- Jackknife seizure
- Jackson
- Jackson Laboratory
- Jackson Pratt drain
- Jackson, John Hughlings
- Jackson-Pratt drain
- Jacksonian epilepsy
- Jacksonian seizure
- Jadassohn-Lewandowski Syndrome
- Jail fever
- JAK3
- JAK3 inhibitor
- Jakob's disease
- Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
- Jamais vu
- James Ramsay Hunt
- James Watson
- Jamestown Canyon virus
- Jammed finger
- Janus kinase 3
- Japanese encephalitis
- Jaundice
- Jaundice, congenital hemolytic
- Jaundice, hemolytic
- Jaundice, neonatal
- Jaundice, obstructive
- Jaw
- Jawbone
- JC virus
- Jealousy, delusional
- JEB (junctional epidermolysis bullosa)
- Jejunal
- Jejunostomy
- Jejunum
- Jellyfish itch
- Jellyfish sting
- Jenner's method
- Jennerian method
- Jennerization
- Jenny Craig
- Jequirity pea
- Jerk, hypnic
- Jerk, sleep
- Jet lag
- Jewett staging system
- Jimmy Fund
- Jock itch
- Jogger's nails
- John H. Gibbon, Jr.
- John Hughlings Jackson
- John La Montagne
- John W. Kirkland
- Johnnies
- Johnny
- Johnson-Stevens syndrome
- Joint
- Joint aspiration
- Joint hypermobility syndrome
- Joint, AC
- Joint, acetabular
- Joint, acromioclavicular
- Joint, ankle
- Joint, atlas and axis
- Joint, atloaxoid
- Joint, ball-and-socket
- Joint, calcaneocuboid
- Joint, elbow
- Joint, knee
- Joint, patellofemoral
- Joint, shoulder
- Joint, temporomandibular
- Joint, TM
- Joints of the body, principal
- Jones Fracture
- Jordi Casals-Ariet
- Joseph Warshaw
- Joshua Lederberg
- Journal of Clinical Investigation
- Journal of the American Medical Association
- Journal of the National Cancer Institute
- Journal, medical, first American
- Journals, medical
- JP drain
- Jugular
- Jugular vein
- Jugular vein, external
- Jugular vein, internal
- Julius Axelrod
- Jumper's knee
- Junctional epidermolysis bullosa
- Juncture
- June cold
- Junk DNA
- Jurisprudence, medical
- Juvenile
- Juvenile chronic arthritis, systemic-onset
- Juvenile chronic myelogenous leukemia
- Juvenile CML
- Juvenile diabetes
- Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis
- Juvenile intestinal polyposis
- Juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis
- Juvenile melanoma
- Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
- Juvenile polyposis
- Juvenile polyposis coli
- Juvenile polyposis of stomach
- Juvenile polyposis syndrome
- Juvenile retinoschisis
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- Juvenile-onset diabetes
- Juxta-
- Juxtaarticular
- Juxtaglomerular apparatus
- Juxtaposition
- Juxtapyloric
- Juxtaspinal
- Juxtavesicular