
Broken Bone (Fracture)

A broken bone, or fracture, is a break in any of the bones of the body. There are different types of bone fractures, depending on the extent of the break and the positioning of the bone fragments afterward.

Signs and symptoms of broken bones include

  • pain,
  • swelling,
  • tenderness, and
  • bruising at the involved site.

Other associated signs and symptoms may be related to the injury and can include

  • bleeding,
  • physical deformity, and
  • lack of functionality.

In open fractures, fragments of bone break through the skin and are visible. Loss of height is a symptom of compression fractures of the vertebrae. The most common broken bones include the clavicle (collarbone), the forearm (radius and ulna), the wrist, the ankle and the hip.

Causes of broken bones

Trauma or injury is the most common cause of broken bones. Conditions and diseases that weaken bone, such as osteoporosis, may increase a person's risk of developing a bone fracture.

Other broken bone (fracture) symptoms and signs

  • Bleeding
  • Bruising at the Involved Site
  • Lack of Functionality
  • Pain
  • Physical Deformity
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 9/15/2020