

Novo-R - General Information

An antibiotic compound derived from Streptomyces niveus. It has a chemical structure similar to coumarin. Novo-R binds to DNA gyrase, and blocks adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity. (From Reynolds, Martindale The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p189) [PubChem]


Pharmacology of Novo-R

Novo-R is an aminocoumarin antibiotic that was produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces niveus. Novo-R binds to DNA gyrase, and blocks adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity. Other antibiotics in the aminocoumarin class include coumermycin A1 and clorobiocin.


Additional information about Novo-R

Novo-R Indication: For the treatment of infections due to staphylococci and other susceptible organisms
Mechanism Of Action: Novo-R is an aminocoumarin. Aminocoumarins are very potent inhibitors of bacterial DNA gyrase and work by targeting the GyrB subunit of the enzyme involved in energy tranduction. Novo-R as well as the other aminocoumarin antibiotics act as competitive inhibitors of the ATPase reaction catalysed by GyrB.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Novobiocin
Synonyms: Novobiocina [Inn-Spanish]; Novobiocine [Inn-French]; Novobiocinum [Inn-Latin]; NOV; Crystallinic Acid; Antibiotic Pa-93
Drug Category: Anti-Bacterial Agents; Enzyme Inhibitors; Nucleic Acid Synthesis Inhibitors
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Novobiocin: Albamix; Cardelmycin; Cathocin; Cathomycin; Inamycin; Novo-R; Robiocina; Sirbiocina; Spheromycin; Stilbiocina; Streptonivicin; Albamycin;
Absorption: Oral bioavailability is negligible.
Toxicity (Overdose): Not Available
Protein Binding: 95%
Biotransformation: Not Available
Half Life: 6 hours
Dosage Forms of Novo-R: Injection, powder, for solution Intravenous
Chemical IUPAC Name: [(3R,4S,5R,6R)-5-hydroxy-6-[2-hydroxy-3-[[4-hydroxy-3-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)benzoyl]amino]-8-methyl-4-oxochromen-7-yl]oxy-3-methoxy-2,2-dimethyloxan-4-yl] carbamate
Chemical Formula: C31H36N2O11
Novobiocin on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Enteric bacteria and other eubacteria