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Neurosis — it is one of the most common diseases. Sometimes neurosis can be massive (mass psychogenic illness). The common pathogenetic mechanism of neurosis is a disruption of the cerebral systems that provide adaptation to situations that hinder the satisfaction of needs. As a result, there is inappropriate behavior and the nervous tension with a sense of dissatisfaction (frustration), with the corresponding endocrine and autonomic manifestations.

Neurosis occur in women more often than men, probably due to the fact that family and personal hardships for women tend to be more significant. Neurosis occur in both children and adults, at any age, most often between 15 and 25 years, and in old age (involutional period).

As is known, the term "neurosis" means those states diseased higher nervous activity, which occurred as a result of overvoltage or neural processes themselves, or their mobility.

Neurosis - a functional neurodynamic state, that must be reversible.

Syndrome of somatoform disorder (autonomic dysfunction) in the neuroses occurs in 50% of cases. Neurosis as a disease related to border states and are the competence of psychiatrists. Meanwhile, patients with somatoform disorder (autonomic dysfunction), especially during the first call, visit a neurologist, who should promptly and properly solve the question of ownership of syndrome of somatoform disorder (autonomic dysfunction), a disease-specific, including the form of neurosis.

Neurosis in humans can occur not immediately but some time after the trauma caused by their under the influence subsequent mental processing traumatic events, the gradual clarification of the significance of what happened. This can play a role and extra stimuli that increase the pathogenic effect of the first. Other things being equal, they are easier to occur in psychopathic and accented especially in people as well as the pathological development of the personality.

Under the influence of trauma in people art, a sensitive type of hysteria is more likely to develop mental types - psychasthenia, intermediate type - neurasthenia. However, given the classical division of neuroses types of higher nervous activity of probation. In addition, the combined options can occur neuroses: tantrums, psychopathy, schizoid epileptoid form of psychopathy, masked depression, and others.

We know that emotions are associated mainly with the activity of the limbic system - the so-called visceral brain. He, in turn, is associated with a new crust, in particular the frontal (part of the temporal and parietal) lobes of the brain, which interact with matter in the origin of emotions and neuroses.

The study of brain activity on the EEG, MRI and a series of biochemical studies in patients with neuroses proved the absence of any organic changes in the brain in neuroses.

Neurosis - a functional state neurodynamic that must be reversible. According to Freud, neuroses - is increased under the influence of unfavorable factors peculiar complexes are formed in childhood.

Syndrome of somatoform disorder (autonomic dysfunction) is most clearly represented in the hysterical neurosis, which we discuss in more detail. The term "hysteria" is derived from the Greek word «hystero» (womb). It reflects the naive views of doctors of ancient Greece on the relationship of the disease with a wandering uterus in the body.

Under the hysteria (or hysterical neurosis) understand the disease, caused by the action of trauma in the pathogenesis of the role played by the mechanism of "flight into illness".

"Flight into illness" - a characteristic feature of hysteria, it gives one or another vital benefit, such as the removal of a life-threatening situation and may acquire the features of "conditional enjoyments or desires" and the mechanism of formation of a conditioned reflex to gain a foothold. It underlies the hysterical fixation painful symptom.

This explains why in hysteria symptoms affect its "rationality", the fact that there is one symptom that in these conditions, "convenient", "beneficial" for the patient.

Tremor, hysterical hyperkinesis, affective shock stupor, hysterical deaf-mutism and hysterical paralysis, hysterical attacks, astasia - abasia or hysterical twilight state caused by traumatic situation.

Typical symptoms of hysteria - increased emotivity, having the character of theatricality, pointedly and deliberately.

Neurosis - is primarily psychological disorientation when coexist two or more different directions mutually exclusive possibilities and / or the inability to time-limited. From therapeutic techniques relevant psychoanalysis. The same support is homeopathic emotional environment.