Ultiva - General Information
Ultiva (marketed by Abbott as Ultiva®) is a potent ultra short-acting synthetic opioid analgesic drug. It is given to patients during surgery to relieve pain and as an adjunct to an anaesthetic. Ultiva is a specific ¼-opioid receptor agonist. Hence, it causes a reduction in sympathetic nervous system tone, respiratory depression and analgesia.
Pharmacology of Ultiva
Ultiva is an opioid agonist with rapid onset and peak effect and ultra-short duration of action. The opioid activity of remifentanil is antagonized by opioid antagonists such as naloxone. The analgesic effects of remifentanil are rapid in onset and offset. Its effects and side effects are dose dependent and similar to other opioids. Ultiva in humans has a rapid blood-brain equilibration half-time of 1 ± 1 minutes (mean ± SD) and a rapid onset of action.
Ultiva for patients
Ultiva Interactions
In animals the duration of muscle paralysis from succinylcholine is not prolonged by remifentanil.
Remifentanil clearance is not altered by concomitant administration of thiopental, isoflurane, propofol, or temazepam during anesthesia. In vitro studies with atracurium, mivacurium, esmolol, echothiophate, neostigmine, physostigmine, and midazolam revealed no inhibition of remifentanil hydrolysis in whole human blood by these drugs.
Ultiva Contraindications
Due to the presence of glycine in the formulation, ULTIVA is contraindicated for epidural or intrathecal administration. ULTIVA is also contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to fentanyl analogs.
Additional information about Ultiva
Ultiva Indication: For use during the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia.
Mechanism Of Action: Ultiva is a µ-opioid agonist with rapid onset and peak effect, and short duration of action. The µ-opioid activity of remifentanil is antagonized by opioid antagonists such as naloxone.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Remifentanil
Synonyms: Remifentanyl
Drug Category: Analgesics, Opioid; Anesthetics, Intravenous; Hypnotics and Sedatives
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved
Other Brand Names containing Remifentanil: Ultiva;
Absorption: Not Available
Toxicity (Overdose): Not Available
Protein Binding: 70% (bound to plasma proteins)
Biotransformation: By hydrolysis of the propanoic acid-methyl ester linkage by nonspecific blood and tissue esterases.
Half Life: 1-20 minutes
Dosage Forms of Ultiva: Powder, for solution Intravenous
Chemical IUPAC Name: methyl 1-(3-methoxy-3-oxopropyl)-4-(phenyl-propanoylamino)piperidine-4-carboxylate
Chemical Formula: C20H28N2O5
Remifentanil on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remifentanil
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals