
Exophthalmometry Test

Norm of Exophthalmometry Test

12–20 mm. Eyes differ by less than 3 mm.


Usage of Exophthalmometry Test

Cellulitis, enophthalmos, exophthalmos, periostitis, retinoblastoma, thyroid disease, tumors of the eye, and xanthomatosis.


Description of Exophthalmometry Test

Measures the amount of forward protrusion of the eye by means of an exophthalmometer. The exophthalmometer is a horizontal, calibrated bar with movable 45-degree mirrors on both sides.


Professional Considerations of Exophthalmometry Test

Consent form NOT required.

  1. If previous examination results are available, calibrate the bar to the baseline reading.



  1. Position client upright, facing the examiner, with eyes on the same level.
  2. Hold the horizontal bar of the exophthalmometer in front of the client's eyes and parallel to the floor.
  3. Move the two concave carriers against the lateral orbital margins and record the reading.
  4. Measure each eye separately.
  5. Have the client fixate his or her right eye on your left eye. Using the locked inclined mirrors, superimpose the apex of the right cornea on the scale, and record the reading.
  6. Repeat the procedure with the client's left eye fixated on the examiner's right eye and record the reading.


Postprocedure Care

  1. For abnormal results, refer to a specialist.


Client and Family Teaching

  1. The test is painless.


Factors That Affect Results

  1. Failure to set calibrated bar at baseline value.


Other Data

  1. Use of steroids may contribute to exophthalmos.