

Suprocil - General Information:

An ibuprofen-type anti-inflammatory analgesic and antipyretic. It inhibits prostaglandin synthesis and has been proposed as an anti-arthritic. [PubChem]


Pharmacology of Suprocil

Suprocil is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic and antipyretic. Ophthalmic anti-inflammatory medicines are used in the eye to lessen problems that can occur during or after some kinds of eye surgery. Sometimes, the pupil of the eye gets smaller during an operation (pupil constriction), making it more difficult for the surgeon to reach some areas of the eye. Suprocil is used to help prevent this.


Suprocil for patients


Suprocil Interactions

Other eye drops or medications such as acetylcholine chloride (Miochol) and carbachol (Carboptic, Isopto Carbachol) may decrease the effects of suprofen ophthalmic.


Suprocil Contraindications

  • Hemophilia or other bleeding problems - The possibility of bleeding may be increased.
  • Viral eye infection (epithelial herpes simplex keratitis), or a history of having a viral eye infection - It is possible that a current infection could be made worse or an old infection could return.
  • Use of soft contact lenses - Eye irritation, such as redness and burning of the eyes, may occur.


Additional information about Suprocil

Suprocil Indication: Used as eye drops to inhibit the miosis (pupil constriction) that may occur during ocular surgery.
Mechanism Of Action: Suprocil binds to the cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) isoenzymes, preventing the synthesis of prostaglandins and reducing the inflammatory response. Cyclooxygenase catalyses the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxane from arachidonic acid (itself derived from the cellular phospholipid bilayer by phospholipase A2). Prostaglandins act (among other things) as messenger molecules in the process of inflammation. The overall result is a reduction in pain and inflammation in the eyes and the prevention of pupil constriction during surgery. Normally trauma to the anterior segment of the eye (especially the iris) increases endogenous prostaglandin synthesis which leads to constriction of the iris sphincter.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Suprofen
Synonyms: Suprofene [INN-French]; Suprofenum [INN-Latin]
Drug Category: Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved
Other Brand Names containing Suprofen: Maldocil; Masterfen; Profenal; Srendam; Sulproltin; Suprocil; Suprol; Sutoprofen; Topalgic; 
Absorption: Not Available
Toxicity (Overdose): Symptoms of overdose include bleeding in the eye or redness or swelling of the eye or the eyelid, blurred vision or other change in vision, fever or chills, itching or tearing, nausea or vomiting, pain, sensitivity to light, shortness of breath, sticky or matted eyelashes, swelling of face, throbbing pain, tightness in chest, troubled breathing, and wheezing.
Protein Binding: 20%
Biotransformation: Primarily hepatic (mainly via cytochrome P450 isozyme 2C9).
Half Life: Not Available
Dosage Forms of Suprocil: Not Available
Chemical IUPAC Name: 2-[4-(thiophene-2-carbonyl)phenyl]propanoic acid
Chemical Formula: C14H12O3S
Suprofen on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals