

Pipracil - General Information

Semisynthetic, broad-spectrum, ampicillin derived ureidopenicillin antibiotic proposed for pseudomonas infections. It is also used in combination with other antibiotics. [PubChem]


Pharmacology of Pipracil

Pipracil is a penicillin beta-lactam antibiotic used in the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible, usually gram-positive, organisms. The name "penicillin" can either refer to several variants of penicillin available, or to the group of antibiotics derived from the penicillins. Pipracil has in vitro activity against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The bactericidal activity of Pipracil results from the inhibition of cell wall synthesis and is mediated through Pipracil binding to penicillin binding proteins (PBPs). Pipracil is stable against hydrolysis by a variety of beta-lactamases, including penicillinases, and cephalosporinases and extended spectrum beta-lactamases.


Pipracil for patients


Pipracil Interactions


The mixing of piperacillin with an aminoglycoside in vitro can result in substantial inactivation of the aminoglycoside.


When used in the perioperative period, piperacillin has been implicated in the prolongation of the neuromuscular blockade of vecuronium. Caution is indicated when piperacillin is used perioperatively. In one controlled clinical study, the ureidopenicillins, including piperacillin, were reported to prolong the action of vecuronium. Due to their similar mechanism of action, it is expected that the neuromuscular blockade produced by any of the non-depolarizing muscle relaxants could be prolonged in the presence of piperacillin.


The oral combination of probenecid before intramuscular injection of PIPRACIL produces an increase in piperacillin peak serum level of about 30%.


Coagulation parameters should be tested more frequently and monitored regularly during simultaneous administration of high doses of heparin, oral anticoagulants, or other drugs that may affect the blood coagulation system or the thrombocyte function.


Piperacillin sodium may reduce the excretion of methotrexate. Therefore, serum levels of methotrexate should be monitored in patients to avoid drug toxicity.

Drug/Laboratory Test Interactions

As with other penicillins, the administration of PIPRACIL may result in a false-positive reaction for glucose in the urine using a copper-reduction method. It is recommended that glucose tests based on enzymatic glucose oxidase reactions be used.

There have been reports of positive test results using the Bio-Rad Laboratories Platelia Aspergillus EIA test in patients receiving piperacillin/tazobactam injection who were subsequently found to be free of Aspergillus infection. Cross-reactions with non-Aspergillus polysaccharides and polyfuranoses with the Bio-Rad Laboratories Platelia Aspergillus EIA test have been reported.

Therefore, positive test results in patients receiving piperacillin should be interpreted cautiously and confirmed by other diagnostic methods.


Pipracil Contraindications

PIPRACIL is contraindicated in patients with a history of allergic reactions to any of the betalactams, including penicillins and/or cephalosporins.


Additional information about Pipracil

Pipracil Indication: For the treatment of polymicrobial infections.
Mechanism Of Action: By binding to specific penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) located inside the bacterial cell wall, Pipracil inhibits the third and last stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis. Cell lysis is then mediated by bacterial cell wall autolytic enzymes such as autolysins; it is possible that Pipracil interferes with an autolysin inhibitor.
Drug Interactions: Methotrexate The penicillin increases the effect and toxicity of methotrexate
Anisindione The IV penicillin increases the anticoagulant effect
Dicumarol The IV penicillin increases the anticoagulant effect
Acenocoumarol The IV penicillin increases the anticoagulant effect
Warfarin The IV penicillin increases the anticoagulant effect
Atracurium The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Gallamine Triethiodide The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Metocurine The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Mivacurium The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Pancuronium The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Pipecuronium The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Rocuronium The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Succinylcholine The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Tubocurarine The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Vecuronium The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Tetracycline Possible antagonism of action
Rolitetracycline Possible antagonism of action
Oxytetracycline Possible antagonism of action
Minocycline Possible antagonism of action
Methacycline Possible antagonism of action
Doxacurium The agent increases the effect of the muscle relaxant
Demeclocycline Possible antagonism of action
Doxycycline Possible antagonism of action
Ethinyl Estradiol This anti-infectious agent could decrease the effect of the oral contraceptive
Mestranol This anti-infectious agent could decrease the effect of the oral contraceptive
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Piperacillin
Synonyms: Piperacillin Anhydrous
Drug Category: Anti-Bacterial Agents; Penicillins
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Piperacillin: Pipracil;
Absorption: Not absorbed following oral administration.
Toxicity (Overdose): Not Available
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Largely not metabolized.
Half Life: 36-72 minutes
Dosage Forms of Pipracil: Powder, for solution Intravenous
Powder, for solution Intramuscular
Chemical IUPAC Name: (2S,5R,6R)-6-[[(2R)-2-[(4-ethyl-2,3-dioxopiperazine-1-carbonyl)amino]-2-phenylacetyl]amino]-3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylic acid
Chemical Formula: C23H27N5O7S
Piperacillin on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Enteric bacteria and other eubacteria