
What Foods Are High in Protein But Low in Calories?

10 high-protein foods low in calories

high protein low calorie foods
Here are the 10 best high-protein foods that are also low in calories to help your weight loss journey.

Protein is the best option when it comes to weight loss because it makes you feel fuller for much longer. A protein-rich food is also often lower in calories than most foods rich in fat and carbohydrate.

The 10 high-protein foods that are low in calories include:

  1. Eggs: One egg provides you with seven grams of protein and 85 calories.
    • Eggs are cheap and easy sources of improving your protein intake.
    • Prefer organic eggs whenever possible since these eggs are certified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are free from antibiotics, vaccines, and hormones.
    • The color of eggs does not matter because all have similar nutritional values.
  2. Wild salmon: Three ounces of wild salmon provides you with 17 grams of protein and 121 calories.
    • Although it is high in fats, it contains more of the healthier fats known as unsaturated fats, specifically omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids are best known for their heart-healthy effects.
    • Having at least two servings of wild salmon one time a week can help you in your weight loss journey while also providing you with a whole lot of nutrients.
  3. Chicken: Three ounces of cooked chicken breast contain 142 calories and 26 grams of protein, which is more than half of the day's recommended protein intake.
    • Go for the leaner cuts and roasted or broiled version instead of fried one.
  4. Greek yogurt: Just seven ounces of Greek yogurt provides you with 20 grams of protein but 150 calories.
    • Apart from being rich in proteins, the probiotic content of Greek yogurt is one of the factors that help with weight loss.
    • Good bacteria in probiotics can increase your metabolism and help you maintain a healthy weight.
    • While buying Greek yogurt, read the label and opt for brands that are sugar-free or low in sugar.
  5. Beans: Half a cup of beans provides you with 7 to 10 grams of protein and anywhere between 109 and 148 calories (depending on the type of beans).
    • Beans are packed not only with proteins but also with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.
    • They are one of the best protein-rich options that make you feel full for a longer duration.
    • You can easily have them during dinner time with brown rice or add them to other healthier options such as soups and salads.
  6. Lentils: One cup of lentils provides you with 18 grams of proteins (the protein present in three eggs) and 230 calories.
    • Lentils are low in fat and high in fiber and are good at fulfilling your satiety and speeding up your fat loss.
    • Eat them with brown rice as sides or add them to soups.
  7. Artichokes: One medium-sized vegetable replenishes you with 4.2 grams of protein but only 60 calories.
    • Artichoke is not only one of the richest vegetable sources of proteins but also high in fiber. One medium artichoke contains 10.3 grams of fiber.
    • You can boil and eat it or have it in the form of salad.
  8. Almonds: One ounce of almonds contains six grams of protein and 164 calories.
    • To reap the maximum benefits, have them in the form of a mid-meal snack (combined with other nuts or seeds) or just before hitting the gym.
  9. Pumpkin seeds: One ounce of pumpkin seeds provides you with nine grams of proteins and 158 calories.
    • You can consume them in raw or dry roasted form for your workout.
    • Packed with proteins, fiber, healthy fats, and various minerals, they are a good source of energy apart from boosting your weight loss.
    • You can easily sprinkle them over salads and soups or add them to muffins, bread, grain dishes, or trail mix.
  10. Chia seeds: One ounce of chia seeds contains five grams of proteins and 138 calories.
    • Chia seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
    • They can be easily added to smoothies, salads, and cereals.