment of colorectal cancer, patient survival is 90%.


Preparation for the appointment of an optometrist

  • Remove contact lenses the night before (if you are wearing them) and put them on no earlier than 30 minutes after the end of the appointment.
  • If you want a doctor to choose glasses for you, it is better to make an appointment in the morning. This is necessary so that the selection of glasses occurs before the visual stress that you experience during the day.
  • When visiting an ophthalmologist, it is better that you are not driving and do not plan visual loads (computer, reading) within 3 hours after the appointment, because it may be necessary to dilate your pupils with the help of special eye drops, for a more detailed examination of some structures of the eye (fundus - the retina, veins, and arteries of the retina, the optic nerve head).
  • Take with you all medical records from previous years, which contain information about your eyes, so that you can trace the changes taking place in dynamics.
  • Depending on the examinations being performed, you can spend 15 minutes to 2 hours with an ophthalmologist.

A slit lamp is used to examine the internal structure of the patient's eye.