
Chlamydial and Trichomonas rhinitis

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Chlamydial rhinitis

The agents of this disease — chlamydia — occupy an intermediate position between viruses and bacteria. Like viruses, they multiply in the cells of the human body and like bacteria are die under the influence of antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

Chlamydia can affect the mucous membrane not only of the eyelids and the eyeball, but also the respiratory tract, the lower gastrointestinal tract, urogenital organs (Reiter's syndrome). Most often chlamydia move on to the genital tract, so the resulting diseases give reason to contact the doctor, who may refer the patient to the urologist, gynecologist and ENT. This is why in chlamidia rhinitis is almost always detected infection in the urogenital organs (nonspecific urethritis, cervicitis); approximately 20% of cases the disease is accompanied by inflammation of the middle ear also caused by chlamydia infection.

Chlamydial rhinitis and conjunctivitis may be part of Reiter's syndrome.

Treatment of chlamydial rhinitis

Treatment of chlamydial rhinitis usually performed in the hospital, as an outpatient exercise intense, massive therapy practically impossible. The full course lasts 4-6 weeks. The disease can be cured, usually without complications, relapses almost never happens. However, this should not give rise frivolous attitude to chlamydial rhinitis. Important in its prevention is to prevent the neglect of the process.

Chlamydial rhinitis sometimes occurs like outbreaks among the visitors, hence its other name — "bath or basin rhinitis". It should be borne in mind, that even one patient suffering from chlamydial rhinitis or conjunctivitis, can be a source of infection for all to swimming pools visitors, so if you have chlamydial infection, you cannot use pool. Strict observance of the rules of chlorination of water in swimming pools helps to prevent the spread of this infection.

Chlamydial rhinitis in newborn occurs in 20% of children, and often in infants. Due to the narrowness of the nasal passages, even a slight mucosal edema leads to obstruction of the nose. As a result nasal breathing is impaired, difficulty in feeding (sucking child is forced periodically to breathe through the mouth), during sleep in these children appear dyspnea attacks, choking and apnea, due to breathing through the mouth affects the deeper respiratory tract.

Chlamydial infection as a cause of acute rhinitis in infants leads to a special severity of the disease, because immune mechanisms against it are not developed yet. Treatment of acute chlamydial rhinitis in young children is difficult, since the topical agents are usually ineffective. If joined to a chlamydial infection bacterial shown antiparasitic nasal instillation solutions, as well as vasoconstrictors. The latter are short, so they are used only when feeding the baby. With an abundant discharge in the nasal cavity the mucus aspiration before feeding is indicated.

The downward spread of chlamydial infection leads to rhinopharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. In these cases in the respiratory tract of the child mucus "croaks", that is heard in the distance.


Diagnosis and treatment of Trichomonas rhinitis

It is necessary to exclude Trichomonas rhinitis, which in newborns can be caused by the Trichomonas found in the genitals more than 25% of pregnant women. Infection of the child occurs during labor and is often manifested by conjunctivitis and pneumonia.

First develops conjunctivitis, and 3 weeks of age — rhinitis and bleeding from one half of the nose. In the nose detect diffuse (granulation) changes of the mucous membrane. Bacteriological study of discharge from the eyes and nose, as well as from the vagina of the mother, reveals Trichomonas. The treatment of the child is carried out with ampicillin and then with erythromycin dose of 40 mg/kg per day for 10 days.

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