
Ischemic brain disease, cerebrovascular thrombosis and embolism

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Ischemic brain disease, cerebrovascular thrombosis and embolism

Ischemic brain disease causes a narrowing or thrombosis of the arteries supplying the it. Ischemic brain disease develops in the background of the primary pathological process in the vessel wall or blockage of an artery embolism. This section deals with thrombosis of cerebral vessels and a variety of pathological causes of their occurrence in a patient.

Occlusion of cerebral arteries may be caused by a clot burden from the heart cavity (embolism) and the atherosclerotic process in the vessel.

Embolization of cerebral vessels lead to the same subjective and objective clinical symptoms, as thrombosis. The difference in their symptoms versed in the topic of embolism of arteries of neck and brain.

Types of thrombosis and embolism in ischemic brain disease:

See also