
Medical exercise therapy, occupational therapy

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Medical exercise therapy, occupational therapy

Medical exercise therapy, occupational therapy — is a set of exercises in most chronic human diseases associated with loss of muscle strength and range of motion of the joints. If during the life of a person only operates his body without worrying about the safety and function of muscles, ligaments and joints, it disturbed a variety of functions under the responsibility of the tissue:

  • musculoskeletal
  • cardiovascular microcirculatory
  • lymphatic microcirculatory
  • immune
Examples Medical exercise therapys in spinal osteochondrosis with protrusions and herniated discs.

The above are examples Medical exercise therapys to stretch and strengthen the muscles and ligaments.

In order to regain lost strength and tone, get rid of a significant number of problems related to the spine or joints, you must know and apply in their daily lives a few simple exercises therapeutic exercises. With their selection needs to be strictly differentiated and integrated approach.

Task of therapeutic exercises is to save people from a feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the lower back morning and back pain and strengthen his weakened muscular corset, back in the joints mobility or ankylosis contracture.

After the treatment the patient may have to receive guidelines for the daily maintenance of Fedorov at home or at work by means of physiotherapy. You can get visual training materials physiotherapists, not to forget the set of exercises that will choose for you.

Video examples of exercises for the prevention of diseases of the spine and heart when sedentary.

Medical exercise therapy, occupational therapy is required for stretching and strengthening the muscles and ligaments at:

For a complete and detailed set of instructions for performing these exercises therapeutic exercises send your request by phone or visit our classes in the clinic.

In some cases, you can order by mail or purchased at the clinic printed collection of exercises in an easy-bound for self-study at home.

Medical exercise therapy for vertebral column extensors muscles.
Medical exercise therapy for shoulders and vertebral column extensors muscles.
Medical exercise therapy for shoulders and neck muscles.
Medical exercise therapy for lower back extensors muscles.
Medical exercise therapy for core stability muscles.