

Cyral - General Information

An antiepileptic agent related to the barbiturates; it is partly metabolized to phenobarbital in the body and owes some of its actions to this metabolite. Adverse effects are reported to be more frequent than with phenobarbital. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p309)


Pharmacology of Cyral

Cyral is a barbiturate with anticonvulsant properties. Cyral, either alone or used concomitantly with other anticonvulsants, is indicated in the control of grand mal, psychomotor, and focal epileptic seizures. It may control grand mal seizures refractory to other anticonvulsant therapy. Cyral raises electro- or chemoshock seizure thresholds or alters seizure patterns in experimental animals. Cyral per se has anticonvulsant activity as do its two metabolites, phenobarbital and phenylethylmalonamide (PEMA). In addition to its anticonvulsant activity, Cyral potentiates that of phenobarbital in experimental animals.


Cyral for patients

Patient Information:

While taking Primidone, patient should avoid alcohol and other CNS depressant.
Primidone may cause drowsiness and dizziness.
Primidone should not stopped suddently, it may results in status epilepticus.


Cyral Interactions

No information provided.


Cyral Contraindications

Primidone is contraindicated in:

1) patients with porphyria

2) patients who are hypersensitive to phenobarbital.


Additional information about Cyral

Cyral Indication: For the treatment of epilepsy
Mechanism Of Action: Cyral is a GABA receptor agonist. The mechanism of Cyral's antiepileptic action is not known.
Drug Interactions: Aminophylline The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Dyphylline The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Oxtriphylline The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Theophylline The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Warfarin The barbiturate decreases the anticoagulant effect
Acenocoumarol The barbiturate decreases the anticoagulant effect
Dicumarol The barbiturate decreases the anticoagulant effect
Anisindione The barbiturate decreases the anticoagulant effect
Betamethasone The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Cortisone acetate The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Dexamethasone The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Divalproex sodium Valproic acid increases the effect of the barbiturate
Felodipine The barbiturate decreases the effect of felodipine
Fludrocortisone The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Folic Acid Folic acid decreases the effect of anticonvulsant
Felbamate Felbamate increases the effect and toxicity of primidone
Gefitinib This CYP3A4 inducer may reduce gefitinib plasma concentrations and pharmacological effects
Griseofulvin The barbiturate decreases the effect of griseofulvine
Hydrocortisone The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Levonorgestrel Phenobarbital decreases the effect of levonorgestrel
Methadone The barbiturate decreases the effect of methadone
Methoxyflurane The barbiturate increases the renal toxicity of methoxyflurane
Methylprednisolone The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Metronidazole The barbiturate decreases the effect of metronidazole
Paramethasone The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Prednisolone The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Prednisone The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Triamcinolone The barbiturate decreases the effect of the corticosteroid
Voriconazole The barbiturate decreases the effect of voriconazole
Cyclosporine The barbiturate increases the effect of cyclosporine
Doxycycline The anticonvulsant decreases the effect of doxycycline
Metoprolol The barbiturate decreases the effect of metabolized beta-blocker
Propranolol The barbiturate decreases the effect of metabolized beta-blocker
Quinidine The anticonvulsant decreases the effect of quinidine
Nifedipine The barbiturate decreases the effect of the calcium channel blocker
Verapamil The barbiturate decreases the effect of the calcium channel blocker
Ethinyl Estradiol This product may cause a slight decrease of contraceptive effect
Mestranol This product may cause a slight decrease of contraceptive effect
Norethindrone This product may cause a slight decrease of contraceptive effect
Chlorotrianisene The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Clomifene The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Diethylstilbestrol The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Estradiol The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Conjugated Estrogens The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Estriol The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Estrone The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Estropipate The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Medroxyprogesterone The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Megestrol The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Quinestrol The enzyme inducer decreases the effect of hormones
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Primidone
Synonyms: Not Available
Drug Category: Anticonvulsants; Barbiturates
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Primidone: Apo-Primidone; Cyral; Desoxyphenobarbitone; Hexadiona; Hexamidine; Lepimidin; Lepsiral; Liskantin; Majsolin; Medi-Pets; Midone; Milepsin; Misodine; Misolyne; Mizodin; Mizolin; Myidone; Mylepsin; Mylepsinum; Mysedon; Mysoline; Neurosyn; Pms Primidone; Prilepsin; Primacione; Primaclone; Primacone; Primakton; Primidon; Primidone Methanol Solution; Primoline; Prysoline; Pyrimidone "Medi-Pets"; Pyrimidone Medi-Pets; Resimatil; Sertan;
Absorption: 90 to 100%
Toxicity (Overdose): Not Available
Protein Binding: 70%
Biotransformation: Hepatic
Half Life: 3-23 hours
Dosage Forms of Cyral: Tablet Oral
Chemical IUPAC Name: 5-ethyl-5-phenyl-1,3-diazinane-4,6-dione
Chemical Formula: C12H14N2O2
Primidone on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals