
Holter Monitor

Norm of Holter Monitor

No dysrhythmias.


Usage of Holter Monitor

Brugada syndrome, cardiomyopathy, cerebral ischemia, dysrhythmias (detection), mitral valve prolapse, pacemaker function, palpitations, polyarteritis nodosa, sensing of atrial demand pacemaker failure, and syncope.


Description of Holter Monitor

A Holter monitor is a portable, miniaturized electrocardiographic amplifier coupled to a magnetic recorder. It is used to obtain a permanent recording of continuous electrocardiographic activity of a client for an extended period of time, such as 24–48 hours. The client wears the monitor continuously and must record all activity and symptoms experienced at the specific times of occurrence throughout the monitoring period. The resulting electrocardiographic recording is analyzed for abnormalities and correlated with the documented activities and symptoms to help diagnose or rule out abnormalities such as those listed under Usage.


Professional Considerations of Holter Monitor

Consent form NOT required.

  1. Explain purpose to client or family.
  2. Obtain a diary and a pen or pencil, electrodes, and a Holter monitor.
  3. The electrodes must be applied to skin free of hair (shaved) that has been cleansed with acetone.
  4. See Client and Family Teaching.



  1. Assess for paper-roll availability with each monitor.
  2. Maintain a diary of movements to assist the diagnostician in evaluating the heart rhythm.


Postprocedure Care

  1. Remove all electrodes.


Client and Family Teaching

  1. This monitor is used to identify abnormal heart rhythms that may occur for brief periods of time. Keeping a complete diary of times, activities, and sensations throughout monitoring helps pinpoint the cause of symptoms and the effect of activities on the heart.
  2. Avoid bathing (other than sponge bath), magnets, metal detectors, high-voltage areas, and electric blankets because these may interfere with recording.


Factors That Affect Results

  1. An incomplete diary interferes with accurate interpretation of findings.
  2. Failure to apply electrodes correctly may cause an artifactual or incomplete signal.


Other Data

  1. None.