
Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency refers to having excessively low levels of vitamin D in the body. Severe vitamin D deficiency characteristically caused the disease known as rickets, in which bone does not mineralize properly, leading to misshapen bones.

Signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency as well as its effects may vary. A mild deficiency may not produce any signs or symptoms. The symptoms are subtle in most people and can include

  • fatigue,
  • muscle weakness, and
  • bone pain.

Deficiency of vitamin D has also been linked to certain health risks including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and cognitive impairment in older people.

Causes of vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by inadequate exposure to sunlight or inadequate consumption of foods containing the vitamin. Certain kidney diseases and gastrointestinal diseases can also result in vitamin D deficiency.

Other vitamin d deficiency symptoms and signs

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 9/24/2020