
What Is the Female Version of Viagra Called?

women's Viagra
The FDA approved two versions of female Viagra to treat female sexual dysfunction, which are called flibanserin (Addyi) and bremelanotide.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a prescription medicine called flibanserin (Addyi) to treat low sexual desire and libido in premenopausal women. While Viagra was used to treat female sexual dysfunction, the FDA hasn’t approved the use of this medication. However, in 2015, the FDA approved flibanserin to treat female sexual interest/arousal disorder (FSIAD) in premenopausal women. Going further, in June 2019, the FDA approved a second drug, bremelanotide, to treat the condition.

FSIAD is complex in nature. Several studies have reported that the use of female Viagra has shown positive results concerning physical arousal and libido. However, Viagra doesn’t seem to be effective in treating more complex FSIAD. Additionally, Viagra doesn’t show any promising results in women with secondary FSIAD associated disorders, such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes. Another study revealed that there were no major positive responses observed when using female Viagra.

What is the purpose of a Viagra-like pill?

There are several reasons why a woman should use a Viagra-like pill. For one, middle-aged women have decreased overall sex drive. Additionally, sex drive can reduce due to the following factors:

Some of the characteristics of female sexual interest/arousal disorder include:

  • Limited or absence of sexual thoughts or fantasies
  • Loss of interest or failure to maintain interest in sexual activities
  • Reduced or no response of desire to sexual signals or stimulation
  • The significant feeling of frustration, incompetence or anxiety related to lack of sexual interest or arousal

How does flibanserin work?

Flibanserin was previously used as an antidepressant. In 2015, the FDA approved the use of the medication for the treatment of female sexual interest/arousal disorder (FSIAD).

While the exact mechanism of flibanserin in treating FSIAD is unknown, taking it regularly increases dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the body and reduces the serotonin level. Dopamine and norepinephrine are important neurotransmitters required for sexual arousal. Both have an important role in promoting sexual desire and arousal.

Flibanserin takes about two months to show its effect on FSIAD.

What are the side effects of using flibanserin?

Some of the potentially serious side effects of using flibanserin include:

Flibanserin should never be taken within two hours of drinking alcohol due to the risk of fainting and severe hypotension.

How does bremelanotide work?

Similarly, the exact mechanism of bremelanotide in treating female sexual interest/arousal disorder is unknown. However, bremelanotide activates melanocortin receptors in the brain linked with several body functions, such as appetite and cardiovascular health. It is injected into the thighs 45 minutes before engaging in sexual activity. Doctors recommend only one dose a day and not more than eight doses a month of bremelanotide.

What are the side effects of bremelanotide?

The most common side effects of bremelanotide include: