- E cigarettes
- E. coli
- E. coli hemorrhagic diarrhea
- E. coli O157:H7
- E2F transcription factor 3
- E2F3
- Eagle syndrome
- Ear
- Ear bones
- Ear canal, self-cleaning
- Ear cleaning (by a doctor)
- Ear cleaning (yourself)
- Ear drum
- Ear hematoma
- Ear infection, middle (acute)
- Ear piercing
- Ear pit
- Ear puncture
- Ear ringing
- Ear tag
- Ear thermometer
- Ear tubes
- Ear wax
- Ear, cauliflower
- Ear, external
- Ear, foreign object in
- Ear, inner
- Ear, internal
- Ear, low-set
- Ear, malrotated
- Ear, middle
- Ear, outer
- Ear, slanted
- Earache
- Eardrum
- Early-onset familial Alzheimer disease
- Earthquake supplies kit
- Eastern equine encephalitis
- Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet
- EB (epidermolysis bullosa)
- EBA (epidermolysis bullosa acquisita)
- EBCT (electron beam computerized tomography)
- Ebola virus
- EBS (epidermolysis bullosa simplex)
- EC
- Ecchymosis
- Ecchymotic
- Echinacea
- Echinococcosis
- Echinococcus
- Echocardiogram
- Echocardiography
- Echocardiography, stress
- Echocardiography, transesophageal
- Echolalia
- Echopraxia
- Echovirus
- Eclampsia
- Eclosion
- ECochG
- ECoG
- Ecogenetics
- Economy class syndrome
- Ecstasy
- Ecstatic
- Ectoderm
- Ectodermal
- Ectodermal dysplasia
- Ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis
- ectomy
- Ectoparasite
- Ectoparasitosis
- Ectopia cordis
- Ectopic
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Ectrodactyly
- Ectromelia virus
- Ectropion
- Eczema
- Eczema vaccinatum
- Eczema, allergic contact
- Eczema, contact
- Eczema, dyshidrotic
- Eczema, nummular
- Eczema, seborrheic
- Ed Lewis
- Edema
- Edema, hereditary angioneurotic
- Edema, lymphatic
- Edentulism
- Edentulous
- EDS (excessive daytime sleepiness)
- Edward B. Lewis
- Edwards syndrome
- EEC Syndrome
- Effacement
- Effect, founder
- Effective dose
- Effects, fetal rubella
- Efferent
- Efferent nerve
- Efferent vessel
- Effusion
- Effusion, pericardial
- Effusion, pleural
- EGFR Exon 20 Mutation
- Egg
- Egg donor
- Egg sac
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VIIC
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, dermatosparaxis type
- Ehrlich, Paul
- Ehrlichiosis
- Eicosanoid
- Eicosapentaenoic acid
- Eidetic
- Eight-day measles
- Eighth cranial nerve
- Eileithyia
- Eisoptrophobia
- Ejaculate
- Ejaculation
- Ejaculatory duct
- Ejection fraction
- ELA2
- Elastase
- Elastase 1
- Elastase 2
- Elastase inhibitor
- Elastic fiber
- Elasticin
- Elastin
- Elastin degrading enzyme
- Elavil
- Elbow
- Elbow bursitis
- Elbow bursitis, treatment of
- Elbow dislocation
- Elbow joint
- Elbow pain
- Elbow subluxation
- Elbow, arthritis of the
- Elbow, cellulitis of the
- Elbow, golfer's
- Elbow, tennis
- Elbow, tip of the
- Elder abuse
- Elective
- Elective mutism
- Elective surgery
- Electro-oculography
- Electrocardiogram
- Electrocoagulation
- Electrocochleography
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Electrodesiccation
- Electroencephalogram
- Electrogastrogram
- Electrolarynx
- Electrolysis
- Electrolyte
- Electromagnetic field therapy
- Electromyogram
- Electromyogram, surface
- Electron beam computerized tomography (EBCT)
- Electron microscope
- Electron microscopy
- Electronystagmogram
- Electrophoresis
- Electrophoretic
- Electrophrenic respiration
- Electrophysiologic
- Electrophysiologic retinal testing
- Electrophysiologic study of the heart
- Electrophysiologic testing of the retina
- Electrophysiology
- Electroretinogram
- Electroretinography
- Electroshock therapy
- Electrosurgery
- Elephantiasis
- Elevated hemidiaphragm
- Eleventh cranial nerve
- Elizabeth Blackwell
- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
- Elizabethkingia
- Elliptocytosis
- Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
- EM (electron microscope)
- Emboli
- Embolism
- Embolism, crossed
- Embolism, Fat
- Embolism, paradoxical
- Embolism, pulmonary
- Embolization
- Embolus
- Embryo
- Embryonal carcinoma
- Embryonic hemoglobin
- Emergency birth control
- Emergency code
- Emergency contraception
- Emergency department
- Emergency medical technician
- Emergency physician
- Emergency postcoital contraception
- Emergency supplies kit
- Emerging infectious disease
- Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
- Emesis
- Emetic
- Emetophobia
- EMG syndrome
- EMG, surface
- emia
- Emotional child abuse
- Emotional eating
- Emphysema
- Empiric risk
- Empirical
- Empirical midwife
- Employment Retirement Income Security Act
- Empty nose syndrome
- Empyema
- Enanthem
- Enate
- Encapsulated
- Encephalitis
- Encephalitis, arboviral
- Encephalitis, eastern equine
- Encephalitis, flavivirus
- Encephalitis, LAC
- Encephalitis, LaCrosse
- Encephalitis, Nipah virus
- Encephalitis, Rasmussen
- Encephalitis, St. Louis
- Encephalitis, viral
- Encephalitis, West Nile
- Encephalomyelitis
- Encephalopathic syndrome
- Encephalopathy
- Encephalopathy, mitochondrial (MELAS)
- Enchondromatosis
- Encopresis
- End stage
- End-of-life assistant
- End-of-life companion
- End-of-the-road disease
- End-stage renal disease
- Endarterectomy
- Endemic
- Endemic typhus
- Endep
- Endocannabinoid
- Endocardial
- Endocarditis
- Endocardium
- Endocervical curettage
- Endochondral bone
- Endocrine
- Endocrine gland
- Endocrinology
- Endocrinopathy
- Endoderm
- Endodermal
- Endogenous
- Endometrial ablation
- Endometrial biopsy
- Endometrial cancer
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Endometrioid cyst
- Endometrioma
- Endometriosis
- Endometriosis interna
- Endometriosis uterina
- Endometritis
- Endometrium
- Endonuclease
- Endopeptidase
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Endorectal MRI
- Endorphin
- Endoscope
- Endoscopic gastrostomy, percutaneous (PEG)
- Endoscopic papillotomy
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
- Endoscopic sphincterotomy
- Endoscopic ultrasound
- Endoscopy
- Endoscopy, upper
- Endostatin
- Endothelial
- Endothelial progenitor cell
- Endothelium
- Endotherm
- Endotracheal tube
- Endourologist
- Endovaginal ultrasound
- Endovascular aneurysm repair
- Enediyne
- Enema
- Enema, barium
- Enervate
- Enervation
- Enfeeble
- Engagement
- Engram
- Enhanced external counterpulsation
- Enkephalinase
- Enlarged heart
- Enlarged liver
- Enlarged spleen
- Enlarged thyroid
- Enophthalmos
- Enoxaparin
- ENT physician
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Enteral
- Enteral nutrition
- Enteric
- Enteric-coated
- Enteritis, Crohn
- Enteritis, regional
- Entero-
- Enterobiasis
- Enterocele
- Enterococcus
- Enterocolitis, Crohn
- Enteropathy
- Enteropathy, gluten
- Enteropathy, protein-losing
- Enteroplasty
- Enteroscopy
- Enterospasm
- Enterostomal therapist
- Enterostomy
- Enterovirus
- Entomology
- Entomology, medical
- Entomophobia
- Enucleation
- Enuresis
- Environment
- Environmental medicine
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Environmental tobacco smoke
- Environmental toxicology
- Enzootic
- Enzyme
- Enzyme defect
- Enzyme replacement
- Enzyme, lysosomal
- Enzyme, restriction
- Enzyme, Warburg's yellow
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
- Enzymes
- Enzymes, yellow
- Eosinophil
- Eosinophilia
- Eosinophilia, familial
- Eosinophilic fasciitis
- Eosinophilic leukocyte
- Eosinophilic meningitis
- Ependymoma
- Ephedra
- Ephelides
- Ephelis
- Epi-
- Epicanthal fold
- Epicardium
- Epicondylitis
- Epicondylitis, lateral
- Epidemic
- Epidemic hemorrhagic fever
- Epidemic myalgia
- Epidemic scorecard
- Epidemic typhus
- Epidemiologist
- Epidemiology, classical
- Epidemiology, clinical
- Epidermal
- Epidermal growth factor
- Epidermal growth factor receptor
- Epidermis
- Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV)
- Epidermoid carcinoma
- Epidermolysis bullosa
- Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
- Epididymis
- Epididymitis
- Epidural
- Epidural anesthetic
- Epidural hematoma
- Epigastrium
- Epigenetic
- Epigenetics
- Epiglottis
- Epiglottitis, acute
- Epilation
- Epilepsy
- Epilepsy, grand mal
- Epilepsy, Jacksonian
- Epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic
- Epilepsy, partial
- Epilepsy, petit mal
- Epilepsy, temporal lobe
- Epilepsy, temporal-lobe
- Epinephrine
- EpiPen
- Epiphenomenon
- Epiphysis
- Epiretinal membrane
- Episclera
- Episcleritis
- Episiotomy
- Epispadias
- Epistaxis
- Epistaxis, treatment of
- Epistemic
- Epithelial
- Epithelial basement corneal dystrophy
- Epithelial carcinoma
- Epithelioid sarcoma
- Epithelium
- Epitope
- Epizootic
- EPO (erythropoietin)
- EPO test
- Eponym
- Epsom salt
- Epstein-Barr virus
- Equinophobia
- Equol
- ER
- Erb palsy
- Erb paralysis
- Erb's palsy
- ErbB
- ErbB1
- Erectile dysfunction
- Erection, penile
- Ergonomics
- Ergophobia
- Ergot
- Ergotism
- Erosion
- Erosive osteoarthritis
- Erotic jealousy syndrome
- Erotomania
- Error of the first kind
- Error of the second kind
- Error, alpha
- Error, beta
- Error, type I
- Error, type II
- Errors of metabolism, inborn
- ERT (estrogen replacement therapy)
- Eructation
- Eruption, bather's
- Eruptive xanthoma
- Erythema
- Erythema chronicum migrans
- Erythema dose
- Erythema infectiosum
- Erythema multiforme
- Erythema nodosum
- Erythrasma
- Erythrocyanosis
- Erythrocyte
- Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 (EPB41)
- Erythrodermic psoriasis
- Erythroleukemia
- Erythromycin
- Erythrophobia
- Erythroplakia
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
- Erythropoietin test
- Erythroprosopalgia
- Eschar
- Escherichia coli
- Eskalith
- Esophageal
- Esophageal acid infusion test
- Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
- Esophageal cancer
- Esophageal cancer with tylosis
- Esophageal reflux
- Esophageal speech
- Esophageal stricture, acute
- Esophageal stricture, chronic
- Esophageal ulcer
- Esophagectomy
- Esophagitis
- Esophagogastric tamponade
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Esophagoscopy
- Esophagram
- Esophagus
- Esophagus cancer
- Esotropia
- Essential
- Essential fatty acid
- Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
- Essential oil
- Essential tremor
- Essential vulvodynia
- EST (expressed sequence tag)
- Estimated date of confinement (EDC)
- Estrogen
- Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT)
- Estrogen, designer
- Estrogen-associated blood clots
- Estrogen-associated hypercoagulability
- Estrogen/progestin therapy
- Estrogens
- ET
- Ethmoid
- Ethmoid bone
- Ethmoid sinus
- Ethnography
- Ethyl acrylate
- Ethylene glycol poisoning
- Ethylene oxide
- Etiology
- ETM1
- ETM2
- Etymology, medical
- Eugenics
- Eukaryote
- Eukaryotic
- Euphenics
- Euphoria
- Euploid
- European typhus
- Eustachian tube
- Euthanasia
- Euthanasia, active
- Euthyroid
- Evacuation supplies kit
- Evening primrose oil
- Event
- Event, adverse
- Evert
- Evertor
- Evidence based medicine
- Evidence-based medicine
- Evolution
- Evolution, biologic
- Evolutionarily conserved gene
- Evolutionarily conserved sequence
- Ewing sarcoma
- Exacerbate
- Exacerbation
- Exaggerated startle disease
- Examination, digital rectal (DRE)
- Examination, postmortem
- Exanthem
- Exanthem subitum
- Excess iron
- Excess selenium
- Excess, calcium
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Exchange, gas
- Excimer laser
- Excise
- Excision
- Excisional
- Excisional biopsy
- Exclamation point hair
- Excoriate
- Excrescence
- Exemestane
- Exercise cardiac stress testing
- Exercise cardiac treadmill
- Exercise test
- Exercise treadmill test
- Exercise, aerobic
- Exercise, isometric
- Exercise, isotonic
- Exercise, passive
- Exercise-induced asthma
- Exercise-induced bronchospasm
- Exfoliate
- Exfoliation syndrome
- Exhaustion, heat
- Exhibitionism
- Exocrine
- Exocrine gland
- Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)
- Exogenous
- Exogenous DNA
- Exomphalos-macroglossia-gigantism syndrome
- Exon
- Exonuclease
- Exopeptidase
- Exophthalmos
- Exotropia
- Expectorant
- Expectoration
- Expiration date
- Explant
- Explicit memory
- Exploding head syndrome
- Expressed sequence tag (EST)
- Expression, gene
- Expressivity
- Expulsion, stage of
- Exstrophy
- Extended family
- Extended spectrum beta lactamases ESBLs
- Extension
- External ear
- External fixation
- External genitalia, female
- External genitalia, male
- External jugular vein
- External radiation therapy
- Extra systole
- Extracellular
- Extracolonic
- Extracorporeal
- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
- Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
- Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
- Extracranial
- Extracranial hematoma
- Extradural hematoma
- Extrafallopian
- Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
- Extrapyramidal side effects
- Extrapyramidal system
- Extrasystole
- Extrauterine
- Extrauterine pregnancy
- Extravasate
- Extremely low birth weight (ELBW) baby
- Extremity
- Extremophile
- Extrinsic
- Extubate
- Extubation
- Exudate
- Exudative angina
- Eye
- Eye bank
- Eye bleed
- Eye cataract
- Eye chart test
- Eye chart, Snellen's
- Eye color
- Eye Institute, National
- Eye Institute, National (NEI)
- Eye melanoma
- Eye pressure test
- Eye retraction syndrome
- Eye, absent
- Eye, dry
- Eye, lazy
- Eye, no
- Eye, small
- Eyedrop test
- Eyelash
- Eyelid
- Eyelid granulation
- Eyelid myokymia
- Eyelids, adult ptosis of the
- Eyelids, congenital ptosis of the
- Eyes, flashing lights in the
- Eyes, glaucoma
- Eyes, spots in front of the
- Eyetooth