

Ocu-Caine - General Information

Ocu-Caine is a topical anesthetic drug of the amino ester group. It is available as its hydrochloride salt in ophthalmic solutions at a concentration of 0.5%. [Wikipedia]


Pharmacology of Ocu-Caine

Ocu-Caine stabilizes the neuronal membrane by inhibiting the ionic fluxes required for the initiation and conduction of impulses thereby effecting local anesthetic action. More specifically, proparacaine appears to bind or antagonize the function of voltage gated sodium channels.


Ocu-Caine for patients

Do not rub your eyes after applying Proparacaine eye drops, because you may injure your eyes while you don't have heeling in your eyes. Wash your hands after you touch the medication. Occasional temporary stinging, burning and conjunctival redness may occur with the use of proparacaine. The solution is clear to staw-color. Discard the solution if t becomes dark or cloudy.


Ocu-Caine Interactions


Ocu-Caine Contraindications

This preparation is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to any component of the solution.


Additional information about Ocu-Caine

Ocu-Caine Indication: Used as a local (ophthalmic) anesthetic.
Mechanism Of Action: The exact mechanism whereby proparacaine and other local anesthetics influence the permeability of the cell membrane is unknown; however, several studies indicate that local anesthetics may limit sodium ion permeability through the lipid layer of the nerve cell membrane. Ocu-Caine may alter epithelial sodium channels through interaction with channel protein residues. This limitation prevents the fundamental change necessary for the generation of the action potential.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Proparacaine
Synonyms: Proximetacaina [Inn-Spanish]; Prossimetacaina [Dcit]; Proparacaine Hcl; Proximetacainum; Proxymetacaine; Proxymetacaine Hcl; Proxymetacainum [Inn-Latin]
Drug Category: Local Anesthetics
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Proparacaine: Ak-Taine; Alcaine; Diocaine; Kainair; Ocu-Caine; Ophthaine; Ophthetic; Paracaine; Spectro-Caine;
Absorption: Not Available
Toxicity (Overdose): Not Available
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Plasma
Half Life: Not Available
Dosage Forms of Ocu-Caine: Solution Ophthalmic
Chemical IUPAC Name: 2-diethylaminoethyl 3-amino-4-propoxybenzoate
Chemical Formula: C16H26N2O3
Proparacaine on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals