- T (thymine)
- T cell
- T cell, peripheral
- T lymphocyte, cytotoxic
- T-4 cell
- T-4 count
- T-8 cells
- T-cell depletion
- T-cell leukemia
- T-cell lymphoma
- T-cell receptor
- T-helper cell
- T-suppressor cell
- T-suppressor cells
- T-suppressor count
- t.i.d. (on prescription)
- T1-T12 (thoracic vertebrae)
- T4
- Tabes dorsalis
- Table
- Tablespoon
- Tablet
- Tablet splitter
- Tablet splitting
- Tabun
- Tache noire
- Tachycardia
- Tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial
- Tachycardia, sinus
- Tachycardia, ventricular
- Tachypnea
- Tactile
- Tactile device
- Taenia
- Taenia armata
- Taenia asiatica
- Taenia dentata
- Taenia saginata
- Taenia solium
- Taeniasis
- Tag, ear
- Tag, preauricular
- Tag, skin
- Tail
- Tailbone
- Taint
- Takayasu arteritis
- Takayasu disease
- Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
- Talc
- Talipes
- Talipes equinovarus
- Talus
- Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
- Tampon
- Tamponade, balloon
- Tamponade, cardiac
- Tamponade, chronic
- Tamponade, esophagogastric
- Tamponade, pericardial
- Tanapox
- Tandem mass spectrometry
- Tandem MS
- Tandem repeat sequences
- Tap, joint (aspiration)
- Tap, spinal
- Tapazol
- Tapeworm
- Tapeworm infection, pork
- Tapeworm, African
- Tapeworm, armed
- Tapeworm, beef
- Tapeworm, measly
- Tapeworm, pork
- Taphephobia
- TAR syndrome
- Tarantism
- Tarantismo
- Tardive dyskinesia
- Targeted radiation therapy
- Tarsal cyst
- Tarsal gland
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Tarsus
- Tarsus, bony
- Tartar
- Tassinari syndrome
- Taste
- Taste bud
- Tattoo
- Tattoo removal
- Tattoos & permanent makeup
- Tay-Sachs disease
- TB
- TB Test
- TC-99 tetrofosmin scintimammography
- Td
- Td immunization
- Tear
- Tear film
- Tear gas poisoning
- Tear gland
- Teaspoon
- Technetium tetrofosmin scintimammography
- Technology transfer
- Technology, recombinant DNA
- Teeth, wisdom
- Teething
- Telangiectasia perstans
- Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic
- Telemedicine
- Teleological
- Teleology
- Telepathology
- Telesurgery
- Telogen effluvium
- Telomerase
- Telomere
- Temperature
- Temple
- Temporal
- Temporal arteritis
- Temporal bone
- Temporal lobe
- Temporal lobe epilepsy
- Temporal-lobe epilepsy
- Temporary loss of consciousness
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
- Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
- Ten-day measles
- Tendinitis
- Tendo Achilles
- Tendo calcaneus
- Tendon
- Tendon, Achilles
- Tendon, patellar
- Tendonitis, Achilles
- Tendonitis, patellar
- Tendonopathy
- Tendonopathy, patellar
- Tenesmus
- Tenia
- Tennis elbow
- Tenormin
- Tenosynovitis, De Quervain's
- Tension
- Tension pneumothorax
- Tension, arterial
- Tension, intraocular
- Tension, intravenous
- Tent, oxygen
- Tenth cranial nerve
- ter in die (on prescription)
- Teratogen
- Teratogen, coumadin as
- Teratogen, Ecstasy as
- Teratogen, warfarin as
- Teratogenic
- Teratogenic drugs
- Teratoid
- Teratoma
- Teratoma, ovarian
- Teratophobia
- Teres minor muscle
- Terminal ileitis
- Termination codon
- Test, allergy scratch
- Test, allergy skin
- Test, auditory brainstem response
- Test, Brazelton
- Test, CA 125
- Test, carcinoembryonic antigen
- Test, CEA
- Test, child development
- Test, Denver Developmental Screening
- Test, EPO
- Test, erythropoietin
- Test, exercise
- Test, exercise cardiac stress
- Test, exercise treadmill
- Test, eye chart
- Test, eyedrop
- Test, fecal occult blood
- Test, Fisher's exact
- Test, fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed
- Test, FTA-ABS
- Test, Gesell Developmental
- Test, glucose tolerance
- Test, inkblot
- Test, nerve conduction
- Test, NSE
- Test, ovarian cancer CA 125
- Test, Pap
- Test, pharmacologic stress
- Test, physiologic stress
- Test, prostate specific antigen
- Test, PSA
- Test, pupil dilation
- Test, radionucleide stress
- Test, rapid plasma reagin
- Test, rapid strep
- Test, Rorschach
- Test, RPR
- Test, stool occult blood
- Test, stress echocardiography
- Test, sweat
- Test, sweat chloride
- Test, syphilis (FTA-ABS)
- Test, syphilis (RPR)
- Test, syphilis (VDRL)
- Test, ThinPrep Pap
- Test, tilt-table
- Test, treadmill
- Test, triglyceride
- Test, VDRL
- Test, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
- Test, visual acuity
- Test, visual field
- Testes
- Testicles
- Testicular cancer
- Testicular feminization syndrome
- Testicular self-examination
- Testing, anonymous
- Testis
- Testosterone
- Testosterone replacement therapy
- Tetanus
- Tetany
- Tetracycline
- Tetraethyl lead
- Tetraethylplumbane
- Tetrafluoroethylene
- Tetrahydrogestrinone
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Tetranucleotide
- Tetrapeptide
- Tetraphocomelia-thrombocytopenia syndrome
- Th1
- Th2
- Th3
- Thai hemorrhagic fever
- Thalassemia
- Thalassemia major
- Thalassemia minor
- Thalassemia, alpha
- Thalassemia, beta
- Thalassiosira pseudonana
- Thalidomide baby
- Thallium
- Thallium poisoning
- Thallium scan
- Thanatology
- Thanatophobia
- Thanatophoric dysplasia
- The Lancet
- The South Beach Diet
- Thelarche
- Thelazia gulosa
- Theorem, Bayes
- Therapeutic
- Therapeutic abortion
- Therapeutic cloning
- Therapeutic touch
- Therapeutics
- Therapy
- Therapy, adjuvant
- Therapy, antiretroviral (ART)
- Therapy, behavior
- Therapy, biological
- Therapy, cell
- Therapy, constraint-induced movement
- Therapy, electroconvulsive
- Therapy, electroshock
- Therapy, estrogen replacement (ERT)
- Therapy, external beam radiation
- Therapy, family
- Therapy, fever
- Therapy, gene
- Therapy, grief
- Therapy, hormone replacement (HRT)
- Therapy, human gene
- Therapy, interpersonal
- Therapy, maintenance
- Therapy, psychodynamic
- Therapy, pulmonary
- Therapy, PUVA
- Therapy, respiratory
- Therapy, salvage
- Therapy, testosterone replacement
- Thermally induced asthma
- Thermometer
- Thermometer, ear
- Thermophobia
- Thermostat
- Thiamine
- Thiamine deficiency, infantile
- Thiazolidinedione
- Thigh
- Thigh bone
- Thimerosal
- ThinPrep Pap test
- Thioxanthene
- Third and fourth pharyngeal pouch syndrome
- Third cranial nerve
- Third degree burn
- Third stage of labor
- Third ventricle
- Thogotovirus (Bourbon virus)
- Thomas Campion
- Thomas Sydenham
- Thomas, Lewis
- Thoracentesis
- Thoraces
- Thoracic
- Thoracic aneurysm
- Thoracic aorta
- Thoracic cage
- Thoracic duct
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Thoracic vertebrae
- Thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO)
- Thoracotomy
- Thorax
- Thoraxes
- Thorn, George W.
- Thr
- Three day fever
- Three-day fever
- Threonine
- Thrive, failure to (FTT)
- Throat
- Throat Cancer
- Thrombectomy
- Thrombi
- Thrombin
- Thrombinogen
- Thrombocyte
- Thrombocythemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Thrombocytopenia, heparin-induced
- Thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome
- Thrombocytopenic purpura, acute
- Thrombocytosis
- Thromboembolism
- Thrombolytic agent
- Thrombophilia
- Thrombophlebitis
- Thrombosis
- Thrombosis, cavernous sinus
- Thrombosis, deep vein (DVT)
- Thrombospondin
- Thrombotic disease due to protein C deficiency
- Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
- Thromboxane
- Thromboxane A2
- Thromboxane B2
- Thrombus
- Thrush
- Thumb
- Thymine (T)
- Thymoglobulin
- Thymoma
- Thymosin
- Thymus
- Thymus and parathyroids, hypoplasia of
- Thymus gland
- Thyrocalcitonin
- Thyroglobulin
- Thyroglossal cyst
- Thyroglossal duct cyst
- Thyroid
- Thyroid binding globulin
- Thyroid cancer
- Thyroid cartilage
- Thyroid gland
- Thyroid hormone
- Thyroid hormone organification defect IIb
- Thyroid hormone receptor
- Thyroid hormones
- Thyroid insufficiency
- Thyroid peroxidase test
- Thyroid scan
- Thyroid stimulating hormone
- Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI)
- Thyroid storm
- Thyroidectomy
- Thyroiditis
- Thyroiditis, autoimmune
- Thyroiditis, Hashimoto
- Thyroiditis, postpartum
- Thyroiditis, subacute
- Thyrolingual cyst
- Thyroplasty
- Thyrotropin
- Thyroxine
- Tibia
- Tibia vara
- Tibial bowing
- Tibial muscular dystrophy
- Tic
- Tic disorder
- Tic douloureux
- Tick
- Tick bite
- Tick fever
- Tick typhus
- Tick typhus, African
- Tick typhus, Queensland
- Tick, American dog
- Tick, Rocky Mountain wood
- Tick-borne disease
- Tick-borne rickettsioses of the eastern hemisphere
- Tick-borne rickettsiosis, north Asian
- Ticks
- Tight foreskin
- Tilt-table test
- Tilted disc syndrome
- Time, prothrombin
- Timothy syndrome
- Tinea barbae
- Tinea capitis
- Tinea cruris
- Tinea incognito
- Tinea unguium
- Tinel's sign
- Tinnitus
- Tipped Uterus
- Tired
- Tiredness
- Tissue
- Tissue plasminogen activator
- Tissue, connective
- Tissue, lymphoid
- Titer
- Titin
- Titre
- TLR4
- TMJ syndrome
- Toasted skin syndrome
- Tobacco
- Tobacco smoke, environmental
- Tobacco smoking
- Toc- (prefix)
- Toco-
- Tocolysis
- Tocolytic
- Tocolytic agent
- Tocophobia
- Tocus
- Toddler
- Toddler elbow
- Toddler's fracture
- Toe sign
- Toe, turf
- Toenail
- Toenail, ingrown
- Toes, six
- Toilet
- Tok-
- Toko- (prefix)
- Tolerance
- Tolerance, immune
- Toll receptor
- Toll-like receptor 4
- Toluidine
- Tom-
- Tommy John surgery
- Tomo-
- Tomogram
- Tomograph
- Tomography
- Tomography, computerized
- Tomography, computerized axial
- Tone deafness
- Tongue
- Tongue base
- Tongue cancer
- Tongue tie
- Tongue, anterior
- Tonic Seizure
- Tonic-clonic seizure
- Tonometry
- Tonotopic
- Tonotopy
- Tonsil stone
- Tonsillectomy
- Tonsillitis
- Tonsillolith
- Tonsils
- Tooth
- Tooth and nail syndrome
- Tooth erosion
- Tooth numbering
- Tooth root
- Tooth root sensitivities
- Tooth, cracked, syndrome
- Tooth, wisdom
- Toothache
- Tophaceous gout
- Tophi
- Tophus
- Topical
- Topical chemotherapy
- Topoisomerase
- TORCH screen
- Tornado supplies kit
- Torpor
- Torre syndrome
- Torsion dystonia
- Torsion fracture
- Torticollis
- Torticollis, congenital
- Torticollis, spasmodic
- Torture
- Torus fracture
- Total hip replacement
- Total hysterectomy
- Total knee replacement
- Total laryngectomy
- Total parenteral nutrition
- Totipotent
- Tourette syndrome
- Toxaphene
- Toxemia
- Toxic agent syndrome
- Toxic goiter, diffuse
- Toxic hepatitis
- Toxic multinodular goiter
- Toxic shock
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Toxic syndrome
- Toxicity
- Toxicogenomics
- Toxicology
- Toxin
- Toxin, anthrax
- Toxin, botulinum
- Toxo (toxoplasmosis)
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Toxoplasmosis (toxo)
- tPA
- TPH2
- Trabecula
- Trabeculectomy
- Trachea
- Trachelectomy
- Tracheoesophageal puncture
- Tracheomalacia
- Tracheostomy
- Tracheostomy button
- Tracheostomy tube
- Trachoma
- Traction
- Traction, orthopedic
- Traditional Chinese medicine
- Traditional midwife
- Traditional oriental medicine
- Training, cross
- Trait
- Trait, dominant lethal
- Trait, sickle cell
- Tranquilizer
- Trans fat
- Trans fatty acid
- Trans- (prefix)
- Transaminase biochemistry
- Transaminase clinical usage
- Transaminase nomenclature
- Transaminase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic
- Transaminase, serum glutamic pyruvic (SGPT)
- Transcranial
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Transcription
- Transcription factor
- Transcriptome
- Transcriptomics
- Transdifferentiation
- Transducer
- Transesophageal echocardiography
- Transfer RNA (tRNA)
- Transferrin
- Transformation, genetic
- Transforming growth factor
- Transforming principle
- Transfusion
- Transfusion medicine
- Transgenic
- Transient global amnesia
- Transient insomnia
- Transient ischemic attack (TIA, Mini-Stroke)
- Transillumination
- Transition, menopause
- Transitional cell carcinoma
- Transjugular, intrahepatic, portosystemic shunt
- Translation
- Translocation 11 childhood leukemia
- Translocation, reciprocal
- Translocation, Robertsonian
- Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
- Transmission distortion
- Transmission, perinatal
- Transmission, vertical
- Transmyocardial laser revascularization
- Transplant
- Transplant, bone marrow
- Transplant, corneal
- Transplant, hand and forearm
- Transplant, heart
- Transplant, kidney
- Transplant, liver
- Transplant, lung
- Transplant, renal
- Transplantation genetics
- Transplantation, cross-species
- Transplantation, peripheral blood stem cell
- Transport defect
- Transport disease, cystine
- Transporter gene
- Transposition, genetics
- Transposon
- Transsexual
- Transsexualism
- Transthyretin
- Transthyretin Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy
- Transudate
- Transurethral resection
- Transvaginal ultrasound
- Transverse
- Transverse fracture
- Transverse myelitis
- Transvestism
- Transvestite
- Transvestitism
- TRAP sequence
- Trauma
- Trauma center
- Traumatic alopecia
- Traumatic asphyxia
- Traumatic brain injury
- Traumatology
- Travel medicine
- Travel-related disease
- Traveler's diarrhea
- Treacher Collins syndrome
- Treacle
- Treadmill
- Treadmill test
- Treadmill, exercise
- Treatment, palliative
- Treatment, PUVA
- Treatment, symptomatic
- Tremor
- Trench fever
- Trench mouth
- Treponema pallidum
- Triage
- Trial, clinical
- Triceps
- Trich- (prefix)
- Trichina spiralis
- Trichinella spiralis
- Trichinellosis
- Trichinosis
- Trichloroethylene
- Tricho- (prefix)
- Trichobezoar
- Trichoepithelioma
- Trichomonas
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- Trichomoniasis
- Trichotillomania
- Trichuriasis
- Trichuris trichiura
- Tricuspid
- Tricuspid valve
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Trigeminal nerve
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Trigger
- Triglyceride test
- Triglycerides
- Triiodothyronine
- Trimester
- Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO)
- Trimethylaminuria (TMA)
- Trimox
- Trinucleotide
- Trip
- Trip-hammer pulse
- Tripeptide
- Triphalangeal
- Triple C's
- Triplet
- Triptan
- Triptans (Triptan)
- Triskaidekaphobia
- Trismus
- Trismus and pseudocamptodactyly syndrome
- Trismus-pseudocamptodactyly syndrome
- Trisomy
- Trisomy 13 syndrome
- Trisomy 18 syndrome
- Trisomy 21 syndrome
- Tritiated
- Tritium
- tRNA
- Trocar
- Trochanter
- Troche
- Trochlear nerve
- Tropical cyclone
- Tropical diabetes
- Tropical oil
- Tropical typhus
- Trp
- True cramp
- True rib
- Truncate
- Truncation
- Trunk bones
- Trunk, pulmonary
- Trypanosoma cruzi
- Trypanosomiasis, African
- Trypanosomiasis, American
- Trypophobia
- Tryptophan
- TSC1
- TSC2
- TSH receptor
- Tsutsugamushi disease
- TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
- Tubal occlusion procedure, selective (STOP)
- Tubal pregnancy
- Tube
- Tube feeding
- Tube, auditory
- Tube, ear
- Tube, endotracheal
- Tube, Eustachian
- Tube, Fallopian
- Tube, nasogastric
- Tube, NG
- Tube, otopharyngeal
- Tube, swallowing
- Tube, tympanostomy
- Tuber
- Tubercle
- Tubercular
- Tuberculin
- Tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis treatment
- Tuberculosis vaccination
- Tuberculosis, active
- Tuberculosis, antibiotic-resistant
- Tuberculosis, avian
- Tuberculosis, bovine
- Tuberculosis, dormant
- Tuberculosis, drug-resistant
- Tuberculosis, extrapulmonary
- Tuberculosis, genetic susceptibility to
- Tuberculosis, MDR
- Tuberculosis, miliary
- Tuberculosis, pulmonary
- Tuberculotic
- Tuberculous
- Tuberculous diskitis
- Tuberculous meningitis
- Tuberoeruptive xanthoma
- Tuberous sclerosis
- Tuberous sclerosis 1
- Tuberous sclerosis 2
- Tubes
- Tubular vision
- Tubule
- Tularemia
- Tumescent
- Tumescent liposuction
- Tummy
- Tumor
- Tumor debulking
- Tumor grade
- Tumor marker
- Tumor marker, CEA
- Tumor marker, NSE
- Tumor necrosis factor
- Tumor registry
- Tumor suppressor gene
- Tumor, carcinoid
- Tumor, desmoid
- Tumor, ear
- Tumor, islet cell
- Tumor, malignant giant cell
- Tumor, primary
- Tumor, sweat gland
- Tumor, Wilms
- Tuna
- Tunga penetrans
- Tunica albuginea
- Tunica albuginea of the testis
- Tunnel vision
- Turban tumor syndrome
- Turbinate
- Turbinectomy
- Turcot syndrome
- Turf toe
- Turgor
- Turmeric
- Turner syndrome
- Turner-Kieser syndrome
- Twelfth cranial nerve
- Twenty-twenty
- Twilight sleep
- Twin
- Twin, vanishing
- Twisted ankle
- Twitch
- Twitching
- Two-animal rule
- Two-faced twins
- TXA2
- TXB2
- Tylenol
- Tylosis
- Tylosis with esophageal cancer
- Tympanic
- Tympanic cavity
- Tympanic membrane
- Tympanites
- Tympano-
- Tympanometry
- Tympanoplasty
- Tympanostomy tube
- Tympanum
- Tympany
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 1 GM2-gangliosidosis
- Type 2 diabetes
- Type 2 myotonic dystrophy
- Type 3 diabetes
- Type 3b diabetes
- Type I error
- Type II error
- Typhoid
- Typhoid fever
- Typhoid Mary
- Typhoon
- Typhoon supplies kit
- Typhus
- Typhus fever
- Typhus, African tick
- Typhus, classic
- Typhus, endemic
- Typhus, epidemic
- Typhus, European
- Typhus, louse-borne
- Typhus, mite-borne
- Typhus, murine
- Typhus, Queensland tick
- Typhus, rat-flea
- Typhus, scrub
- Typhus, tick
- Typhus, tropical
- Typhus, urban. of Malaya
- Typist's cramp
- Tyr
- Tyrosine
- Tyrosinemia
- Tyrosinemia type I
- Tyrosinemia type II