
Complete blood count (CBC)

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Complete blood count (CBC)

Modern hematological analyzers in the analysis of norms or changes in the blood may provide accurate and informative characteristics of blood cells. The purpose of this article is to help in the correct interpretation of hematological parameters of a complete blood count (CBC) norm.

Any change in the norm of complete blood count (CBC) are treated as pathological and require a thorough examination of the patient. Revealed blood changes in the hemogram in many diseases may have nonspecific character. In this case, the results of the blood test used for dynamic monitoring of patients and from the point of view of assessing the prognosis of the disease.

In diseases of the hematopoietic system study of norms or changes of complete blood count (CBC) is a paramount diagnostic value. Complete blood count (CBC) determines the strategy of further examination of the patient with subsequent selection of a treatment regimen and need for monitoring therapy.

In the hematological analyzers of different manufacturers normal blood counts will vary considerably depending on the norms of blood used in the country. Below are the normal peripheral blood counts (complete blood count norms) in adult men and women.

Normal values

Norm of complete blood count (CBC) in men

Indicator of complete blood count (CBC)
Normal values
Hemoglobin, g/L 130,0-160,0
Red blood cells (RBC), *1012/L 4,0-5,0
Hematocrit, % 40-48
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), pg 27,0-31,0
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), fL, mcm3 80,0-100,0
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), g/dL 30,0-38,0
RBC distribution width (RDW-CV), % 11,5-14,5
Reticulocyte count, ‰ (или %) 2,0-12,0 (0,2-1,2)
White blood cell (WBC) count, *109/L 4,0-9,0
  Neutrophils, % (*109/L)
       Segmented (segs)

1,0-6,0 (0,04-0,30)
47,0-72,0 (2,0-5,5)
  Eosinophils 0,5-5,0 (0,02-0,3)
  Basophils 0-1,0 (0-0,065)
  Lymphocytes 19,0-37,0 (1,2-3,0)
  Monocytes 3,0-11,0 (0,09-0,6)
Platelet count, *109/L 180,0-320,0
Mean platelet volume (MPV), fl 7,4-10,4
Platelet distribution width (PDW), % 10-20
Thrombocrit (PCT), % 0,15-0,40
ESR, mm/h 2,0-20,0


Norm of complete blood count (CBC) in women

Indicator of complete blood count (CBC)
Normal values
Hemoglobin, g/L 120,0-140,0
Red blood cells (RBC), *1012/L 3,9-4,7
Hematocrit, % 36-42
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), pg 27,0-31,0
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), fL, mcm3 80,0-100,0
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), g/dL 30,0-38,0
RBC distribution width (RDW-CV), % 11,5-14,5
Reticulocyte count, ‰ (или %) 2,0-12,0 (0,2-1,2)
White blood cell (WBC) count, *109/L 4,0-9,0
  Neutrophils, % (*109/L)
       Segmented (segs)

1,0-6,0 (0,04-0,30)
47,0-72,0 (2,0-5,5)
  Eosinophils 0,5-5,0 (0,02-0,3)
  Basophils 0-1,0 (0-0,065)
  Lymphocytes 19,0-37,0 (1,2-3,0)
  Monocytes 3,0-11,0 (0,09-0,6)
Platelet count, *109/L 180,0-320,0
Mean platelet volume (MPV), fl 7,4-10,4
Platelet distribution width (PDW), % 10-20
Thrombocrit (PCT), % 0,15-0,40
ESR, mm/h 2,0-20,0