

Abricycline - General Information

A naphthacene antibiotic that inhibits amino acyl TRNA binding during protein synthesis.


Pharmacology of Abricycline

Abricycline is a short-acting antibiotic semisynthetically produced from chlortetracycline, which is derived from Streptomyces aureofaciens. Abricycline inhibits cell growth by inhibiting translation. It binds to the 30S ribosomal subunit and prevents the amino-acyl tRNA from binding to the A site of the ribosome. This binding is reversible in nature.


Abricycline for patients

When Actisite® fiber is in place, patients should avoid actions that may dislodge the fiber. Patients should receive the following instructions:

  1. Do not chew hard, crusty, or sticky foods.
  2. Do not brush or floss near any treated areas. (Continue to clean other teeth.)
  3. Do not engage in any other hygienic practices that could potentially dislodge the fibers.
  4. Do not probe at the treated area with tongue or fingers.
  5. Notify the dentist promptly if the fiber is dislodged or falls out before the scheduled recall visit, or if pain or swelling or other problems occur.


Abricycline Interactions

Interaction may occur with Antacids, Calcium supplements, Cholestyramine, Choline and magnesium salicylates, Colestipol, Iron-containing drugs, Laxatives, Magnesium salicylate: these drugs may decrease the potency of tetracyclines. Oral contraceptives containing estrogen: tetracyclines may decrease the contraceptive effect and increase the chance of unwanted pregnancy.


Abricycline Contraindications

Actisite fiber should not be used in patients who are hypersensitive to any tetracycline.


Additional information about Abricycline

Abricycline Indication: Used to treat bacterial infections such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, typhus fever, and tick fevers; upper respiratory infections; pneumonia; gonorrhea; amoebic infections; and urinary tract infections. It is also used to help treat severe acne and to treat trachoma (a chronic eye infection) and conjunctivitis (pinkeye). Abricycline is often an alternative drug for people who are allergic to penicillin.
Mechanism Of Action: Abricycline passively diffuses through porin channels in the bacterial membrane and reversibly binds to the 30S ribosomal subunit, preventing binding of tRNA to the mRNA-ribosome complex, and thus interfering with protein synthesis.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Avoid milk, calcium containing dairy products, iron, antacids, or aluminium salts 2 hours before or 6 hours after using antacids while on this medication.
Take on empty stomach: 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.
Take with a full glass of water.
Generic Name: Tetracycline
Synonyms: Tetracycline HCl; TC; Anhydrotetracycline
Drug Category: Anti-Bacterial Agents; Antiprotozoals; Tetracyclines
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Tetracycline: Abramycin; Abricycline; Achromycin; Achromycin V; Actisite; Agromicina; Ambramicina; Ambramycin; Amycin; Bio-Tetra; Biocycline; Bristaciclin; Bristaciclina; Bristacycline; Cefracycline; Ciclibion; Copharlan; Criseociclina; Cyclopar; Cytome; Democracin; Deschlorobiomycin; Dumocyclin; Enterocycline; Hostacyclin; Lexacycline; Limecycline; Liquamycin; Medocycline; Mericycline; Micycline; Neocycline; Oletetrin; Omegamycin; Orlycycline; Panmycin; Polycycline; Polyotic; Purocyclina; Resteclin; Retet; Robitet; Roviciclina; SK-Tetracycline; Solvocin; Sumycin; TAC; Tetra-CO; Tetrabon; Tetrachel; Tetracycl; Tetracycline II; Tetracyn; Tetradecin; Tetrafil; Tetramed; Tetraverine; Tetrex; Topicycline; Tsiklomistsin; Tsiklomitsin; Veracin; Vetacyclinum;
Absorption: Bioavailability is less than 40% when administered via intramuscular injection, 100% intravenously, and 60-80% orally (fasting adults). Food and/or milk reduce GI absorption of oral preparations of tetracycline by 50% or more.
Toxicity (Overdose): LD50=808mg/kg (orally in mice)
Protein Binding: Tetracyclines bind to plasma proteins to varying degrees
Biotransformation: Not metabolized
Half Life: 6-11 hours
Dosage Forms of Abricycline: Tablet Oral
Ointment Ophthalmic
Capsule Oral
Chemical IUPAC Name: (2Z)-2-(amino-hydroxymethylidene)-4-dimethylamino-6,10,11,12a-tetrahydroxy-6-methyl-4,4a,5,5a-tetrahydrotetracene-1,3,12-trione
Chemical Formula: C22H24N2O8
Tetracycline on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Enteric bacteria and other eubacteria