
Periodontitis in remission

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Periodontitis in remission

After adequate complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis, the stage of remission begins. Periodontitis in remission is regarded not as a recovery, but as a stop or slowdown in the development of a pathological process (primarily atrophy of the alveolar process) at the level at which treatment was started.

Periodontitis in remission: there are no complaints, the gums are pale pink, tight to the teeth, there are no inflammations, the necks of the teeth are bared, and clinical pockets are not defined.


Diagnosis and symptoms of periodontitis in remission

Clinically, periodontitis in remission is manifested by the absence of complaints. Gums with periodontitis in remission are pale pink, fit snugly to the teeth, there are no inflammatory phenomena, the necks of the teeth are exposed, and clinical pockets are not identified.

The diagnostic criteria for chronic generalized periodontitis in remission are:

  • that took place, according to the anamnesis, periodontitis with complex treatment (including surgical and orthopedic methods)
  • absence of clinical pockets and inflammation in the gums
  • X-ray of the alveolar process shows signs of stabilization of the process in the form of compaction of the bone tissue of the interdental septa, disappearance of the phenomena of osteoporosis, restoration of cortical plates


Prognosis of chronic generalized periodontitis

Despite the use of a wide arsenal of means and methods of treatment, complex therapy of chronic generalized periodontitis is not always effective. The following factors worsen the prognosis of chronic generalized periodontitis:

  • non-compliance by the patient with the doctor's recommendation, in the first place, unsatisfactory oral hygiene
  • the presence of severe concomitant pathology, which sharply reduces the defenses of the periodontium and the body as a whole

When deciding on the preservation or removal of a particular tooth, the following clinical situations are considered to be unfavorable in prognostic terms:

  • loss of more than 50% of bone tissue, uneven vertical bone resorption, presence of a bone pocket
  • periodontal pocket depth more than 8 mm
  • localization of the lesion in the bifurcation area
  • tooth mobility 3 degrees
  • occlusive trauma