
Placing anatomy and physiology in a scientific framework

Human anatomy is the study of the human body’s structures — all the parts that make up the physical body itself. Physiology is the study of how the human body works; how all the anatomical parts function together to keep an individual alive. Anatomy and physiology are bound together. As such, this book abandons the old technique of learning all the anatomy and then the physiology as though the two were independent. Here, we examine each body system, identify the structures within that system, and then discuss their functions.

Scientifically Speaking

Human anatomy and physiology are closely related to biology, which is the study of living things and their relationship with the rest of the universe, including all other living things. If you’ve studied biology, you understand the basics of how organisms operate. Anatomy and physiology narrow the science of biology by looking at the specifics of one species: Homo sapiens.

warning Anatomy is form; physiology is function. You can’t talk about one without talking about the other.


The anatomy and physiology of everything else

Scientifically speaking, human biology isn’t more or less complex, specialized, or cosmically significant than the biology of any other species, and all are interdependent. Every species of animal, plant, and fungus on the planet has both anatomy and physiology. So does each species of protist (one-celled creatures, like amoebae) and bacteria. At the cellular level (see Chapter 3), all these groups are astoundingly similar. At the levels of tissues, organs, and organ systems, plants are very different from animals, and both plants and animals are equally dissimilar to fungi.

Each of these major groups, called a kingdom, has its own characteristic anatomy and physiology. It’s evident at a glance to everyone at the beach that a starfish and a human are both animals, while the seaweed in the tide pool and the cedar tree on the shoreline are both plants. Obvious details of anatomy (the presence or absence of bright green tissue) and physiology (the presence or absence of movement) tell that story. The different forms within each kingdom have obvious differences as well: The cedar must stand on the shore, but the seaweed would die there. The starfish can move from one place to another within a limited range, while humans can (theoretically) go anywhere on the planet and survive there for at least a while. Scientists use these differences to classify organisms into smaller and smaller groups within the kingdom, until each organism is classified into its own special group.

Not that human anatomy and physiology aren’t special. Humans’ bipedal posture and style of locomotion are very special . There’s nothing like a human hand anywhere except at the end of a human arm. Perhaps most special of all is the anatomy and physiology that allows (or maybe compels) humans to engage in science: our highly developed brain and nervous system. It’s entirely within the norms of evolutionary theory that people would be most interested in their own species, so more humans find human anatomy and physiology more interesting than the anatomy and physiology of the tree. From here on, we’re restricting our discussion to the anatomy and physiology of our own species.

How anatomy and physiology fit into science

Biologists base their work on the assumption that every structure and process, no matter how tiny in scope, must somehow contribute to the survival of the individual. So each process — and the chemistry and physics that drive it — must help keep the individual alive and meeting the relentless challenges of a continually changing environment. Although anatomy and physiology combined are classified as a subsection of biology, it’s truly an interdisciplinary science.

Human pathophysiology is the study of "human anatomy and physiology gone wrong". (The prefix path- is Greek for "suffering".) It’s the interface of human biology and medical science. Clinical medicine is the application of medical science to alleviate an anatomical or physiological problem in an individual human.

Pathophysiology and clinical medicine aren’t the subject of this book, but we discuss applications of them when they’re particularly relevant to the physiology. You’re probably using this book to supplement instructional material in career training for a clinical environment, so the information throughout the book is slightly slanted in that direction. We chose the conditions that we briefly examine to demonstrate some characteristic of the system, especially its interaction with other systems, but we don’t discuss diagnosis or treatment.


Taxonomy of Homo Sapiens

Taxonomy is the science that seeks to classify and organize living things, expressed as a series of mutually exclusive categories. The highest (most inclusive) category is domain, of which there are three: Archea, Eubacteria, Eukaryota. Each of these domains is split into kingdoms, which are further divided until each individual organism is its own unique species. Outside of bacteria, all living things fall under the Eukaryota domain; the kingdoms are: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Within each kingdom, the system classifies each organism into the hierarchical subgroups (and sometimes sub-subgroups) of phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Here’s the breakdown of humankind:

  • Kingdom Animalia: All animals.
  • Phylum Chordata: Animals that have a number of structures in common, particularly the notochord, a rodlike structure that forms the body’s supporting axis.
  • Subphylum Vertebrata: Animals with backbones.
  • Superclass Tetrapoda: Four-footed vertebrates.
  • Class Mammalia: Tetrapods with hair. Other classes of the vertebrata are Pisces (fish), Amphibia (frogs), Aves (birds), and Reptilia (scaly things).
  • Order Primates: Mammals with more highly developed brains, flexible hips and shoulders, and prehensile hands and feet (able to grasp).
  • Superfamily Hominoidea: Apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, humans).
  • Family Hominidae: Great apes, including humans.
  • Genus Homo: The human species is the only surviving species of our genus, though this genus included several species in the evolutionary past.
  • Species Sapiens: All species are given a two-part Latin name, in which the genus name comes first and a species epithet comes second. The biologists who name species sometimes try to use a descriptor in the epithet. For humans, they could have chosen "bipedal" or "talking" or "hairless", but they chose "thinker".
  • Variety Sapiens: Some species get a "varietal" name, usually indicating a difference that’s obvious but not necessarily important from an evolutionary point of view. The human species has one other variety, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, which has been extinct for tens of thousands of years. All humans living since then are of one species variety, Homo sapiens sapiens. In the evolutionary classification of humans, there’s no biologically valid category below species variety.


Anatomy, gross and otherwise

Some biologists specialize in the anatomy and physiology of animals at various hierarchical levels (horses, fish, frogs) or particular organs (mammalian circulatory systems, olfaction in fish, insect hormones). Some focus solely on humans, others concentrate on other species, and still others examine the areas of overlap between humans and other animal species. These various areas of study contribute to our knowledge of biology in general and have important applications in clinical medicine. The work of anatomists contributes to medical advances, such as improved surgical techniques and the development of bioengineered prostheses.

Throughout this book, you encounter some information from each major subset of anatomy, including:

  • Gross anatomy: The study of the large parts of an animal body — any animal body — that can be seen with the unaided eye. That’s the aspect of anatomy we concentrate on in this book.
  • Histologic anatomy: The study of different tissue types and the cells that comprise them. Histologic anatomists use a variety of microscopes to study the cells and tissues that make up the body.
  • Developmental anatomy: The study of the life cycle of the individual, from fertilized egg through adulthood, senescence (aging), and death. Body parts change throughout the life span. For information about human developmental anatomy, see Chapter 15.
  • Comparative anatomy: The study of the similarities and differences among the anatomical structures of different species, including extinct species. Information from comparative anatomy can help scientists understand the human body’s structures and processes. For example, comparing the anatomy of apes to that of humans shows us what particular structures allow for our ability to walk upright on two legs.

See also