Radiography (X-ray)
Radiography (X-ray)
Radiography (X-ray) is the study of any part of the body by X-ray method. Radiography (X-ray) is performed using X-rays. As a result of this study, fixed images (X-rays) of the examined part of the body are obtained. To date, radiography can detect pathology of the spine and other bone structures, lungs, abdominal organs, teeth, pelvic organs, and mammary glands.
The radiography room in the department of radiation diagnostics operates on the basis of a multidisciplinary diagnostic center of the clinic. Radiography (X-ray) is an affordable and high-quality study for certain types of human diseases. You can make an appointment for an X-ray examination yourself by phone if you have an indication from specialists from other medical institutions or undergo the procedure after consulting one of our doctors.
The radiography room in the radiology department of the clinic is equipped with one of the most modern digital systems for radiography. This is an X-ray diagnostic complex based on a remote-controlled Evolution table with a digital image processing system and a full-size flat digital detector manufactured by STEPHANIX (France).
With our X-ray equipment, it is possible to perform electronic tomography on a full-size flat digital detector (without a mechanical synchronization system), while the thickness of the cut is set manually or selected by the program.
The presence of a motorized compression system, the ability to rotate the X-ray tube around the horizontal axis + / - 180° significantly expand the diagnostic capabilities of radiography during the examination of the patient in the clinic.
The MedRadio software makes it much easier for a specialist to interpret the X-ray images obtained thanks to such features and options as:
- custom settings for displaying the patient list;
- ability to select information by the radiologist's last name, date, and organization;
- dynamic window formation;
- dynamic zoom and pan;
- custom magnifying glass settings (size, contours);
- measurements (distance, angle, multiple angles);
- pre-set or custom annotations;
- adding arrows, circles, and lines;
- horizontal and vertical rotation, 90-degree rotation;
- inverted video;
- ability to display multiple patients on the screen, compare images;
- ability to print in DICOM and Windows formats;
- custom stamp settings;
- simultaneous modification of all of the highlighted images;
- multitasking display;
- optimization of the display according to the user's request or for the task;
- full-resolution flashing;
- selectable image storage format (DICOM, Jpeg, TIFF, AVI), import images from various media (CD, DVD, USB), import images of various formats, write CD/DVD ROM with the ability to view in DICOM format;
- software for multiple users;
- integrated remote service;
- a STITCHING program that allows you to reconstruct a single shared image from two, three, or more images;
- a system for measuring the dose received by the patient.
Radiography is the imaging of body structures, or parts of the body, using X-rays.
Research conducted in the clinic's X-ray room
- Fluorography is an X-ray of the lungs and other organs of the chest). The procedure of fluorography is indispensable for the diagnosis of lung and heart pathologies. At the same time, fluorography is a highly informative, affordable and safe method of examining patients.
- Radiography (X-ray) of bone structures, including the structures of the skull (as prescribed by an ENT doctor, neurosurgeon, neurologist, optometrist, traumatologist), as well as the structures of the spine with functional studies of its departments (flexion, extension). Radiography (X-ray) of the spine with functional tests reveals deformities, displacements and fractures of vertebral structures. The main thing is that in this case, the patient with any injuries during the X-ray is not caused discomfort.
- Contrast X-ray examinations of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, duodenum), including under double contrast conditions.
- Contrast X-ray examinations of the large intestine by retrograde filling, including in conditions of double contrast, are called intestinal irrigoscopy.
- Contrast X-ray examinations of the female reproductive system (hysterosalpingography) to identify various pathologies, including one of the causes of infertility.
- Contrast X-ray examinations of the urinary system-excretory urography.
Radiography (X-ray) of the skull bones
Radiography (X-ray) of the skull bones diagnoses fractures, depressions, and cracks. This diagnostic procedure is performed in a straight and lateral projection, as well as in various specific layouts.
Radiography (X-ray) of bones and joints
Radiography (X-ray) of bones in the projection of large joints allows you to assess the structure of the articular surfaces and the lumen of the joint gap itself: shoulder joint elbow joint hip joint knee joint, etc.
Radiography (X-ray) of the spine
X-ray examination of the spine (spondylography) allows us to study the structure of the vertebrae, as transverse, spinous and articular processes, intervertebral joints and intervertebral foramen, the condition of the intervertebral discs and in functional radiographs or radiographs with functional tests and the degree of mobility in certain segments of the spine.
Radiography of the cervical spine must be performed at the slightest suspicion of its damage, regardless of the severity of neurological manifestations, and all victims in an unconscious state.
There are also varieties of radiography of the spine and spinal cord using contrast agents.To undergo X-ray diagnostics of a particular organ in the radiology department, you need to consult the medical staff of the radiography department about the preparation for this procedure in the clinic.
Cervical spine (flexion and extension views) X-rays are diagnostic imaging tests that involve taking images of the neck region in different positions, typically with the patient flexing and extending their neck. These X-rays are ordered to evaluate patients with suspected neck injuries, instability, or other conditions that affect the cervical spine. Here are some of the common indications for cervical spine flexion and extension views:
- Whiplash injury: This is a type of neck injury that occurs due to sudden and forceful back-and-forth movement of the neck. Cervical spine flexion and extension views are often ordered to evaluate for any injury to the ligaments, joints, or other structures in the cervical spine that can occur with whiplash.
- Cervical instability: Patients with certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Down syndrome, or congenital abnormalities may have instability in the cervical spine. Flexion and extension views can help detect any abnormal motion in the cervical spine that may be contributing to symptoms.
- Degenerative disc disease: Wear and tear on the cervical spine over time can lead to degenerative disc disease, which can cause pain and other symptoms. Flexion and extension views can help identify any abnormal motion or alignment of the vertebrae that may be causing symptoms.
- Previous cervical spine surgery: Patients who have had previous surgery on the cervical spine may need flexion and extension views to evaluate the stability of the surgical site.
- Trauma: Patients who have suffered trauma to the neck or head may need cervical spine flexion and extension views to evaluate for any fractures or other injuries.
It's important to note that cervical spine flexion and extension views are not always necessary for every patient with these conditions, and your healthcare provider will determine if this imaging study is appropriate for your specific situation.