
Idiopathic periodontal disease, periodontomas

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Idiopathic periodontal disease

Idiopathic (not clear origin) periodontal diseases include several common diseases of various origins, in the clinical course of which one of the permanent symptoms is a rapidly progressive generalized periodontal lesion.

The general clinical signs of an idiopathic (of unknown origin) group of periodontal diseases are as follows:

  • a steady progression of pronounced processes of destruction of all periodontal tissues (gums, periodontal tissue, bone tissue), leading to loss of teeth for 2-3 years
  • rapidly developing tooth displacement and loosening
  • a peculiar X-ray picture

The role of a dental therapist in the examination and treatment of such patients with idiopathic (of unknown origin) periodontal diseases is reduced to establishing a presumptive diagnosis, referring the patient to a specialist of the appropriate profile (maxillofacial surgeon), and in the future - conducting symptomatic therapy.

Periodontal diseases include tumors and tumour-like formations of the periodontium.



Periodontal diseases include tumors and tumour-like formations of the periodontium. Their diagnosis and treatment are carried out by dental surgeons. The role of the dental therapist in the case of periodontomas diagnosis is to make a preliminary diagnosis and refer the patient to the appropriate medical institution (maxillofacial surgery) for examination and treatment.