- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Symptoms and Signs
- Salivary Gland Cancer Symptoms and Signs
- Salmonella Infection Symptoms and Signs
- Sarcoidosis Symptoms and Signs
- Scabies Symptoms and Signs
- Scalp Psoriasis Symptoms and Signs
- Scarlet Fever Symptoms and Signs
- Schatzki's Ring Symptoms and Signs
- Schistosomiasis Symptoms and Signs
- Schizoaffective Disorder Symptoms and Signs
- Schizophrenia Symptoms and Signs
- Schizotypal Personality Disorder Symptoms and Sign
- Sciatica Symptoms and Signs
- Scleritis Symptoms and Signs
- Scleroderma Symptoms and Signs
- Scoliosis Symptoms and Signs
- Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms and Signs
- Seborrheic Dermatitis Symptoms and Signs
- Seizures
- Seizures (uncontrollable jerking of limbs) and Shaking hands or tremor
- Seizures (uncontrollable jerking of limbs) and Spinning sensation
- Seizures (uncontrollable jerking of limbs) and Weakness
- Seizures (uncontrollable jerking of limbs) and Weakness (generalized)
- Self-Neglect
- Sensation of something in eye and Shadow over part of vision
- Sensation of something in eye and Tearing in one eye
- Sensation of something in eye, Sensitive to light and Sore or burning eyes
- Sense of impending doom
- Sense of impending doom and Slow thinking
- sensitive to cold, Weight loss
- Sensitive to light and Small (constricted) pupils
- Sensitive to light and Stiff neck
- Sensitive to light and Sunken eyes
- Sensitive to light and Unequal pupils (size)
- Sensitive to light, Sore or burning eyes, Squinting eyes and Tenderness to touch
- Sensitive to noise and Swelling
- Sensitive to noise and Tenderness to touch
- Sensitivity to cold and Pale skin
- Separation Anxiety Symptoms and Signs
- Sepsis Symptoms and Signs
- Septic Arthritis Symptoms and Signs
- Sever Condition Symptoms and Signs
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Symptoms
- Shaking and Upset stomach
- Shaking and Weight gain
- Shaking and Yelling out during sleep
- Shaking Hands (Hand Tremors)
- Shaking hands and Shortness of breath
- Shaking hands and Trembling
- Shaking hands and Upset stomach
- Shaking hands and Weakness
- Shaking hands or tremor and Single palm crease
- Shaking hands or tremor and Skin rash
- Shaking hands or tremor and Upward curving (spooning) of nails
- Shaking hands or tremor, Swelling (Fingers) and Swelling (Ankle)
- Shaking hands or tremor, Swelling (Fingers) and Swelling (Foot (top))
- Shaking hands or tremor, Unable to grip (hands) and Weakness
- Shaking hands, Muscle twitching and Weakness
- Shaking, Generalized weakness
- Shaking, Shaking chills (rigors) and Shaking hands or tremor
- Shaking, Trembling, Generalized weakness
- Shaking, Weight loss
- Shigellosis Symptoms and Signs
- Shin Splints Symptoms and Signs
- Shingles Symptoms and Signs
- Shock Symptoms and Signs
- Short attention span and Short stature
- Short attention span and Weakness (generalized)
- Short attention span, Tires quickly and Weakness (generalized)
- Short stature and Slow growth (failure to thrive)
- Short, wide neck
- Short, wide neck and Visible deformity
- Shortness of breath
- Shortness of Breath
- Shortness of breath and Nausea or vomiting
- Shortness of breath and Numbness or tingling
- Shortness of breath and Shaking hands
- Shortness of breath and Skin rash
- Shortness of breath and Slow heart rate (pulse)
- Shortness of breath and Slow or irregular breathing
- Shortness of breath and Stiff neck
- Shortness of breath and Swelling
- Shortness of breath and Tenderness to touch
- Shortness of breath and Throat tightness
- Shortness of breath and Upset stomach
- Shortness of breath and Weakness (generalized)
- Shortness of breath, Itching or burning and Pain
- Shortness of breath, Numbness or tingling, Palpitations
- Shortness of breath, Swelling (Ankle) and Swelling (Foot (top))
- Shoulder Pain
- Shuffling gait (feet)
- Shuffling gait (feet), Stiffness or decreased movement and Unable to bear weight
- Shuffling gait (feet), Stiffness, Weakness
- Shuffling gait (feet), Weakness
- SIADH Symptoms and Signs
- SIBO Symptoms and Signs
- Sickle Cell Anemia Symptoms and Signs
- Single palm crease and Swelling
- Sinus Headache Symptoms and Signs
- Sinus Infection (Sinusitis) Symptoms and Signs
- Sjogren's Syndrome Symptoms and Signs
- Skin blisters and Skin hardening
- Skin blisters and Skin rash
- Skin blisters and Swelling
- Skin blisters and Unusual or suspicious mole
- Skin blisters and Vaginal discharge
- Skin blisters and Welts
- Skin blisters, Skin bumps and Welts
- Skin blisters, Skin bumps, Skin rash and Skin redness
- Skin blisters, Skin irritation and Skin rash
- Skin blisters, Skin open sore and Skin rash
- Skin blisters, Skin open sore, Skin peeling and cracking or scaling
- Skin blisters, Skin peeling, cracking or scaling and Skin rash
- Skin blisters, Skin peeling, cracking or scaling and Skin redness
- Skin bumps and Swelling
- Skin bumps and Vaginal discharge
- Skin bumps and Visible bugs or parasites
- Skin bumps and Warm to touch
- Skin bumps and Yellow skin
- Skin bumps, Skin darkening and Skin rash
- Skin bumps, Skin irritation, Skin rash and Skin redness
- Skin bumps, Skin open sore and Skin rash
- Skin bumps, Skin open sore and Skin redness
- Skin bumps, Skin open sore, Skin peeling and cracking or scaling
- Skin bumps, Skin rash and Welts
- Skin bumps, Skin redness and Skin thickening
- Skin Cancer Symptoms and Signs
- Skin hardening and Skin open sore
- Skin hardening and Visible deformity
- Skin hardening and Welts
- Skin hardening, Scaling skin and Skin thickening
- Skin hardening, Skin irritation and Skin rash
- Skin irritation and Tenderness to touch
- Skin irritation, Skin peeling, cracking or scaling and Skin rash
- Skin irritation, Skin peeling, cracking or scaling, Skin rash and Skin redness
- Skin irritation, Skin rash and Welts
- Skin open sore and Skin rash
- Skin open sore and Unusual or suspicious mole
- Skin peeling, cracking or scaling and Swelling
- Skin peeling, cracking or scaling and Unusual or suspicious mole
- Skin peeling, cracking or scaling and Yellow skin
- Skin rash
- Skin rash and Skin thickening
- Skin rash and Spots on throat
- Skin rash and Stiff neck
- Skin rash and Stiffness or decreased movement
- Skin rash and Swelling
- Skin rash and Swollen lips
- Skin rash and Swollen tongue
- Skin rash and Swollen tonsils
- Skin rash and Unusual or suspicious mole
- Skin rash and Upset stomach
- Skin rash and Warm to touch
- Skin rash and Warm to touch face
- Skin rash and White patches on tongue
- Skin rash and Yellow skin
- Skin rash, Skin redness and Skin thickening
- Skin rash, Skin redness and Swelling
- Skin rash, Skin redness, Swelling (Arm) and Swelling (Hand (back))
- Skin rash, Swelling (Eyes) and Swelling (Face)
- Skin rash, Swelling and Tenderness to touch
- Skin rash, Swelling and Warm to touch
- Skin rash, Tender glands and Tenderness to touch
- Skin rash, Tenderness to touch (Abdomen (upper)) and Tenderness to touch (Back)
- Skin redness and Swelling
- Skin redness and Tenderness to touch
- Skin redness and Unusual or suspicious mole
- Skin redness and Warm to touch
- Skin redness and Yellow skin
- Skin redness, Swelling (Face) and Swelling (Foot (top))
- Skin redness, Swelling (Hand (back)) and Swelling (Foot (top))
- Skin redness, Swelling and Warm to touch
- Skin Tag Symptoms and Signs
- Skin thickening and Unusual or suspicious mole
- Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Signs
- Sleep Paralysis Symptoms and Signs
- Sleepwalking Symptoms and Signs
- Slow growth (failure to thrive) and Weight loss (unintentional)
- Slow heart rate (pulse) and Wheezing
- Slow or weak urine stream and Testicular pain
- Slurred speech
- Slurred speech and Numbness or tingling
- Slurred speech and Swollen tongue
- Slurred speech and Upset stomach
- Small (constricted) pupils
- Small Intestine Cancer Symptoms and Signs
- Smooth tongue, Sore tongue and Swollen tongue
- Snakebite Symptoms and Signs
- Sneezing
- Sneezing and Strange smell or taste
- Snoring
- Snoring and Sore tongue
- Snoring and Thick saliva
- Snoring and White patches on tongue
- Social Isolation
- Sore or burning eyes and Sore throat
- Sore or burning eyes and Visual halos around lights
- Sore or burning eyes, Warm to touch and Watery eyes
- Sore Throat
- Sore throat and Bleeding between periods
- Sore throat and Sore tongue
- Sore throat and Stiff neck
- Sore throat and Swollen gums
- Sore throat and Swollen lips
- Sore throat and Swollen tongue
- Sore throat and Thick saliva
- Sore throat and Upset stomach
- Sore throat and Wheezing
- Sore throat, Generalized weakness
- Sore throat, Pain and Stiff neck
- Sore throat, Pain and Tenderness to touch
- Sore throat, Sore tongue and Swollen tongue
- Sore throat, Stiff neck, Swollen tonsils and Tender glands
- Sore throat, Stiff neck, Tender glands and Tenderness to touch
- Sore throat, Swelling (Knee (patella)) and Swelling (Foot (top))
- Sore throat, Swollen tongue and White patches on tongue
- Sore throat, Tender glands and Tenderness to touch
- Sore throat, Warm to touch (Face) and Warm to touch (Neck (front))
- Sore throat, Weight loss
- Sore Tongue
- Sore tongue and Tenderness to touch
- Sore tongue and White patches on tongue
- Sore tongue, Soreness or burning inside of mouth, Swelling and Swollen tongue
- Sore tongue, Swelling and Swollen tongue
- Sore tongue, Swollen tongue and Swollen tonsils
- Sore tongue, Thick saliva or mucus and White patches on tongue
- Soreness or burning inside of mouth and Upset stomach
- Soreness or burning inside of mouth, Swollen lips and Swollen tongue
- Spasticity
- Speech problems, Forgetfulness, Headache and Memory problems
- Speech problems, Forgetfulness, Memory problems and Mood swings
- Speech problems, Forgetfulness, Memory problems and Slow thinking
- Spider Bite Symptoms and Signs
- Spinal Cord Injury Symptoms and Signs
- Spinal Headache Symptoms and Signs
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Symptoms and Signs
- Splinter Hemorrhage
- Spondylolisthesis Symptoms and Signs
- Spoon-Shaped Fingernails (Koilonychia)
- Spots on throat and Thick saliva or mucus
- Spots on tonsils, Swollen tonsils and White patches on tongue
- Sprained Ankle Symptoms and Signs
- Squamous Cell Cancer (Skin Cancer Symptoms and Signs)
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Skin Cancer Symptoms and Signs)
- Squinting eyes and Sudden flash of lights
- Squinting eyes and Tearing in one eye
- Squinting eyes and Tilts head to look at something
- Squinting eyes and Watery eyes
- Squinting eyes, Swelling and Watery eyes
- Sternutation (Sneezing)
- Steroid Abuse Symptoms and Signs
- Steroid Drug Withdrawal Symptoms and Signs
- Stiff Neck
- Stiff neck and Swelling
- Stiff neck and Throat tightness
- Stiff neck and Warm to touch
- Stiff neck and Watery eyes
- Stiff neck, Pain and Warm to touch
- Stiff neck, Swelling and Warm to touch
- Stiff neck, Tender glands and Tenderness to touch
- Stiff-Person Syndrome Symptoms and Signs
- Stiffness or decreased movement and Testicular pain
- Stiffness or decreased movement, numbness on one side of body and Weakness
- Stiffness or decreased movement, Unable to move arm and Weakness
- Stiffness, Unable to grip, Weakness
- Still's Disease Symptoms and Signs
- Stomach Cancer Symptoms and Signs
- Stomach Cramps
- Stomach cramps and Vaginal bleeding
- Stomach cramps and Vaginal discharge
- Stomach cramps, Upset stomach and Weakness
- Stomach Ulcer (Peptic Ulcer) Symptoms and Signs
- Stool Color & Texture Changes
- Stool leaking (incontinence) and Thin (pencil) stools
- Stool leaking (incontinence) and Urine leaking (incontinence)
- Strabismus (Crossed Eye) Symptoms and Signs
- Strain Symptoms and Signs
- Strange Behavior (Unusual Behavior)
- Strange smell or taste and Swollen gums
- Strange smell or taste, Taste of acid in mouth and Unusual taste in mouth
- Strange smell or taste, Unusual taste in mouth and White patches on tongue
- Strep Throat Symptoms and Signs
- Stress Symptoms and Signs
- Stroke Symptoms and Signs
- Stuttering Symptoms and Signs
- Sty Symptoms and Signs
- Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Symptoms and Signs
- Sudden Cardiac Death Symptoms and Signs
- Sudden flash of lights and Tearing in one eye
- Sudden numbness or weakness on one side of body
- Sudden numbness or weakness on one side of body and Weakness
- Sudden urge to urinate and Testicular pain
- Suicide
- Sunburn Symptoms and Signs
- Sunken eyes and Yellow eyes
- Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Symptoms and Signs
- Swelling (Eyes), Swelling (Face), Swelling (Jaw) and Swollen lips
- Swelling (Face), Swelling (Mouth) and Swollen lips
- Swelling (Shin), Swelling (Ankle), Tenderness to touch and Warm to touch
- Swelling and Testicular pain
- Swelling and Unable to move leg
- Swelling and Unequal pupils (size)
- Swelling and Unusual behavior
- Swelling and Upward curving (spooning) of nails
- Swelling and Vaginal bleeding after menopause
- Swelling and Vaginal bleeding between periods
- Swelling and Warm to touch
- Swelling and Weight gain
- Swelling and Welts
- Swelling, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch
- Swelling, Lump or bulge and Warm to touch
- Swelling, Lump or bulge and Warm to touch face
- Swelling, Pain and Warm to touch
- Swelling, Swollen gums and Swollen lips
- Swelling, Swollen lips and Tenderness to touch
- Swelling, Swollen lips and Warm to touch
- Swelling, Tearing in one eye, Tenderness to touch and Watery eyes
- Swelling, Tenderness to touch and Vaginal discharge
- Swelling, Tenderness to touch and Weakness
- Swelling, Tenderness to touch and Weight gain
- Swelling, Tenderness to touch, Visible deformity and Warm to touch
- Swelling, Testicles shrinkage and Testicular pain
- Swelling, Unable to grip (hands) and Weakness
- Swimmer's Ear (Otitis Externa) Symptoms and Signs
- Swine Flu Symptoms and Signs
- Swollen Ankles and/or Swollen Feet
- Swollen Breast
- Swollen Eyes
- Swollen Gums (Pericoronitis Symptoms and Signs)
- Swollen gums and Swollen tongue
- Swollen gums and Swollen tonsils
- Swollen Joints
- Swollen Knee
- Swollen Lip
- Swollen lips and Taste of acid in mouth
- Swollen lips and Thick saliva or mucus
- Swollen lips and Upset stomach
- Swollen lips and Warm to touch
- Swollen Lymph Nodes
- Swollen Testicles
- Swollen Tongue
- Swollen tongue
- Swollen tongue and Taste of acid in mouth
- Swollen tongue, White patches inside mouth and White patches on tongue
- Swollen Tonsils
- Swollen tonsils and Thick saliva
- Swollen tonsils and Throat tightness
- Swollen tonsils and Visible deformity
- Swollen tonsils, Thick saliva and White patches inside mouth