

Bromo-Benadryl - General Information

Bromo-Benadryl is an ethanolamine antihistamine with antimicrobial property. Bromo-Benadryl is used in the control of cutaneous allergies. Ethanolamine antihistamines produce marked sedation in most patients


Pharmacology of Bromo-Benadryl

Bromo-Benadryl is an antihistamine of the ethanolamine class. Ethanolamine antihistamines have significant antimuscarinic activity and produce marked sedation in most patients. In addition to the usual allergic symptoms, the drug also treats irritant cough and nausea, vomiting, and vertigo associated with motion sickness. It also is used commonly to treat drug-induced extrapyramidal symptoms as well as to treat mild cases of Parkinson's disease. Rather than preventing the release of histamine, as do cromolyn and nedocromil, Bromo-Benadryl competes with free histamine for binding at HA-receptor sites. Bromo-Benadryl competitively antagonizes the effects of histamine on HA-receptors in the GI tract, uterus, large blood vessels, and bronchial muscle. Ethanolamine derivatives have greater anticholinergic activity than do other antihistamines, which probably accounts for the antidyskinetic action of Bromo-Benadryl. This anticholinergic action appears to be due to a central antimuscarinic effect, which also may be responsible for its antiemetic effects, although the exact mechanism is unknown.


Bromo-Benadryl for patients


Bromo-Benadryl Interactions


Bromo-Benadryl Contraindications

Contraindicated in the following: blood disease, heart or blood vessel disease (may cause more serious conditions to develop), enlarged prostate, urinary tract blockage or difficult urination (phenothiazine-derivative antihistamines may cause urinary problems to become worse), epilepsy (phenothiazine-derivative antihistamines, especially promethazine given by injection, may increase the chance of seizures), glaucoma (may cause a slight increase in inner eye pressure that may worsen the condition, jaundice (phenothiazine-derivative antihistamines may make the condition worse), liver disease (phenothiazine-derivative antihistamines may build up in the body, which may increase the chance of side effects such as muscle spasms), Reye's syndrome (phenothiazine-derivative antihistamines, especially promethazine given by injection, may increase the chance of uncontrolled movements).


Additional information about Bromo-Benadryl

Bromo-Benadryl Indication: For management of symptoms related to hay fever and other types of allergy and used to help bring up phlegm, thin secretions, and make a cough productive.
Mechanism Of Action: Bromo-Benadryl competes with free histamine for binding at HA-receptor sites. This antagonizes the effects of histamine on HA-receptors, leading to a reduction of the negative symptoms brought on by histamine HA-receptor binding.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Bromodiphenhydramine
Synonyms: Bromdiphenhydramine hydrochloride; Bromdiphenylhydramine Hydrochloride; Bromdiphenhydramine; Bromodiphenhydramine hydrochloride; Bromazin; Bromazine; Bromazine hydrochloride; Ambodryl Hydrochloride; Amodryl; Bromanautine
Drug Category: Antihistamines
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Bromodiphenhydramine: Bromo-Benadryl; Bromo-Benzdryl; Deserol; Histabromamine; Neo-Benadryl;
Absorption: Well absorbed in the digestive tract.
Toxicity (Overdose): Signs of overdose include wheezing, tightness in the chest, fever, itching, bad cough, blue skin color, fits, swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat.
Protein Binding: 96%
Biotransformation: Hepatic (cytochrome P-450 system); some renal.
Half Life: 1 to 4 hours
Dosage Forms of Bromo-Benadryl: Not Available
Chemical IUPAC Name: 2-[(4-bromophenyl)-phenylmethoxy]-N,N-dimethylethanamine
Chemical Formula: C17H20BrNO
Bromodiphenhydramine on Wikipedia: Not Available
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals