2018 FAQ questions
- Extract from the outpatient card. Date of birth: 22.05.1994 (age 21). Address: KBR, Chereksky district, Verkhnyaya Zhemtala village, Mollaeva st., 65. Diagnosis: Consequences of neuropathy of the tibial nerve on the left with moderate motor and trophic disorders. Residual encephalopathy with the hypertensive syndrome. From the anamnesis: Born from 4 pregnancies, 3 urgent deliveries in a cephalic presentation with Apgar scores of 7-7 points. Preventive vaccinations according to the calendar. At the age of 1.1, the child fell out of bed, there was a large subcutaneous hematoma on the right. Grew and developed according to gender and age up to 5 years of age. Since 2000, I was registered with a neurologist with a diagnosis of neuropathy of the tibial nerve on the left. In subsequent years (2001,2002,2003), he was treated inpatiently in the children's neurological department of the RCCH. In his adolescence, he stubbornly went in for sports. Allergic history was unremarkable. Heredity is not burdened. The last inpatient treatment to clarify the diagnosis and treatment in the neurological department of the RCH from 14.11.2014 to 24.11.2014. with a diagnosis of Residual encephalopathy. Consequences of neuropathy of the tibial nerve on the left with moderate motor and trophic disorders. Complaints at the time of examination of a decrease in muscle strength, numbness in the left leg and foot; restriction of movement in the 3rd and 4th toes of the left foot; periodically, cramps in the lower leg. Objectively: The general condition is relatively satisfactory. Correct physique, satisfactory nutrition. Skin and visible mucous membranes of a physiological color, clean. Peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged. Auscultation in the lungs vesicular breathing, no wheezing, respiratory rate-17 per minute. Percussion-pulmonary sound. Heart sounds are muffled, rhythmic, heart rate-71 per minute, blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. The abdomen is soft and painless on palpation. Liver along the edge of the costal arch. Beating symptom (-) on both sides. Stool and urine output is normal. Limps when walking on the left leg. In neurological status: Contact, adequate, oriented in space and time. Pupils D = S, asymmetry of the palpebral fissures S> D. Convergence is weakened. Tendon and periosteal reflexes on the hands D = S, on the left legs the knee reflex is absent, Achilles is reduced. Hypotrophy of the left thigh by 2.5 cm, lower leg by 3-4 cm. Muscle strength is sufficient, muscle tone is normal. Performs coordination tests confidently. Survey results: 1.OAK from 16.11.15 RBC 5.23x1012 / L, HGB 145g / L, HCT 43.7%, PLT 295x109 / L, WBC 8.1x109 / L, MCV 83.6 fL, MCH 27.7 Pg, MCHC 332 g / L, LY 45.5, MO 10.3, GR 44.2, RDW 12.8, PCT 0.16, MPV 5.5, PDW 17.8%, ESR 4 mm / h 2.ОАМ from 16.11.15 GLU-negative, BL-negative, KET-negative, SG 1.025, BLD -negative, pH 6.0, PRO-negative, UBG 3.2 mmol / L, NT-negative, LEU-negative. 3.Sugar blood from 11/16/15 - 4.6 mmol / l. 4.HBsAg from 11/17/15-denied. anti-HCV from 11/17/15-negative HIV from 11/17/15 - denied. 5.F-fia OGK from 11.11.15-norm 6.ECG from 18.11.15 Sinus rhythm, heart rate 72-77 per minute EOS vertical. LV load. 7.Electroneuromyographic study dated 09/05/2014 Conclusion: EMG signs of a secondary myodystrophic process in the muscles of the foot and lower leg on the left (possibly a consequence of circulatory disorders at the level of the lumbar spine). No signs of a neuropathic process were identified. EMG signs of a block of 2nd conduction along the m / b nerve at the level of the ankle joint on the right (residual effects of ankle joint injury?) ). 8.MRI of the brain from 20.11.2014 Conclusion: Asymmetry of the lateral ventricles. Hyperostosis of the bones of the cranial vault. 9.Conclusion of the neurologist of the RCH from 11.11.15. Diagnosis: Residual encephalopathy with the hypertensive syndrome. Consequences of neuropathy of the tibial nerve on the left with moderate motor and trophic disorders. But is it possible to cure this diagnosis? if so what is the price
- Hello. At this stage, restoration of the lost function of the tibial nerve (more than 15 years of the course of the disease) and residual encephalopathy (more than 20 years of the course of the disease) is no longer possible. Only symptomatic and restorative therapy is possible.
- Hello! Tell me how much will the operation to remove the ganglion cyst cost?
- Hello. The cost of the operation to remove the ganglion cyst of the foot, hand, wrist, ankle joints is 44,510 rubles. To sign up for a consultation, you will need to contact our manager.
- Good afternoon, Do you perform MRA (MRI of the kidney vessels)? Interested in a tomograph with 3 tesla - what is the cost of the procedure and recording the result to disk? Is it possible to record 3D images? Thanks in advance, Olga
- Hello. Yes, we are doing magnetic resonance angiography of the renal arteries on a 3 Tesla apparatus with recording images on a disk. The introduction of a contrast agent is not required for this type of angiography. To make an appointment for an MRI, you will need to contact our manager.
- Good afternoon, I was found to have either an aneurism, or a malformation in the hilus of the kidney, plus arteriovenous fistulas. I did a CT scan of the kidneys with contrast, but the doctor could not consider how much fistula and malformation it was or an aneurysm. Ahead of the operation, in order to understand whether it is minimally invasive or open to operate, the doctor said that it would be better to do an angiogram. Can you please tell me if MR-angiography on a 3 Tesla tomograph will be more informative? Do I need to do contrast on a high-field tomograph in my case? Thank you in advance
- Hello. Yes, we are doing magnetic resonance angiography of the renal arteries on a 3 Tesla apparatus with recording images on a disk. The introduction of a contrast agent is not required for this type of angiography. To make an appointment for an MRI, you will need to contact our manager.
- Hello, I am taking Levicitam, I want to change, tell me the analogs.
- Hello. Our neurologists are engaged in the selection of the necessary anticonvulsants. To sign up for a consultation, you will need to contact our manager.
- Good day. Mom has an intervertebral hernia of the spine, sciatica in the leg. Now the acute phase. Takes katadolon, midocalm. Stabs milgamma. The pain syndrome is strong. Can you make a paravertebral therapeutic injections with icecoin and kenolog or diprospan?
- Hello. Yes, in order to relieve the pain symptom, a paravertebral or epidural block can be performed. To sign up for a consultation, you will need to contact our manager.
- Good day! in Tbilisi, is it possible to do arthroscopy of the knee joint - separation of the posterior horn of the meniscus. for insurance or what? What is the price? Thanks in advance, Alexander
- Hello. Yes, we have knee arthroscopy. The approximate cost for this intervention can be obtained from our manager by phone.
- Hello! Conclusion: MRI of the chest department. n-ka with a / v. strengthening from 10.02.17: Wedge-shaped deformity of the Th 12 vertebra. Intradural extramedullary space-occupying lesion at the Th8-Th12 level. Disc protrusion. Aggressive Th8 hemangioma. MRI sc. dep. n-ka. from 10.02.2017: - Osteochondrosis, def. Spondylosis, def. Spondyloarthrosis n / a. dep. n-ka. perineural cyst at S2. Tomograms with and without contrasting on Yandex disk, link to the folder. Questions: do you do such operations, in what time frame, price? Thank.
- Hello. We perform surgical treatment of vascular malformations of the spine and spinal cord. To prepare the patient, an angiographic examination of the vessels of the spinal cord with the use of contrast enhancement will be required. Based on the data obtained, it will be possible to plan treatment tactics, the timing of the intervention, and the cost of the required treatment.
- hello, I have chronic bronchitis, for some reason I heard about the drug Trifed recently. the question is do I need a prescription? thanks.
- Hello. According to the instructions, Traifed is released in pharmacies if there is a prescription.
You can send your question to our specialists at minclinic@gmail.com by attaching text data and images to it or by filling out a special form.