

Neo-Quipenyl - General Information

An aminoquinoline that is given by mouth to produce a radical cure and prevent relapse of vivax and ovale malarias following treatment with a blood schizontocide. It has also been used to prevent transmission of falciparum malaria by those returning to areas where there is a potential for re-introduction of malaria. Adverse effects include anemias and GI disturbances. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopeia, 30th ed, p404)


Pharmacology of Neo-Quipenyl

Neo-Quipenyl is an antimalarial agent and is the essential co-drug with chloroquine in treating all cases of malaria. In the blood, malaria parasites break down a part of the red blood cells known as haemoglobin. When this happens haemoglobin is divided into two parts; haem and globin. Haem is toxic to the malaria parasite. To prevent it from being damaged, the malaria parasite produces an chemical which converts the toxic haem into a non-toxic product. Neo-Quipenyl acts by interfering with a part of the parasite (mitochondria) that is responsible for supplying it with energy. Without energy the parasite dies. This stops the infection from continuing and allows the person to recover. Neo-Quipenyl kills the intrahepatic form of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale, and thereby prevents the development of the erythrocytic forms that are responsible for relapses (it also kills gametocytes). Neo-Quipenyl is not used in the prevention of malaria, only in the treatment. It has insignificant activity against the asexual blood forms of the parasite and therefore it is always used in conjunction with a blood schizonticide and never as a single agent. Neo-Quipenyl has gametocytocidal activity against all plasmodia, including P. falciparum.


Additional information about Neo-Quipenyl

Neo-Quipenyl Indication: For the treatment of malaria.
Mechanism Of Action: Neo-Quipenyl's mechanism of action is not well understood. It may be acting by generating reactive oxygen species or by interfering with the electron transport in the parasite.
Drug Interactions: Atomoxetine The CYP2D6 inhibitor could increases the effect and toxicity of atomoxetine
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Primaquine
Synonyms: Not Available
Drug Category: Antiprotozoal Agents; Antimalarial Agents
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Primaquine: Neo-Quipenyl; Primachin;
Absorption: Not Available
Toxicity (Overdose): Not Available
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Not Available
Half Life: 3.7-7.4 hours
Dosage Forms of Neo-Quipenyl: Tablet Oral
Chemical IUPAC Name: N-(6-methoxyquinolin-8-yl)pentane-1,4-diamine
Chemical Formula: C15H21N3O
Primaquine on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Plasmodium