
Infantile maxillary sinus osteomyelitis

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Infantile maxillary sinus osteomyelitis

In acute osteomyelitis of the maxillary sinus in early childhood, gross morphological damage to the growing tissues is observed. The entire dental system of a child is well vascularized from birth. In connection with the development of teeth in the alveolar process, especially active processes occur.

The entrance gate of infection in acute osteomyelitis of the sinus of the upper jaw (maxillary sinus) can be all adjacent organs and tissues: mouth, nose, conjunctiva of the eye. The disease begins with inflammation of the alveolar process, then the rudiments of the teeth and the upper jaw are involved in the process.

The paranasal sinuses (frontal, ethmoid and maxillary sinuses) communicate with the nasal cavity and can be susceptible to osteomyelitis.

Infantile maxillary sinus osteomyelitis symptoms

In acute osteomyelitis of the sinus of the upper jaw (maxillary sinus), inflammatory edema of the cheek, lower eyelid, nasal congestion with abundant purulent discharge in its cavity on the affected side appears. The sequestration of the upper jaw bone is accompanied by the formation of a fistulous passage into the mouth, nose, or orbit. In severe cases, there is a rejection of the sequestration with tooth germs.

Acute inflammation of the maxillary sinus (acute sinusitis) is accompanied by pressure and pain in half of the face and teeth along the trigeminal nerve and can lead to osteomyelitis.


Infantile maxillary sinus osteomyelitis treatment

When carrying out an operation for acute osteomyelitis of the sinus of the upper jaw (maxillary sinus), it is necessary to spare the tooth germs to avoid further deformation of the oral cavity. The goal of surgery for acute osteomyelitis of the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinus) is to remove all non-viable tissues, especially sequesters, while ensuring good drainage and opening all pockets and pockets.

Treatment of acute osteomyelitis of the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinus) with broad-spectrum antibiotics is often supplemented with stimulating therapy with vitamins, Aloe, Actovegin, etc.

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