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Rehabilitation after suffering injuries or operations by using of physical therapy and therapeutic massage provides deep general and local stimulation of the muscles and tissues of the body.

The principle is to stimulate the supply of low frequency vibrations along the muscle fibers. This muscle contracts and relaxes with a small amplitude, but more often than conventional training. This mode significantly speeds up the muscles in it and surrounding tissues, including bone metabolism. Muscle fibers that are inactive in the ordinary exercise, are actively involved in the work. The resultant stimulation effect of anesthesia can increase the range of motion and stretch the muscles well.

Therapeutic massage as part of a treatment helps to eliminate the effects of neck trauma, chronic back stress and other conditions.

Physiotherapy in the rehabilitation process allows you to actively work on all the muscles of the body. Physiotherapy and massage therapy in the rehabilitation exercise:

  • posture correction
  • bone tissue strengthening
  • recovery of muscle tone
  • relaxation and stretching of muscles
  • improving coordination

The use of physiotherapy of the musculoskeletal system significantly reduces the time of rehabilitation for various injuries and disorders of motor activity, allowing you to get the result, in many cases, inaccessible by other means.

When using the physiotherapy and therapeutic massage carried out on the effect of muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and blood vessels.

Rehabilitation of muscle tissue diseases

During a routine physical training in active work includes about 40% of muscle fibers, while using the physiotherapy and therapeutic massage the number of working muscle fibers increases to 100%. Stimulation penetrates deep muscle and worked throughout. This results in an increase in muscle explosive strength. Due to the increased frequency of muscle contraction in the physiotherapy, the patient receives a full load in a shorter time. In parallel there is a sense of balance training and improving coordination.

With physiotherapy, the patient receives a full load of muscles in a shorter time.

Physiotherapy and massage therapy during rehabilitation increases metabolism in the muscle, preventing the accumulation of lactic acid, and allows you to quickly restore muscle after exercise. Faster recovery occurs after injuries. Braking conduct pain impulses, physiotherapy contributes to more efficient conduct of muscle stretching and sports training a significant increase in flexibility.


Rehabilitation of bone tissue diseases

The use of physical therapy and massage therapy during rehabilitation improves muscle power structures and acting on bone, increasing bone density, preventing osteoporosis, normalize mineral metabolism in bone tissue.


Rehabilitation of joints and ligaments tissue diseases

The effects of physiotherapy and therapeutic massage for joint and ligaments during rehabilitation contributes to the elasticity of ligaments, fascia, tendons. This increases the mobility of the joint and ligaments, increases the amount of movement between the joint surfaces, as well as normal articular cartilage nutrition, which stimulates the production of high-grade synovial fluid.

Physiotherapy (UHF) for the rehabilitation of the affected joint after wearing a plaster or occurred joint contractures.

Impact of physiotherapy and therapeutic massage for muscular-ligamentous complex at the time the rehabilitation of the affected joint after wearing the plaster and occurred painless contractures promotes rapid restoration of normal traffic volume in the joint and reduces the time of rehabilitation.


Rehabilitation of vascular diseases

In muscle, under the influence of physical therapy and massage treatment during rehabilitation, decreased peripheral vascular resistance, which is manifested increased local blood flow by 50%. Dilatation (decreased tone) vessel walls of different caliber promotes full excretion of metabolic products and normalization of blood circulation in the areas gipotrofirovannyh not only muscles but also the skin. The skin after the procedure rehabilitation is becoming more flexible.


Indications for rehabilitation

Rehabilitation under the influence of physiotherapy and therapeutic massage applied with the purpose:

  • fast regeneration of muscles during atrophy
  • restore strength and range of motion in the joint contractures, regeneration of cartilage
  • rrestore the mobility in ankylosis after prolonged immobilization of bone fractures
  • enhance peripheral circulation and metabolic processes in the tissues, resorption of hematomas
  • improving splicing after fracture
  • increasing mobility at Spike descended and dysfunction between the various tissues and internal organs
  • improve the overall vitality of the patient
  • relieve pain and swelling in injuries and sprains knee, ankle, etc.
  • partial paralysis restore
  • plexitis
  • after surgery
  • cerebral palsy

Rehabilitation is carried out in patients after operations connected with infringement of the musculoskeletal system (joints, ligaments, bones) with bruises and injuries.

At long stay in plaster after breaking a bone, there is ankylosis (stiffness) of the joint that requires intense rehabilitation to restore the full range of motion in the joint.

Paresis and paralysis with contracture after stroke rehabilitation using physical therapy, massage therapy and physiotherapy (physical therapy), thus increasing the range of motion by limiting joint, restore full range of motion. Rehabilitation also held to supporting patient treatment for the prevention of thrombosis, venous stasis, congestive pneumonia, muscle atrophy, depression.

For rehabilitation after stroke and bone fractures using physical therapy, massage therapy and physiotherapy exercises.

With therapeutic massage, myofascial relaxation, physiotherapy and acupuncture produced effects on muscle with myositis, sprains, spasms, contractures, injuries, restoring muscle tone.


Rehabilitation course duration

The course of rehabilitation with paresis and paralysis, ankylosis, fractures lasts two to three weeks depending on the severity of clinical manifestation with obligatory repeated course with an interval of every 2-3 months. Perhaps a rehabilitation counseling and a course of rehabilitation with home visits to non-transportable patients.