

Phthalamodine - General Information

A benzenesulfonamide-phthalimidine that tautomerizes to a benzophenones form. It is considered a thiazide-like diuretic. [PubChem]


Pharmacology of Phthalamodine

Phthalamodine, a monosulfonamyl diuretic, differs form other thiazide diuretics in that a double ring system is incorporated into its structure. Phthalamodine is used alone or with atenolol in the management of hypertension and edema.


Phthalamodine for patients

Patients should inform their physician if they have: (1) had an allergic reaction to chlorthalidone or other diuretics or have asthma, (2) kidney disease, (3) liver disease, (4) gout, (5) systemic lupus erythematosus, or (6) been taking other drugs such as cortisone, digitalis, lithium carbonate, or drugs for diabetes.

Patients should be cautioned to contact their physician if they experience any of the following symptoms of potassium loss: excess thirst, tiredness, drowsiness, restlessness, muscle pains or cramps, nausea, vomiting, or increased heart rate or pulse.

Patients should also be cautioned that taking alcohol can increase the chance of dizziness occurring.


Phthalamodine Interactions

Chlorthalidone may add to or potentiate the action of other antihypertensive drugs. Potentiation occurs with ganglionic peripheral adrenergic blocking drugs.

Medication such as digitalis may also influence serum electrolytes. Warning signs, irrespective of cause, are: dryness of mouth, thirst, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, restlessness, muscle pains or cramps, muscular fatigue, hypotension, oliguria, tachycardia, and gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea and vomiting.

Insulin requirements in diabetic patients may be increased, decreased, or unchanged. Higher dosage of oral hypoglycemic agents may be required. Latent diabetes mellitus may become manifest during chlorthalidone administration.

Chlorthalidone and related drugs may increase the responsiveness to tubocurarine.

Chlorthalidone and related drugs may decrease arterial responsiveness to norepinephrine. This diminution is not sufficient to preclude effectiveness of the pressor agent for therapeutic use.


Phthalamodine Contraindications


Known hypersensitivity to chlorthalidone or other sulfonamide-derived drugs.


Additional information about Phthalamodine

Phthalamodine Indication: For management of hypertension either as the sole therapeutic agent or to enhance the effect of other antihypertensive drugs in the more severe forms of hypertension.
Mechanism Of Action: Phthalamodine inhibits sodium ion transport across the renal tubular epithelium in the cortical diluting segment of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. By increasing the delivery of sodium to the distal renal tubule, Phthalamodine indirectly increases potassium excretion via the sodium-potassium exchange mechanism.
Drug Interactions: Amantadine The diuretic increases the adverse effects of amantadine
Deslanoside Possible electrolyte variations and arrhythmias
Diazoxide Significant hyperglycemic effect
Digitoxin Possible electrolyte variations and arrhythmias
Digoxin Possible electrolyte variations and arrhythmias
Dofetilide Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrythmias
Lithium The thiazide diuretic increases serum levels of lithium
Food Interactions: Take with food (increases availability).
Generic Name: Chlorthalidone
Synonyms: Chlorothalidone; Chlorphthalidolone; Chlorphthalidone; Chlortalidone; Chlorthalidon; Clodronic Acid
Drug Category: Diuretics; Antihypertensive Agents
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Chlorthalidone: Higroton; Hydro-Long; Hygroton; Igroton; Isoren; Natriuran; Oradil; Phthalamodine; Phthalamudine; Renon; Saluretin; Tenoretic; Thalitone; Zambesil;
Absorption: Absorbed relatively rapidly after oral administration.
Toxicity (Overdose): Symptoms of overdose include nausea, weakness, dizziness and disturbances of electrolyte balance.
Protein Binding: High (75% [58% to albumin])
Biotransformation: Liver
Half Life: 40 hours
Dosage Forms of Phthalamodine: Tablet Oral
Chemical IUPAC Name: 2-chloro-5-(1-hydroxy-3-oxo-2H-isoindol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide
Chemical Formula: C14H11ClN2O4S
Chlorthalidone on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals