

Maxaquin - General Information

Maxaquin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, used to treat bacterial infections including bronchitis and urinary tract infections. It is also used to prevent urinary tract infections prior to surgery.


Pharmacology of Maxaquin

Maxaquin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic used to treat chronic bronchitis, as well as complicated and uncomplicated urinary tract infections. It is also used as a prophylactic or preventative treatment to prevent urinary tract infections in patients undergoing transrectal or transurethral surgical procedures. Flouroquinolones such as lomefloxacin possess excellent activity against gram-negative aerobic bacteria such as E.coli and Neisseria gonorrhoea as well as gram-positive bacteria including S. pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. They also posses effective activity against shigella, salmonella, campylobacter, gonococcal organisms, and multi drug resistant pseudomonas and enterobacter.


Maxaquin for patients


Maxaquin Interactions

Theophylline:   In three pharmacokinetic studies including 46 normal, healthy subjects, theophylline clearance and concentration were not significantly altered by the addition of lomefloxacin. In clinical studies where patients were on chronic theophylline therapy, lomefloxacin had no measurable effect on the mean distribution of theophylline concentrations or the mean estimates of theophylline clearance. Though individual theophylline levels fluctuated, there were no clinically significant symptoms of drug inter-action.

Antacids and sucralfate:   Sucralfate and antacids containing magnesium or aluminum, as well as formulations containing divalent and trivalent cations such as Videx® (didanosine), chewable/buffered tablets or the pediatric powder for oral solution can form chelation complexes with lomefloxacin and interfere with its bioavailability. Sucralfate administered 2 hours before lomefloxacin resulted in a slower absorption (mean C max decreased by 30% and mean T max increased by 1 hour) and a lesser extent of absorption (mean AUC decreased by approximately 25%). Magnesium- and aluminum-containing antacids, administered concomitantly with lomefloxacin, significantly decreased the bioavailability (48%) of lomefloxacin. Separating the doses of antacid and lomefloxacin minimizes this decrease in bioavailability; therefore, administration of these agents should precede lomefloxacin dosing by 4 hours or follow lomefloxacin dosing by at least 2 hours.

Caffeine:   Two hundred mg of caffeine (equivalent to 1 to 3 cups of American coffee) was administered to 16 normal, healthy volunteers who had achieved steady-state blood concentrations of lomefloxacin after being dosed at 400 mg qd. This did not result in any statistically or clinically relevant changes in the pharmacokinetic parameters of either caffeine or its major metabolite, paraxanthine. No data are available on potential interactions in individuals who consume greater than 200 mg of caffeine per day or in those, such as the geriatric population, who are generally believed to be more susceptible to the development of drug-induced CNS-related adverse effects. Other quinolones have demonstrated moderate to marked interference with the metabolism of caffeine, resulting in a reduced clearance, a prolongation of plasma half-life, and an increase in symptoms that accompany high levels of caffeine.

Cimetidine:   Cimetidine has been demonstrated to interfere with the elimination of other quinolones. This interference has resulted in significant increases in half-life and AUC. The interaction between lomefloxacin and cimetidine has not been studied.

Cyclosporine:   Elevated serum levels of cyclosporine have been reported with concomitant use of cyclosporine with other members of the quinolone class. Interaction between lomefloxacin and cyclosporine has not been studied.

Omeprazole:   No clinically significant changes in lomefloxacin pharmacokinetics (AUC, C max, or T max ) were observed when a single dose of lomefloxacin 400 mg was given after multiple doses of omeprazole (20 mg qd) in 13 healthy volunteers. Changes in omeprazole pharmacokinetics were not studied.

Phenytoin:   No significant differences were observed in mean phenytoin AUC, C max, C min or T max (although C max increased by 11%) when extended phenytoin sodium capsules (100 mg tid) were coadministered with lomefloxacin (400 mg qd) for five days in 15 healthy males. Lomefloxacin is unlikely to have a significant effect on phenytoin metabolism.

Probenecid:  Probenecid slows the renal elimination of lome-floxacin. An increase of 63% in the mean AUC and increases of 50% and 4%, respectively, in the mean T max and mean C max were noted in 1 study of 6 individuals.

Terfenadine:   No clinically significant changes occurred in heart rate or corrected QT intervals, or in terfenadine metabolite or lomefloxacin pharmacokinetics, during concurrent administration of lomefloxacin and terfenadine at steady-state in 28 healthy males.

Warfarin:   Quinolones may enhance the effects of the oral anticoagulant, warfarin, or its derivatives. When these products are administered concomitantly, prothrombin or other suitable coagulation tests should be monitored closely. However, no clinically or statistically significant differences in prothrombin time ratio or warfarin enantiomer pharmacokinetics were observed in a small study of 7 healthy males who received both warfarin and lomefloxacin under steady-state conditions.


Maxaquin Contraindications

Maxaquin (lomefloxacin HCl) is contraindicated in persons with a history of hypersensitivity to lomefloxacin or any member of the quinolone group of antimicrobial agents.


Additional information about Maxaquin

Maxaquin Indication: For the treatment of bacterial infections of the respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis) and urinary tract, and as a pre-operative prophylactic to prevent urinary tract infection caused by: S.pneumoniae, H.influenzae, S.aureus, P.aeruginosa, E. cloacae, P. mirabilis, C. civersus, S. asprphyticus, E.coli, and K.pneumoniae.
Mechanism Of Action: Maxaquin is a bactericidal fluoroquinolone agent with activity against a wide range of gram-negative and gram-positive organisms. The bactericidal action of lomefloxacin results from interference with the activity of the bacterial enzymes DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, which are needed for the transcription and replication of bacterial DNA. DNA gyrase appears to be the primary quinolone target for gram-negative bacteria. Topoisomerase IV appears to be the preferential target in gram-positive organisms. Interference with these two topoisomerases results in strand breakage of the bacterial chromosome, supercoiling, and resealing. As a result DNA replication and transcription is inhibited.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Lomefloxacin
Synonyms: LFLX; lomefloxacin hydrochloride; Lomefloxacine [French]; Lomefloxacino [Spanish]; Lomefloxacinum [Latin]
Drug Category: Anti-Infective Agents, Urinary; Antitubercular Agents; Photosensitizing Agents
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Lomefloxacin: Bareon; Maxaquin;
Absorption: Rapid and nearly complete with approximately 95% to 98% of a single oral dose being absorbed.
Toxicity (Overdose): Adverse reactions include peripheral neuropathy, nervousness, agitation, anxiety, and phototoxic events (rash, itching, burning) due to sunlight exposure.
Protein Binding: 10%
Biotransformation: Minimally metabolized although 5 metabolites have been identified in human urine. 65% appears as the parent drug in urine and 9% as the glucuronide metabolite.
Half Life: 8 hours
Dosage Forms of Maxaquin: Tablet Oral
Chemical IUPAC Name: 1-ethyl-6,8-difluoro-7-(3-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-4-oxoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid
Chemical Formula: C17H19F2N3O3
Lomefloxacin on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Enteric bacteria and other eubacteria