
Ganglion cyst

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Ganglion cyst

A ganglion cyst is a cystic formation associated with the joint, tendon sheath. The most common ganglion cyst is on the dorsum of the wrist joint between the extensor of the hand, as well as on the back of the foot near the cuboid bone.


Causes of a ganglion cyst

Ganglion cyst in some cases appears for no apparent reason on the wrist at the hand, on the foot at the ankle. In other cases, a ganglion cyst is formed after injury, bruise, an overload of the joint. The appearance of a ganglion cyst is facilitated, among other things, by monotonous and often repetitive movements of the hand or foot. Also, a possible cause of the formation of a ganglion cyst is the anatomical weakness of the tissues on the wrist at the hand, on the foot at the ankle.

Normal anatomy of the wrist joint ligaments (top view) shows the favorite places for the appearance of the ganglion cyst of the hand.


Ganglion cyst diagnostics

Clinically, a ganglion cyst is a tumor of a round shape, dense consistency, covered with normal skin, with a diameter of 0.5 to 3 cm, mobile, but fixed at the base. Sometimes local soreness of the tissues around the ganglion cyst is also noted.


Ganglion cyst treatment

In the treatment of ganglion cyst, blunt crushing of the ganglion is used, but it is painful and gives frequent relapses. The radical treatment for ganglion cyst is surgery.

The anatomy of the normal wrist joint (side view) shows the favorite places of occurrence of the ganglion cyst of the hand.

The essence of the operation when removing a ganglion cyst is to exfoliate the ganglion with subsequent suture. Puncture aspiration of the contents of the ganglion cyst is also possible. Subsequently, in the treatment of ganglion cyst, a course of UHF is prescribed, wearing a tight bandage for 2-3 days.

Elimination of swelling, inflammation, soreness, restoration of range of motion in the treatment of ganglion cyst in the wrist and hand area is accelerated with the use of physiotherapy.

Depending on the size of the ganglion cyst, the following therapeutic actions are possible:

  • blunt crushing of the ganglion (ganglion cyst)
  • puncture aspiration of the contents of the ganglion cyst cavity
  • ganglion cyst projection physiotherapy (UHF)
  • surgical treatment of ganglion cyst

After surgical treatment of the ganglion cyst, you will need to wear a fixing splint for a week.

Fixation splint of the wrist joint in the treatment of ganglion cyst.