

Phyllindon - General Information

Phyllindon is a drug combination that contains theophylline and ethylenediamine in 2:1 ratio. [Wikipedia]


Pharmacology of Phyllindon

Phyllindon is the ethylenediamine salt of theophylline. Theophylline stimulates the CNS, skeletal muscles, and cardiac muscle. It relaxes certain smooth muscles in the bronchi, produces diuresis, and causes an increase in gastric secretion.


Additional information about Phyllindon

Phyllindon Indication: For the treatment of bronchospasm due to asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Mechanism Of Action: Theophylline is structurally related to theobromine and caffeine. The precise mechanism of action of theophylline is not known.
Drug Interactions: Aciclovir Acyclovir increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Adenosine This xanthine decreases the effect of adenosine
Butabarbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Butalbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Dihydroquinidine barbiturate The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Atracurium Theophylline decreases the effect of muscle relaxant
Carbamazepine Carbamazepine increases or decreases the effect of theophylline
Carteolol Antagonism of action and increased effect of theophylline
Cimetidine Cimetidine increases the effect of theophylline
Ciprofloxacin The quinolone increases the effect of theophylline
Clarithromycin Clarithromycin increases the effect amd toxicity of theophylline
Disulfiram Disulfiram increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Doxacurium Theophylline decreases the effect of muscle relaxant
Enoxacin The quinolone increases the effect of theophylline
Erythromycin The macrolide increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Ethinyl Estradiol The contraceptive increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Ethotoin Decreased effect of both products
Fluvoxamine Fluvoxamine increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Fosphenytoin Decreased effect of both products
Gallamine Triethiodide Theophylline decreases the effect of muscle relaxant
Grepafloxacin The quinolone increases the effect of theophylline
Halothane Increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia
Interferon alfa-2a Interferon increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Interferon alfa-2b Interferon increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Interferon alfa-n1 Interferon increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Isoniazid Isoniazid increases the effect and toxicity of theophhylline
Josamycin The macrolide increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Mephenytoin Decreased effect of both products
Methohexital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Metocurine Theophylline decreases the effect of muscle relaxant
Mexiletine Mexiletine increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Mivacurium Theophylline decreases the effect of muscle relaxant
Nadolol Antagonism of action and increased effect of theophylline
Norfloxacin The quinolone increases the effect of theophylline
Pancuronium Theophylline decreases the effect of muscle relaxant
Pefloxacin The quinolone increases the effect of theophylline
Peginterferon alfa-2a Interferon increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Peginterferon alfa-2b Interferon increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Pentobarbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Pentoxifylline Pentoxyfylline increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Phenytoin Decreased effect of both products
Pindolol Antagonism of action and increased effect of theophylline
Primidone The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Propafenone Propafenone increases the effect of theophylline
Propranolol Antagonism of action and increased effect of theophylline
Quinidine barbiturate The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Rifampin Rifampin decreases the effect of theophylline
Ritonavir Ritonavir decreases the effect of theophylline
Rofecoxib Rofecoxib increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Secobarbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Sotalol Antagonism of action and increased effect of theophylline
St. John's Wort St. John's Wort decreases the effect of theophylline
Tacrine Tacrine increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Talbutal The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Terbinafine Terbinafine increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Thiabendazole Thiabendazole increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Ticlopidine Ticlopidine increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Timolol Antagonism of action and increased effect of theophylline
Tubocurarine Theophylline decreases the effect of muscle relaxant
Vecuronium Theophylline decreases the effect of muscle relaxant
Zileuton Zileuton increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Verapamil Verapamil increases the effect of theophylline
Amobarbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Aprobarbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Butethal The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Heptabarbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Hexobarbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Lithium Theophylline decreases serum levels of lithium
Mestranol The contraceptive increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Methylphenobarbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Penbutolol Antagonism of action and increased effect of theophylline
Phenobarbital The barbiturate decreases the effect of theophylline
Troleandomycin The macrolide increases the effect and toxicity of theophylline
Food Interactions: Take with food.
Limit caffeine intake.
Vitamin B6 needs increased, supplement recommended.
Generic Name: Aminophylline
Synonyms: Aminophyllin; Aminophylline Anhydrous; Aminophylline Dihydrate; Aminophylline Dye Free
Drug Category: Cardiotonic Agents; Bronchodilator Agents; Respiratory Smooth Muscle Relaxants
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Aminophylline: Aminocardol; Aminodur; Ammophyllin; Cardiofilina; Cardiomin; Cardophylin; Cardophyllin; Carena; Cariomin; Diaphylline; Diophllin; Diuxanthine; Dobo; Dura-Tab S.M. Aminophylline; Ethophylline; Etilen-Xantisan Tabl.; Eurphyllin; Euufillin; Genophyllin; Grifomin; Inophylline; Lasodex; Linampheta; Lixaminol; Metaphyllin; Metaphylline; Methophylline; Minaphil; Miofilin; Neophyiline; Norofilina; Peterphyllin; Phylcardin; Phyllindon; Phyllocontin; Phyllocontin-350; Rectalad Aminophylline; Rectalad-Aminophylline; Somophyllin; Somophyllin O; Somophyllin-O; Stenovasan; Syntophyllin; Theodrox; Theolamine; Theolone; Theophyldine; Theophyline Ethylenediamine; Theophyllamine; Theophyllaminum; Theophyllin Aethylendiamin; Theophyllin Ethylenediamine; Theophylline Ethylenediamine; Thephyldine; Truphylline; Variaphylline; Vasofilina;
Absorption: Not Available
Toxicity (Overdose): Not Available
Protein Binding: 60%
Biotransformation: Not Available
Half Life: 7-9 hours
Dosage Forms of Phyllindon: Solution Intravenous
Tablet Oral
Tablet, extended release Oral
Chemical IUPAC Name: 1,3-dimethyl-7H-purine-2,6-dione; 1,3-dimethyl-7H-purine-2,6-dione; ethane-1,2-diamine
Chemical Formula: C16H24N10O4
Aminophylline on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals