- L
- l-
- L1-L5 (lumbar vertebrae)
- La Leche League
- La Montagne
- La Montagne, John
- Lab
- Lab result
- Lab test
- Labia
- Labia majora
- Labia minora
- Labia, oral
- Labia, vaginal
- Labial
- Labial herpes
- Labial sounds
- Labile
- Labile diabetes
- Lability
- Labiodental sound
- Labium
- Labor
- Labor support professional
- Labor, false
- Laboratory
- Laboratory, Jackson
- Labra
- Labrocyte
- Labrose
- Labrum
- Labyrinth
- Labyrinthitis
- LAC encephalitis
- Laceration
- Lacrimal
- Lacrimal gland
- Lacrimal System Probing and Irrigation
- Lacrimation
- LaCrosse encephalitis
- Lactase
- Lactase deficiency
- Lactate dehydrogenase
- Lactation
- Lactic acidosis
- Lactobacillus
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactose
- Lactose intolerance
- Lacuna
- Lamarckism
- LAMB syndrome
- Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
- Lamella
- Lamin A
- Lamin A/C
- Lamina
- Laminaria
- Laminectomy
- Laminopathy
- LaMontagne
- Lancet
- Lancet device
- Lancet, The
- Lancing device
- Landau-Kleffner syndrome
- Landry ascending paralysis
- Landry's ascending paralysis
- Landslide injury
- Langer-Saldino type achondrogenesis
- Langerhans, islets of
- Lansing virus
- Lanugo
- Laparoscope
- Laparoscopic
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- Laparoscopic staging
- Laparoscopy
- Laparotomy
- Large bowel
- Large cell carcinoma
- Large intestine
- Large saphenous vein
- Large-cell lymphoma
- Laribacter hongkongensis
- Laryngeal
- Laryngeal dystonia
- Laryngeal framework surgery
- Laryngeal nerve palsy
- Laryngeal nerve, recurrent
- Laryngeal palsy
- Laryngeal papilloma
- Laryngeal papillomatosis
- Laryngeal papillomatosis, juvenile
- Laryngeal stenosis
- Laryngectomee
- Laryngectomy
- Laryngectomy, partial
- Laryngectomy, total
- Laryngitis
- Laryngitis, reflux
- Laryngomalacia
- Laryngoscope
- Laryngoscopist
- Laryngoscopy
- Laryngostasis
- Laryngotomy
- Larynx
- Larynx transplant
- Laser
- Laser coagulation
- Laser Eyelid Tissue Resurfacing
- Laser hair removal
- Laser surgery
- Laser surgery, YAG
- Laser, argon
- Laser, excimer
- Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
- Laser-Assisted Subepithelial Keratectomy (LASEK)
- Lassa fever
- Lassa virus
- Lassitude
- Last menstrual period
- Late infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy
- Latent
- Lateral
- Lateral Canthotomy and Cantholysis
- Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) of the knee
- Lateral epicondylitis
- Lateral femoral cutaneous mononeuropathy
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve syndrome
- Lateral meniscus of the knee
- Lateral ventricle
- Lateral X-ray
- Latham bowl
- Lattice dystrophy
- Laughing gas
- Launois-Bensaude syndrome
- Lauterbur
- Lauterbur, Paul C.
- Lavage
- Law, Hardy-Weinberg
- Lawson Wilkins
- Laxative
- Lay midwife
- Laying on of hands
- Laynx, pneumatic
- Lazy eye
- lb.
- LCHAD deficiency
- LCL (lateral collateral ligament) of the knee
- LDL (low-density lipoprotein)
- LDL cholesterol
- Lead poisoning
- Lead-based paint
- Leaded
- Leaded gasoline
- Leaded petrol
- Leaky gut or leaky gut syndrome
- Lean body mass
- Learning disability
- Learning problem
- Leber Congenital Amaurosis
- Lecithinase
- Lectin
- Lederberg
- Leech
- Leech therapy
- Left atrium
- Left heart
- Left heart hypoplasia syndrome
- Left hepatic duct
- Left ventricle
- Left ventricular assist device
- Left-handed
- Leg
- Leg pain with cramping
- Leg, ankle and foot bones
- Leg, lower
- Leg, upper
- Legal blindness
- Legal medicine
- Legg disease
- Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
- Legg-Perthes disease
- Legionella
- Legionnaire disease
- Leigh's disease
- Leiomyoma
- Leiomyosarcoma
- Leishmania
- Leishmania infection
- Leishmaniasis
- Leishmaniasis, visceral
- Lemierre syndrome
- Lenin
- Lennox syndrome
- Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
- Lens
- Lens, intraocular
- Lens, objective
- Lens, ocular
- Lentigines
- Lentiginosis profusa syndrome
- Lentigo
- Lentigo maligna melanoma
- Lentigo, senile
- Lenz microphthalmia syndrome
- Leon virus
- Leonardo da Vinci
- LEOPARD syndrome
- Leper
- Lepra
- Leprosy
- Leptin
- Leptomeningeal
- Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis
- Leptomeninges
- Leptospirosis
- Lesbian
- Lesbianism
- Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
- Lesion
- Let down reflex
- Lethal
- Lethal gene, zygotic
- Lethargy
- Letrozole
- Leu
- Leucemia
- Leucine
- Leucovorin
- Leuk-
- Leukemia
- Leukemia, accelerated phase of
- Leukemia, acute
- Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic
- Leukemia, acute lymphocytic
- Leukemia, acute myelogenous
- Leukemia, acute myeloid
- Leukemia, acute nonlymphocytic
- Leukemia, blastic phase of
- Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic
- Leukemia, chronic phase of
- Leukemia, hairy cell
- Leukemia, hairy-cell
- Leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
- Leukemia, lymphocytic
- Leukemia, myelogenous
- Leukemia, refractory
- Leukemia, smoldering
- Leukemia, t(8;21)
- Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis
- Leukemoid reaction
- Leuko-
- Leukocoria
- Leukocyte count
- Leukocyte, granular
- Leukocyte,eosinophilic
- Leukocytes
- Leukocytosis
- Leukodystrophy
- Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter
- Leukomalacia, cystic periventricular
- Leukopenia
- Leukoplakia
- Leukoreduction
- Leukotriene
- Level 1 biosafety
- Level 2 biosafety
- Level 3 biosafety
- Level 4 biosafety
- Levite
- Levo-
- Levocardia
- Levonorgestrel
- Levothyroxine
- Lewis Thomas
- Lewis, Edward B
- Lhermitte sign
- LHRH agonist
- Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS)
- Libido
- Library
- Library of Medicine, National (NLM)
- Library, arrayed
- Library, cDNA
- Library, genomic
- Lice, head
- Lice, pubic
- Licensed clinical social worker
- Lichen planus
- Lichenification
- Lichtenberg figures
- Liddle syndrome
- Life support
- Life-support
- Lifestyle disease
- Lifetime risk
- Ligament
- Ligament, anterior cruciate
- Ligament, lateral collateral knee
- Ligament, medial collateral knee
- Ligament, patellar
- Ligament, posterior cruciate
- Ligaments, knee
- Ligand
- Ligate
- Ligature
- Lightening
- Lightheadedness
- Lightning injuries
- Lights, flashing
- Lilliputian hallucination
- Limb
- Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
- Liminal
- Lindane
- Lindau-von Hippel syndrome
- Line, central
- Line, central venous
- Line, germ
- Line, single transverse palmar
- Lineage, cell
- Lingual
- Lingual gyrus
- Lining, uterine
- Linkage
- Linkage analysis
- Linkage map
- Linus Pauling
- Lip
- Lip, cleft
- Lipectomy, suction-assisted
- Lipid
- Lipid profile
- Lipid storage diseases
- Lipids
- Lipitor
- Lipodystrophy
- Lipodystrophy syndrome
- Lipodystrophy, cephalothoracic
- Lipoid nephrosis
- Lipoidosis, sphingomyelin
- Lipoma
- Lipomatosis, multiple symmetric
- Lipophilin
- Lipoprotein
- Lipoproteins
- Liposarcoma
- Liposuction
- Liposuction, tumescent
- Liposuction, ultrasonic-assisted
- Lips
- Liquid diet
- Liquid nitrogen
- Liquor cerebrospinalis
- Lisfranc Fracture
- Lissencephaly
- Lissencephaly syndrome
- Listeria
- Listeriosis
- Liter
- Lithium
- Lithium carbonate
- Litho-
- Lithobid
- Lithotomy
- Lithotomy position
- Lithotripsy
- Lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave
- Lithotripsy, percutaneous nephro- (PNL)
- Lithotriptor
- Litmus
- Litmus test
- Little lady of Flores
- Little People of America
- Live animal market
- Livedo reticularis
- Liver
- Liver biopsy
- Liver cancer, adult primary
- Liver cancer, childhood
- Liver disease
- Liver Failure
- Liver fluke
- Liver of pregnancy, acute fatty
- Liver pain
- Liver shunt
- Liver spot
- Liver transplant
- Liver transplantation, living donor
- Livid
- Living donor liver transplantation
- Living will
- Lizard bite
- LL
- LN2
- Loa loa
- Lobar
- Lobe
- Lobectomy
- Lobotomy
- Lobstein's disease
- Lobular carcinoma of the breast, infiltrating
- Lobule
- Local seizure
- Local therapy
- Local treatment
- Lochia
- Locked-in syndrome
- Lockjaw
- Locomotion
- Locomotive system
- Locoregional
- Locoregional anesthesia
- Locoregional metastasis
- Locus
- Locus minoris resistentiae
- LOD score
- Loeys-Dietz syndrome
- Loiasis
- Loin
- Loneliness, fear of
- Long arm of a chromosome
- Long QT syndrome
- Long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase def
- Long-term care facility
- Long-term memory
- Longevity
- Longitudinal
- Longitudinal section
- Longitudinal study
- Lordosis
- Loss-of-function mutation
- Lou Gehrig disease
- Louise Brown
- Louse-borne typhus
- Love pearls
- Low back pain
- Low blood pressure
- Low blood sugar
- Low carb diet
- Low placenta
- Low platelets
- Low tension glaucoma
- Low testosterone
- Low vision
- Low vision device
- Low-grade lymphoma
- Low-set ear
- Lower GI series
- Lower leg
- Lower motor neuron
- Lower segment Cesarian section (LSCS)
- LP (lumbar puncture)
- Lubricant
- Lucid dreaming
- Lues
- Luetic
- Lumbar
- Lumbar discography
- Lumbar lordosis
- Lumbar puncture
- Lumbar radiculopathy
- Lumbar spinal stenosis
- Lumbar strain
- Lumbar vertebrae
- Lumen
- Lumpectomy
- Lung cancer
- Lung cancer, familial
- Lung cancer, non-small cell
- Lung cancer, oat cell
- Lung cancer, small cell
- Lung reduction surgery
- Lung transplant
- Lung volume reduction surgery
- Lung, and Blood Institute, National Heart,
- Lung, collapsed
- Lung, popcorn
- Lungs
- Lunula
- Lunule
- Lupus
- Lupus in pregnancy
- Luschka, foramina of
- Luteinizing hormone
- Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
- Luxation
- Lycanthropy
- Lycopene
- Lyme disease
- Lymph
- Lymph gland
- Lymph node
- Lymph node, sentinel
- Lymphadenitis, regional
- Lymphadenopathy
- Lymphadenopathy virus
- Lymphadenopathy-associated virus
- Lymphangiogram
- Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
- Lymphangioma
- Lymphangitis
- Lymphatic
- Lymphatic edema
- Lymphatic filariasis
- Lymphatic system
- Lymphatic tissue
- Lymphatics
- Lymphedema
- Lymphedema, congenital
- Lymphoblastic leukemia, acute (ALL)
- Lymphocyte
- Lymphocytic
- Lymphocytic colitis
- Lymphocytic leukemia, acute (ALL)
- Lymphocytosis
- Lymphogranuloma venereum
- Lymphoid
- Lymphoid tissue
- Lymphoma
- Lymphoma, aggressive
- Lymphoma, AIDS-related
- Lymphoma, Burkitt
- Lymphoma, high-grade
- Lymphoma, indolent
- Lymphoma, intermediate-grade
- Lymphoma, low-grade
- Lymphoma, lymphoblastic
- Lymphoma, MALT
- Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin
- Lymphoproliferative
- Lymphoproliferative disorders
- Lymphoreticulosis, benign
- Lynch syndrome
- Lyon hypothesis
- Lyonization
- Lyophilization
- Lyophilize
- Lys
- Lysenkoism
- Lysergic acid diethylamide
- Lysine
- Lysis
- Lysosomal enzyme
- Lysosome
- Lytic