

  • Generic Name: antihemophilic factor
  • Brand Name: Xyntha

side effects drug center xyntha (antihemophilic factor) drug

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    XYNTHA is contraindicated in patients who have manifested life-threatening immediate hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, to the product or its components, including hamster proteins.


    Clinical Pharmacology


    Mechanism Of Action

    XYNTHA temporarily replaces the missing clotting factor VIII that is needed for effective hemostasis.


    The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is prolonged in patients with hemophilia. Determination of aPTT is a conventional in vitro assay for biological activity of factor VIII. Treatment with XYNTHA normalizes the aPTT over the effective dosing period.


    The pharmacokinetic parameters of XYNTHA in 30 PTPs 12 to 60 years old, who received a single infusion of 50 IU/kg XYNTHA are summarized in Table 3.

    In addition, 25 of the same subjects later received a single infusion of 50 IU/kg of XYNTHA for a 6-month follow-up pharmacokinetic study. The parameters were comparable between baseline and 6 months, indicating no time-dependent changes in the pharmacokinetics of XYNTHA.

    In a separate study, 8 of 30 subjects at least 12 years old with hemophilia A undergoing elective major surgery received a single 50 IU/kg infusion of XYNTHA. The pharmacokinetic parameters in these subjects are also summarized in Table 3.

    Table 3: Mean ± SD XYNTHA Pharmacokinetic Parameters in Previously Treated Patients with Hemophilia A after Single 50 IU/kg Dose

    ParameterInitial Visit
    (n = 30)
    Month 6
    (n = 25)
    Cmax (IU/lllL)1.08 ±0.221.24 ±0.421.08 ±0.24
    AUC∞, (IUhr/mL)13.5 ±5.615.0 ±7.516.0 ±5.2
    t½ (hr)11.2 ±5.011.8 ±6.2*16.7 ±5.4
    CL (mL/hr/kg)4.51 ±2.234.04 ± 1.873.48 ± 1.25
    Vss (mL/kg)66.1 ±33.067.4 ± 32.669.0 ±20.1
    Recovery (IU/dL per IU/kg)2.15 ±0.442.47 ±0.842.17 ±0.47
    Abbreviations: AUC = area under the plasma concentration-time curve from zero to infinity; C = peak concentration; t = plasma elimination half-life; CL = clearance; n = number of subjects; SD = standard deviation; Vss = volume of distribution at steady-state.
    *One subject was excluded from the calculation due to lack of a well-defined terminal phase.

    Table 4 shows the pharmacokinetic parameters of nine children; four aged 14 or 15 years of age, who are also included in the summary for the adults above, along with five children aged 3.7–5.8 years after single 50 IU/kg doses of XYNTHA. Compared to adults, the half-life of XYNTHA is shorter in children and the clearance (based on per kg body weight) is approximately 40% higher in children.

    Table 4: Mean ± SD XYNTHA Pharmacokinetic Parameters in Previously Treated Pediatric Patients with Hemophilia A after Single 50 IU/kg Dose

    ParameterYoung Children
    Age (min - max, yr))3.7-5.814-15
    Cmax (IU/lllL)0.78 ±0.340.97 ±0.21
    AUC∞, (IU•hr/mL)12.2 ±6.508.5 ±4.0
    t½ (hr)8.3 ±2.76.9 ±2.4
    CL (mL/hr/kg)6.29 ±4.876.62 ±2.16
    Vss (mL/kg)66.9 ±55.667.1 ± 13.6
    Recovery (IU/dL per IU/kg)1.52 ±0.691.95 ±0.41
    Abbreviations: AUC∞ = area under the plasma concentration-time curve from zero to infinity; Cmax = peak concentration; t½ = plasma elimination half-life; CL = clearance; n = number of subjects; SD = standard deviation; Vss = volume of distribution at steady-state.

    Animal Toxicology And/Or Pharmacology

    Preclinical studies evaluating XYNTHA in hemophilia A dogs without inhibitors demonstrated safe and effective restoration of hemostasis. XYNTHA demonstrated a toxicological profile that was similar to the toxicological profile observed with the predecessor product. Toxicity associated with XYNTHA was primarily associated with anti-FVIII neutralizing antibody generation first detectable at 15 days of repeat dosing in high (approximately 735 IU/kg/day) level-dosed, non-human primates.

    Clinical Studies

    Three completed multicenter, open-label studies support the analysis of safety and efficacy of XYNTHA in on-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes and perioperative management, and routine prophylaxis in PTPs with hemophilia A. These completed clinical studies for XYNTHA examined 174 PTP subjects, 94 from the first study, and 50 from a second study, for on-demand treatment and routine prophylaxis and 30 from a third study for surgical prophylaxis. Subjects with severe to moderately severe hemophilia A (FVIII:C ≤2%) and no history of FVIII inhibitors were eligible for the trials.

    On-demand Treatment And Control Of Bleeding Episodes

    On-Demand Treatment In Adolescents And Adults

    Ninety-four (94) subjects, 12 years of age and older received XYNTHA in a routine prophylaxis treatment regimen with on-demand treatment administered as clinically indicated. All 94 subjects were treated with at least one dose and all are included in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population. Eightynine (89) subjects accrued ≥50 EDs. Median age for the 94 treated subjects was 24 years (mean 28 and min-max: 12–60 years).

    Of these 94 subjects, 30 evaluable subjects participated in a randomized crossover pharmacokinetics substudy. Twenty-five (25/30) of these subjects with FVIII:C ≤1% completed both the first (PK1) and the second (PK2) pharmacokinetic assessments [see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].16

    Fifty-three subjects (53/94) received XYNTHA on-demand treatment for a total of 187 bleeding episodes. Seven of these bleeding episodes occurred in subjects prior to switching to a prophylaxis treatment regimen. One hundred ten of 180 bleeds (110/180 or 61%) occurred ≤48 hours after the last dose and 39% (70/180 bleeds) occurred >48 hours after the last dose. The majority of bleeds reported to occur ≤48 hours after the last prophylaxis dose were traumatic (64/110 bleeds or 58%). Forty-two bleeds (42/70 or 60%) reported to occur >48 hours after the last prophylaxis dose were spontaneous. The ondemand treatment dosing regimen was determined by the investigator. The median dose for on-demand treatment was 31 IU/kg (min-max: 6–74 IU/kg) and the median exposure per subject was 3 days (min-max: 1–26).

    The majority of bleeding episodes (173/187 or 93%) resolved with 1 or 2 infusions (Table 5). One hundred thirty-two of 187 bleeding episodes (132/187 or 71%) treated with XYNTHA were rated excellent or good in their response to initial treatment, 45 (24%) were rated moderate. Five (3%) were rated no response, and 5 (3%) were not rated.

    Table 5: Summary of Response to Infusions to Treat New Bleeding Episode by Number of Infusions Needed for Resolution

    Number of Infusions (%)
    Response to 1st Infusion1234>4Total Number of Bleeds
    Excellent*42 (95.5)2(4.5)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0(0.0)44
    Good†69 (78.4)16(18.2)3 (3.4)0 (0.0)0(0.0)88
    Moderate‡24 (53.3)16 (35.6)2 (4.4)0 (0.0)3 (6.7)45
    No Response§0 (0.0)0 (0.0)2 (40.0)2 (40.0)1 (20.0)5
    Not Assessed4 (80.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)1 (20.0)0(0.0)
    Total139 (74.3)34(18.2)7 (3.7)3(1.6)4(2.1)187
    *Excellent: Definite pain relief and/or improvement in signs of bleeding starting within 8 hours after an infusion, with no additional infusion administered.
    †Good: Definite pain relief and/or improvement in signs of bleeding starting within 8 hours after an infusion, with at least one additional infusion administered for complete resolution of the bleeding episode.
    ‡ Moderate Probable or slight improvement starting after 8 hours following the infusion, with at least one additional infusion administered for complete resolution of the bleeding episode.
    § No Response: No improvement at all between infusions or during the 24 hour interval following an infusion, or condition worsens.
    ¶Includes one infusion with commercial FVIII that occurred before routine prophylaxis began.

    Of the 94 subjects described above, in the first completed open-label safety and efficacy study of XYNTHA, 18 were adolescent subjects 12 to <17 years of age with severe to moderately severe hemophilia A (FVIII:C ≤2%). Ten (10) of these adolescent subjects, received XYNTHA for the on-demand treatment of 66 bleeding episodes, with the majority of the bleeding episodes (63/66 or 95%) resolving with 1 or 2 infusions. The response to infusion was rated on a pre-specified 4 point hemostatic efficacy scale. Thirty-eight (38) of 66 bleeding episodes (58%) were rated excellent or good in their response to initial treatment, 24 (36%) were rated as moderate, and 4 (6%) were not rated. The median dose per on demand infusion was 47 IU/kg (min–max: 24–74).

    On-Demand Treatment In Children

    Additional data for 50 subjects are available from a second safety and efficacy study of XYNTHA in children (≤12 years of age) with severe to moderately severe hemophilia A (FVIII:C ≤2%). Of the 50 subjects, 38 subjects received XYNTHA for on-demand and follow-up treatment of 562 bleeding episodes with the majority of the bleeding episodes (518/562 or 92%) resolving with 1 or 2 infusions. Of 559 bleeding episodes treated with XYNTHA with response assessments to the first infusion, 526 (94%) were rated excellent or good in their response to initial treatment and 27 (5%) were rated as moderate. The median dose per on-demand infusion was 28 IU/kg (min-max: 10–92).

    Perioperative Management

    In a study (n=30) for surgical prophylaxis in subjects with hemophilia A, XYNTHA was administered to 25 efficacy-evaluable PTPs undergoing major surgical procedures (11 total knee replacements, 1 hip replacement, 5 synovectomies, 1 left ulnar nerve transposition release, 1 ventral hernia repair/scar revision, 1 knee arthroscopy, 1 revision and debridement of the knee after a total knee replacement, 1 hip arthroplasty revision, 1 stapes replacement, 1 ankle arthrodesis, and 1 pseudotumor excision).17

    The results of the hemostatic efficacy ratings for these subjects are presented in Table 6. Investigator's ratings of efficacy at the end of surgery and at the end of the initial postoperative period were excellent or good for all assessments. Intraoperative blood loss was reported as “normal” or “absent” for all subjects. Thirteen of the subjects (13/25 or 52%) had blood loss in the postoperative period. The postoperative blood loss was rated as “normal” for ten of these cases while three cases were rated “abnormal” (1 due to hemorrhage following surgical trauma to the epigastric artery, 1 due to an 800 mL blood loss after hip replacement surgery, and 1 after an elbow synovectomy where the blood loss could not be measured by the investigator).

    Table 6: Summary of Hemostatic Efficacy

    Time of Hemostatic Efficacy AssessmentExcellent*Good†Number of subjects
    End of surgery18 (72%)7 (28%)25
    End of initial postoperative period‡23 (92%)2 (8%)25
    *Excellent : Achieved hemostasis comparable to that expected after similar surgery in a patient without hemophilia.
    †Good: Prolonged time to hemostasis, with somewhat increased bleeding compared with that expected after similar surgery in a patient without hemophilia.
    ‡End of initial postoperative period is date of discharge or postoperative Day 6, whichever occurs later.

    Routine Prophylaxis

    One hundred and two (102) subjects (94 subjects ≥12 years of age and 8 subjects <12 years of age) received XYNTHA for routine prophylaxis, for comparison of annualized bleeding rate (ABR) to on-demand treatment alone as a part of 2 completed studies. XYNTHA was administered for routine prophylaxis at a dose of 25 ± 5 IU/kg every other day (in subjects <12 years of age) or 30 ± 5 IU/kg administered 3 times weekly (in subjects 12 years of age or older), with provisions for dose escalation based on pre-specified criteria (over a 4-week period, 2 spontaneous bleeds into a major joint and/or target joint, or 3 or more spontaneous bleeding episodes in any location). Among these 102 subjects, 7 dose escalations were prescribed for 6 subjects.

    In subjects ≥12 years, 42 subjects (42/94 or 45%) reported no bleeding while on routine prophylaxis. The mean±SD total ABR during routine prophylaxis was 4.0±6.64 with median (min-max) of 1.9 (0.0-44.2). The mean ABR for subjects during routine prophylaxis was 88% lower than the mean ABR for subjects during on-demand treatment (Table 7).

    In subjects <12 years, 4 subjects (4/8 or 50%) reported no bleeding while on routine prophylaxis. The mean±SD total ABR during routine prophylaxis was 1.5±2.2 with median (min-max) of 0.6 (0.0-6.2). The mean ABR for subjects during routine prophylaxis was 97% lower than the mean ABR for subjects during on-demand treatment (Table 7).

    Table 7: Summary of Annualized Bleeding Rate During Routine Prophylaxis Treatment with XYNTHA

    Age Category (years)Number of Subjects% Reduction from ODStatisticTreated Total Routine Prophylaxis ABRTreated Spontaneous Routine Prophylaxis ABRTreated Traumatic Routine Prophylaxis ABR
    0 to <12897%Mean SD1.5 ± 2.200.6 ± l.310.9 ± l.30
    0.6 (0.0-6.2)0.0 (0.0-3.7)0.0 (0.0-3.2)
    ≥1294*88%Mean SD4.0 ± 6.642.0 ± 4.252.0 ± 4.10
    1.9 (0.0-14.2)0.0 (0.0-32.1)0.0 (0.0-23.3)
    12 to <1718†84%Mean SD7.3 ± 11.373.3 ± 7.734.0 ± 5.94
    3.0 (0.0-14.2)0.0 (0.0-32.1)1.9 (0.0-19.6)
    ≥177689%Mean SD3.2 ± 4.701.6 ± 2.881.6 ± 3.42
    1.9 (0.0-23.3)0.0 (0.0-13.7)0.0 (0.0-23.3)
    OD = on demand; ABR = annualized bleeding rate; SD = standard deviation, Min = minimum, Max = maximum.
    *The treated total ABR mean ± SD during prophylaxis for the 93 subjects aged ≥12 years (outlier removed), was 3.6 ± 5.18 with median (min–max) of 1.9 (0.0–23.3). The spontaneous treated ABR mean ± SD was 1.6 ± 2.87 with median (min–max) of 0.0 (0.0–13.7). The traumatic ABR mean ± SD was 1.9 ± 3.99 with median (min–max) of 0.0 (0.0–23.3).
    †The treated total ABR mean ± SD during prophylaxis for the 17 adolescents (outlier removed), was 5.2 ± 6.90 with median (min–max) of 2.0 (0.0–21.4). The spontaneous ABR mean ± SD was 1.6 ± 2.94 with median (min–max) of 0.0 (0.0–11.6). The traumatic ABR mean ± SD was 3.5 ± 5.77 with median (min–max) of 1.9 (0.0–19.6).


    16. Recht M, Nemes L, Matysiak M et al. Clinical Evaluation of Moroctocog Alfa (AF-CC), a New Generation of B-Domain Deleted Recombinant Factor VIII (BDDrFVIII) for Treatment of Haemophilia A: Demonstration of Safety, Efficacy and Pharmacokinetic Equivalence to Full-length Recombinant Factor VIII. Haemophilia 2009; 1–12.

    17. Windyga J, Rusen L, Gruppo R, et al. BDDrFVIII (Moroctocog alfa [AF-CC]) for surgical haemostasis in patients with haemophilia A: results of a pivotal study. Haemophilia. 2010 Sep 1;16(5):731.


    Medication Guide


    [Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant)]

    Please read this patient information carefully before using XYNTHA and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This leaflet does not take the place of talking with your healthcare provider about your medical problems or your treatment.

    What is XYNTHA?

    XYNTHA is an injectable medicine that is used to help control and reduce bleeding in people with hemophilia A. Hemophilia A is also called classic hemophilia. Your healthcare provider may give you XYNTHA when you have surgery.

    XYNTHA is not used to treat von Willebrand's disease.

    What should I tell my healthcare provider before using XYNTHA?

    Tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you:

    • have any allergies, including allergies to hamsters.
    • are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It is not known if XYNTHA may harm your unborn baby.
    • are breastfeeding. It is not known if XYNTHA passes into your milk and if it can harm your baby.

    Tell your healthcare provider about all of the medicines you take, including all prescription and non-prescription medicines, such as over-the-counter medicines, supplements, or herbal remedies.

    How should I infuse XYNTHA?

    Step-by-step instructions for infusing with XYNTHA SOLOFUSE are provided at the end of this leaflet.

    The steps listed below are general guidelines for using XYNTHA SOLOFUSE. Always follow any specific instructions from your healthcare provider. If you are unsure of the procedures, please call your healthcare provider before using.

    Call your healthcare provider right away if bleeding is not controlled after using XYNTHA.

    Call your healthcare provider right away if you take more than the dose you should take.

    Talk to your healthcare provider before traveling. Plan to bring enough XYNTHA SOLOFUSE for your treatment during this time.

    What are the possible side effects of XYNTHA?

    Call your healthcare provider or go to the emergency department right away if you have any of the following symptoms because these may be signs of a serious allergic reaction:

    • wheezing
    • difficulty breathing
    • chest tightness
    • turning blue (look at lips and gums)
    • fast heartbeat
    • swelling of the face
    • faintness
    • rash
    • hives

    Common side effects of XYNTHA are

    • headache
    • joint pain
    • fever
    • cough
    • vomiting
    • diarrhea
    • weakness

    Your body can make antibodies against XYNTHA (called “inhibitors”) that may stop XYNTHA from working properly. Your healthcare provider may need to take blood tests from time to time to monitor for inhibitors.

    Talk to your healthcare provider about any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

    How should I store XYNTHA SOLOFUSE?

    Store in the refrigerator at 36° to 46°F (2° to 8°C).

    Do not freeze.

    Protect from light.

    XYNTHA SOLOFUSE can last at room temperature (below 77°F) for up to 3 months. If you store XYNTHA SOLOFUSE at room temperature, carefully write down the date you put XYNTHA SOLOFUSE at room temperature, so you will know when to throw it away. There is a space on the carton for you to write the date.

    Throw away any unused XYNTHA SOLOFUSE after the expiration date.

    Infuse within 3 hours after reconstitution or after removal of the grey rubber tip cap from the prefilled dual-chamber syringe. You can keep the reconstituted solution at room temperature before infusion for up to 3 hours. If it is not used in 3 hours, throw it away.

    Do not use reconstituted XYNTHA if it is not clear to slightly opalescent and colorless.

    Dispose of all materials, whether reconstituted or not, in an appropriate medical waste container.

    What else should I know about XYNTHA?

    Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed here. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns. You can ask your healthcare provider for information about XYNTHA SOLOFUSE that was written for healthcare professionals.

    Do not share XYNTHA SOLOFUSE with other people, even if they have the same symptoms that you have.

    Instructions for Use

    [Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant)]

    XYNTHA SOLOFUSE is supplied as a pre-filled dual-chamber syringe with lyophilized XYNTHA powder in one chamber and 0.9% sodium chloride solution in the other chamber. Before you can infuse it (intravenous injection), you must reconstitute the powder by mixing it with the sodium chloride solution.

    Reconstitute and infuse XYNTHA SOLOFUSE using the infusion set provided in this kit. Please follow the directions below for the proper use of this product.



    1. Always wash your hands before doing the following steps.

    2. Keep everything clean and germ-free while you are reconstituting XYNTHA SOLOFUSE.

    3. Once the syringes are open, finish reconstituting XYNTHA SOLOFUSE as soon as possible. This will help to keep them germ-free.

    4. For additional instructions on the use of a XYNTHA SOLOFUSE and a XYNTHA vial or multiple XYNTHA SOLOFUSE, see the detailed information provided after INFUSION OF XYNTHA section.


    1. Allow the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE to reach room temperature.

    2. Remove the contents of the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE Kit and place on a clean surface, making sure you have all the supplies you will need.

    3. Grasp the plunger rod as shown in the following diagram. Do not touch the shaft of the plunger rod. Screw the plunger rod firmly into the opening in the finger rest of the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE by pushing and turning firmly until resistance is felt (approximately 2 turns).

    Throughout the reconstitution process, it is important to keep the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE upright to prevent possible leakage.

    Grasp the plunger rod as shown in the following
diagram - Illustration

    4. Holding the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE upright, remove the white tamper-evident seal by bending the seal right to left (or a gentle rocking motion) to break the perforation of the cap and expose the grey rubber tip cap of the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE.

    Holding the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE upright, remove the white
tamper-evident seal by bending the seal right to left - Illustration

    5. Remove the protective blue vented sterile cap from its package. While holding the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE upright, remove the grey rubber tip cap and replace it with the protective blue vented cap (prevents pressure build-up). Avoid touching the open end of both the syringe and the protective blue vented cap.

    Remove the protective blue vented sterile cap from its
package - Illustration

    6. Gently and slowly push the plunger rod until the two stoppers inside the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE meet, and all of the diluent is transferred to the chamber containing the XYNTHA powder.

    Note: To prevent the escape of fluid from the tip of the syringe, do not push the plunger rod with excessive force.

    Gently and slowly push the plunger rod until the two
stoppers inside the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE meet, and all of the diluent is transferred
to the chamber containing the XYNTHA powder - Illustration

    7. With the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE remaining upright, swirl gently several times until the powder is dissolved.

    With the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE remaining upright, swirl gently several times until the powder is dissolved - Illustration

    Look carefully at the solution in the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE. The solution should be clear to slightly opalescent and colorless. If it is not, throw away the solution and use a new kit.

    8. Holding the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE in an upright position, slowly advance the plunger rod until most, but not all, of the air is removed from the drug product chamber.

    Holding the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE in an upright position - Illustration


    • If you are not using the solution immediately, store the syringe upright and keep the protective blue vent cap on the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE until ready to infuse.
    • Infuse XYNTHA solution within 3 hours after reconstitution or removal of the grey tip cap from the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE. The reconstituted solution may be kept at room temperature for up to 3 hours prior to infusion. If you have not used it in 3 hours, throw it away.
    • If more than one XYNTHA SOLOFUSE is needed for each infusion, a luer-to-luer syringe connector can be used (not included in this kit). Please contact your doctor or healthcare provider, or call the Wyeth Medical Information Department at 1-800-438-1985, for additional information.


    Your healthcare provider will teach you how to infuse XYNTHA yourself. Once you learn how to do this, you can follow the instructions in this insert.

    Before XYNTHA can be infused, you must reconstitute it as instructed above in the PREPARATION AND RECONSTITUTION OF XYNTHA SOLOFUSE section.

    After reconstitution, be sure to look carefully at the XYNTHA solution. The solution should be clear to slightly opalescent and colorless. If it is not, throw away the solution and use a new kit.

    Use the infusion set included in the kit to infuse XYNTHA. Do not infuse XYNTHA in the same tubing or container with other medicines.

    1. After removing the protective blue vented cap, firmly attach the intravenous infusion set provided in the kit onto the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE.

    After removing the protective blue vented cap - Illustration

    2. Apply a tourniquet and prepare the injection site by wiping the skin well with an alcohol swab provided in the kit.

    Apply a tourniquet and prepare the injection site by
wiping the skin well with an alcohol swab provided in the kit - Illustration

    3. Remove the protective needle cover and insert the butterfly needle of the infusion set tubing into your vein as instructed by your healthcare provider. Remove the tourniquet. Verify proper needle placement.

    4. Infuse the reconstituted XYNTHA product over several minutes. Your comfort level should determine the rate of infusion.

    Remove the protective needle cover and insert the
butterfly needle of the infusion set tubing into your vein as instructed by your healthcare provider - Illustration

    5. After infusing XYNTHA, remove the infusion set and throw it away. The amount of liquid left in the infusion set will not affect your treatment.

    • Note: Dispose of all unused solution, the empty XYNTHA SOLOFUSE, and other used medical supplies in an appropriate container.

    Dispose of all unused solution, the empty
XYNTHA SOLOFUSE, and other used medical supplies in an appropriate container - Illustration

    • It is a good idea to record the lot number from the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE label every time you use XYNTHA. You can use the peel-off label found on the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE to record the lot number.


    XYNTHA is also supplied in kits that include single-use vials with lyophilized powder and prefilled diluent syringes.

    If you use one XYNTHA vial and one XYNTHA SOLOFUSE for the infusion, reconstitute the XYNTHA vial and the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE according to the specific directions for that respective product kit. Use a separate, 10 milliliter or larger luer lock syringe (not included in this kit) to draw back the reconstituted contents of the XYNTHA vial and the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE.

    If you use multiple XYNTHA SOLOFUSE kits for the infusion, reconstitute each XYNTHA SOLOFUSE according to the directions above. Use a separate, 10 milliliter or larger luer lock syringe (not included in this kit) to draw back the reconstituted contents of any additional XYNTHA SOLOFUSE.

    Use of a XYNTHA Vial Kit with a XYNTHA SOLOFUSE Kit

    These instructions are for the use of only one XYNTHA vial kit with one XYNTHA SOLOFUSE Kit. For further information, please contact your healthcare provider or call the Medical Information Department at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, 1-800-438-1985.

    1. Reconstitute the XYNTHA vial using the instructions included with the kit. Detach the empty diluent syringe from the vial adapter by gently turning and pulling the syringe counterclockwise, leaving the contents in the XYNTHA vial with the vial adapter in place.

    Reconstitute the XYNTHA vial using the instructions
included with the kit - Illustration

    2. Reconstitute the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE using the instructions included with the product kit, remembering to remove most, but not all, of the air from the syringe.

    Reconstitute the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE using the
instructions included with the product kit, remembering to remove most, but not
all, of the air from the syringe - Illustration

    3. After removing the protective blue vented cap, connect the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE to the vial adapter by inserting the tip into the adapter opening while firmly pushing and turning the syringe clockwise until secured.

    After removing the protective blue vented cap, connect the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE to the vial adapter by inserting the tip into the adapter opening
while firmly pushing and turning the syringe clockwise until secured - Illustration

    4. Slowly push the plunger rod of the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE to empty the contents into the XYNTHA vial. The plunger rod may move back slightly after release.

    Slowly push the plunger rod of the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE to empty the contents into the XYNTHA vial. The plunger rod may move back slightly
after release - Illustration

    5. Detach the empty XYNTHA SOLOFUSE from the vial adapter and throw it away.

    If the syringe turns without detaching from the vial adapter, grasp the white collar and turn.

    Detach the empty XYNTHA SOLOFUSE from the vial adapter and throw it away  - Illustration

    6. Connect a sterile 10 milliliter or larger luer lock syringe to the vial adapter. You may want to inject some air into the vial to make withdrawing the vial contents easier.

    Connect a sterile 10 milliliter or larger luer lock syringe to the vial adapter. You may want to inject some air into the vial to make withdrawing the vial
contents easier - Illustration

    7. Invert the XYNTHA vial and slowly draw the solution into the large luer lock syringe.

    Invert the XYNTHA vial and slowly draw the solution into the large luer lock syringe - Illustration

    8. Detach the large luer lock syringe from the vial adapter by gently turning and pulling the syringe counterclockwise. Throw away the empty XYNTHA vial with the adapter attached.

    9. Attach the infusion set to the large luer lock syringe as directed in the INFUSION OF XYNTHA section.

    Note: Dispose of all unused solution, the empty XYNTHA SOLOFUSE, and other used medical supplies in an appropriate container.

    Detach the large luer lock syringe from the vial
adapter by gently turning and pulling the syringe counterclockwise - Illustration

    Use of Multiple XYNTHA SOLOFUSE Kits

    The instructions below are for the use of multiple XYNTHA SOLOFUSE kits with a 10 milliliter or larger luer lock syringe. For further information, please contact your healthcare provider or call the Medical Information Department at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, 1-800-438-1985.

    Note: Luer-to-luer syringe connectors are not provided in the kits. Contact your XYNTHA supplier to order.

    1. Reconstitute all XYNTHA SOLOFUSE according to instructions described in PREPARATION AND RECONSTITUTION OF XYNTHA SOLOFUSE section. Holding the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE in an upright position, slowly push the plunger rod until most, but not all, of the air is removed from the syringe.

    Reconstitute all XYNTHA SOLOFUSE according to instructions described in PREPARATION AND RECONSTITUTION OF XYNTHA SOLOFUSE - Illustration

    2. Remove the luer-to-luer syringe connector from its package.

    3. After removing the protective blue vented cap, connect a sterile 10 milliliter or larger luer lock syringe to one opening (port) in the syringe connector and the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE to the remaining open port on the opposite end.

    Remove the luer-to-luer syringe connector from its package  - Illustration

    4. With the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE on top, slowly push the plunger rod to empty all the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE content into the large luer lock syringe.

    With the XYNTHA SOLOFUSE on top, - Illustration

    5. Remove the empty XYNTHA SOLOFUSE and repeat procedures 3 and 4 above for any additional XYNTHA SOLOFUSE.

    6. Remove the luer-to-luer syringe connector from the large luer lock syringe and attach the infusion set as directed in the INFUSION OF XYNTHA section.

    Note: Dispose of all unused solution, the empty XYNTHA SOLOFUSE, and other used medical supplies in an appropriate container.

    Dispose of all unused solution, the empty XYNTHA SOLOFUSE - Illustration

    This product's labeling may have been updated. For the most recent prescribing information, please visit