

Profundol - General Information

Profundol, also called 5-allyl-5-sec-butylbarbituric acid, is a barbiturate with a short to intermediate duration of action. Profundol is a schedule III drug in the U.S.


Pharmacology of Profundol

Profundol is a short to intermediate-acting barbiturate. Barbiturates act as nonselective depressants of the central nervous system (CNS), capable of producing all levels of CNS mood alteration from excitation to mild sedation, hypnosis, and deep coma. In sufficiently high therapeutic doses, barbiturates induce anesthesia.


Additional information about Profundol

Profundol Indication: For use as a sedative and hypnotic.
Mechanism Of Action: Profundol binds at a distinct binding site associated with a Cl- ionopore at the GABAA receptor, increasing the duration of time for which the Cl- ionopore is open. The post-synaptic inhibitory effect of GABA in the thalamus is, therefore, prolonged.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Talbutal
Synonyms: 5-Allyl-5-sec-butylbarbituric acid; sec-Butyl allyl barbituric acid
Drug Category: Analgesics
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Illicit; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Talbutal: Latusate; Lotusate; Profundol;
Absorption: Not Available
Toxicity (Overdose): Symptoms of acute barbiturate poisoning include drowsiness, confusion, coma, respiratory depression, hypotension, and shock.
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Not Available
Half Life: Not Available
Dosage Forms of Profundol: Not Available
Chemical IUPAC Name: 5-butan-2-yl-1,3-dimethyl-5-prop-2-enyl-1,3-diazinane-2,4,6-trione
Chemical Formula: C13H20N2O3
Talbutal on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals