

Neozine - General Information

A phenothiazine with pharmacological activity similar to that of both chlorpromazine and promethazine. It has the histamine-antagonist properties of the antihistamines together with central nervous system effects resembling those of chlorpromazine. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p604)


Pharmacology of Neozine

Neozine is a phenothiazine with pharmacological activity similar to that of both chlorpromazine and promethazine. It has the histamine-antagonist properties of the antihistamines together with central nervous system effects resembling those of chlorpromazine. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p604)


Neozine for patients


Neozine Interactions

Dosages of concomitantly administered opioids should be reduced by approximately half, because levomepromazine amplifies the therapeutic actions and side-effects of opioids. Combination with tramadol (Ultram) is associated with increased risk of seizures.

Additive sedative effects and confusional states may emerge if levomepromazine is given with benzodiazepines or barbiturates. This may be avoided by using the lowest dose possible with the substances in question.

Exert particular caution in combining levomepromazine with other anticholinergic drugs (tricyclic antidepressants and antiparkinsonian-agents): Particularly the elderly may develop delirium, high fever, severe obstipation, even ileus and glaucoma. Reduce both the dose of levomepromazine and the dose of the other drug. If possible, avoid such combinations.

Caffeine and/or stimulantes of the ephedrine/amphetamine type may counteract the specific actions of levomepromazine. Concomitant use of these substances should be avoided.

Coffee and black tea should be avoided because they decrease the absorption of levomepromazine considerably. The same is true for antacids; these should be given 1 to 2 hours before or after oral administration of leveomepromazine.


Neozine Contraindications


Additional information about Neozine

Neozine Indication: For the treatment of psychosis, particular those of schizophrenia, and manic phases of bipolar disorder.
Mechanism Of Action: Neozine exerts its actions through a central adrenergic-blocking, a dopamine-blocking, a serotonin-blocking, and a anticholinergic blocking.
Drug Interactions: Amphetamine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Benzphetamine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Dexfenfluramine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Diethylpropion Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Fenfluramine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Mazindol Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Methamphetamine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Phendimetrazine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Dextroamphetamine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Phenmetrazine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Phentermine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Phenylpropanolamine Decreased anorexic effect, may increase psychotic symptoms
Tranylcypromine Possible severe adverse reaction with this combination
Phenelzine Possible severe adverse reaction with this combination
Isocarboxazid Possible severe adverse reaction with this combination
Pargyline Possible severe adverse reaction with this combination
Bromocriptine The phenothiazine decreases the effect of bromocriptine
Cisapride Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
Gatifloxacin Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
Grepafloxacin Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
Guanethidine he agent decreases the effect of guanethidine
Levofloxacin Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
Terfenadine Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
Sparfloxacin Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
Rivastigmine Possible antagonism of action
Donepezil Possible antagonism of action
Galantamine Possible antagonism of action
Metrizamide Increased risk of convulsions
Food Interactions: Take with food to reduce irritation.
Generic Name: Methotrimeprazine
Synonyms: Levomepromazine
Drug Category: Antipsychotic Agents; Dopamine Antagonists; Analgesics, Non-Narcotic
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Methotrimeprazine: Nosinan; Nozinan; Levoprome; Neurocil; Neozine;
Absorption: Methotrimeprazine has an incomplete oral bioavailability, because it undergoes considerable first-pass-metabolism in the liver. Oral bioavailability is approximately 50 to 60%.
Toxicity (Overdose): Symptoms of overdose include convulsions, spastic movements, and coma.
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Hepatic. Methotrimeprazine is metabolized in the liver and degraded to a sulfoxid-, a glucuronid- and a demethyl-moiety.
Half Life: Approximately 20 hours.
Dosage Forms of Neozine: Tablet Oral
Solution Intramuscular
Chemical IUPAC Name: (2R)-3-(2-methoxyphenothiazin-10-yl)-N,N,2-trimethylpropan-1-amine
Chemical Formula: C19H24N2OS
Methotrimeprazine on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals