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Prostatitis is an inflammation of the male reproductive gland - the prostate. The cause of prostatitis is most often infection of the genitourinary system, however, prostatitis can also occur of a non-infectious nature.

Prostatitis develops and manifests itself in the presence of adverse factors:

  • prostatitis as a result of hypothermia
  • prostatitis from a sedentary lifestyle
  • sedentary prostatitis (drivers, operators, managers, etc.)
  • prostatitis as a result of prolonged sexual abstinence and, conversely, excessive sexual activity
  • prostatitis as a result of regular constipation
  • prostatitis as a result of a suppressed immune system, stress, poor nutrition
  • prostatitis due to inflammatory diseases
  • prostatitis as a result of sexually transmitted and urological diseases
  • prostatitis due to alcohol abuse
The prostate is normal vondition and with inflammation (prostatitis).


Types of prostatitis

In acute prostatitis, the body temperature rises to 39-40 C, the patient is thrown into a fever, then a chill. Difficulty and painful urination. The developing edema of the prostate gland in acute prostatitis can cause acute urinary retention.

Chronic prostatitis proceeds clinically more calmly, but at any time with unfavorable factors, its exacerbation can occur.

Prostatitis, as a rule, leads to the development of vesiculitis - inflammation of the seminal vesicles, epididymoorchitis - inflammation of the testicles and their appendages. The consequence of complications of prostatitis is male infertility, impotence, premature ejaculation.


Prostatitis symptoms

Pain sensations with prostatitis are formed in the perineum, suprapubic region, testicles, lower back. Pain during urination worries more than half of patients with prostatitis. Pain during intercourse occurs in 5-12% of patients with prostatitis. Often, pain with prostatitis is aching and persistent.

With prostatitis, the patient has urination disorders - frequent and painful urination, increased urge to urinate and pain at the end of urination, a thin and sluggish stream of urine.

Sexual dysfunction in prostatitis - soreness during ejaculation, "erased" orgasm, early ejaculation or delay, weakening of erection, its incompleteness, and short duration.


Infertility with prostatitis

Sperm quality decreases due to prostatitis. With prostatitis in a man, the fertilizing ability of sperm is significantly impaired.


Treatment of prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis depends on the form of prostatitis and the stage of the disease, the patient's individual tolerance to various drugs. Competently and qualitatively selected complex treatment method, in most cases, allows you to completely get rid of prostatitis, at least from its unpleasant manifestations.

The use of acupuncture is very effective in the complex treatment of acute or chronic prostatitis.

Treatment of prostatitis can include the following types of therapy:

  • antibiotic therapy under the control of antibiotics
  • immunostimulating therapy
  • physiotherapy (laser-magnetic therapy, UHF)
  • reflexology (acupuncture)
  • local treatment - prostate massage, microclysters
  • symptomatic treatment
  • physiotherapy exercises, diet

Only a comprehensive treatment of prostatitis, under the supervision of a doctor, gives the desired result.

If prostatitis is not treated in time, it can become chronic.

With the course of the disease, very formidable complications of prostatitis may appear. These are decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, up to impotence, infertility, various urinary disorders, inflammation of other organs of the genitourinary system - vesiculitis, orchitis, epididymitis, testicular inflammation, epididymitis, pyelonephritis, and so on.

The most formidable consequences in the absence of treatment for prostatitis are adenoma and prostate cancer.

In the treatment of acute or chronic prostatitis, the elimination of swelling, inflammation, pain in the perineum is accelerated with the use of physiotherapy.

When the first signs of prostatitis appear, you should immediately consult a urologist. Only a doctor will be able to correctly diagnose, identify the cause and prescribe an effective treatment for prostatitis.


Prevention of prostatitis

Prevention of prostatitis:

  • avoid hypothermia
  • regular sex life
  • compulsory examination for the condition of the prostate 1-2 times a year
  • adherence to a sparing diet (exclusion of alcohol, spicy, fried, and canned foods)
  • after prostatitis, conducting preventive outpatient treatment at least 2 times a year for a month and one course of spa treatment