

Mentax - General Information

Mentax hydrochloride is a synthetic benzylamine antifungal agent. Mentax works by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol by inhibiting squalene epoxidase, an enzyme responsible for the creation of sterols needed in fungal cell membranes.


Pharmacology of Mentax

Mentax is an antifungal agent that acts by inhibiting squalene epoxidase, thus blocking the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an essential component of fungal cell membranes. It is mainly active against dermatophytes and has superior fungicidal activity against this group of fungi when compared to that of terbinafine, naftifine, tolnaftate, clotrimazole, and bifonazole. It is active also against Candida albicans and this activity is superior to that of terbinafine and naftifine. Mentax also generates low MICs for Cryptococcus neoformans and Aspergillus spp. as well.


Mentax for patients

  1. Use Mentax® Cream, 1%, as directed by the physician. The hands should be washed after applying the medication to the affected area(s). Avoid contact with the eyes, nose, mouth, and other mucous membranes. Mentax® Cream, 1%, is for external use only.
  2. Dry the affected area(s) thoroughly before application, if you wish to apply Mentax® Cream, 1%, after bathing.
  3. Use the medication for the full treatment time recommended by the physician, even though symptoms may have improved. Notify the physician if there is no improvement after the end of the prescribed treatment period, or sooner, if the condition worsens.
  4. Inform the physician if the area of application shows signs of increased irritation, redness, itching, burning, blistering, swelling, or oozing.
  5. Avoid the use of occlusive dressings unless otherwise directed by the physician.
  6. Do not use this medication for any disorder other than that for which it was prescribed.


Mentax Interactions

Potential drug interactions between Mentax® (butenafine HCl cream) Cream, 1%, and other drugs have not been systematically evaluated.


Mentax Contraindications

Mentax® (butenafine HCl cream) Cream, 1%, is contraindicated in individuals who have known or suspected sensitivity to Mentax® Cream, 1%, or any of its components.


Additional information about Mentax

Mentax Indication: For the topical treatment of the following dermatologic infections: tinea (pityriasis) versicolor due to M. furfur, interdigital tinea pedis (athlete’s foot), tinea corporis (ringworm) and tinea cruris (jock itch) due to E. floccosum, T. mentagrophytes, T. rubrum, and T. tonsurans.
Mechanism Of Action: Like allylamines, butenafine inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis by blocking squalene epoxidation. As ergosterol is an essential component of the fungal cell membrane, inhibition of its synthesis results in increased cellular permeability causing leakage of cellular contents.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Butenafine
Synonyms: Butenafina [INN-Spanish]; Butenafine HCL; Butenafine hydrochloride; Butenafine [INN]; Butenafinum [INN-Latin]
Drug Category: Antifungal Agents
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Butenafine: Lotrimin Ultra; Mentax; Mentax-tc;
Absorption: The total amount absorbed through the skin into the systemic circulation has not been quantified.
Toxicity (Overdose): Not Available
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: The primary metabolite in urine was formed through hydroxylation at the terminal t-butyl side-chain.
Half Life: Following topical application, a biphasic decline of plasma butenafine concentrations was observed with the half-lives estimated to be 35 hours initial and over 150 hours terminal.
Dosage Forms of Mentax: Cream Topical
Chemical IUPAC Name: 1-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-N-methyl-N-(naphthalen-1-ylmethyl)methanamine
Chemical Formula: C23H27N
Butenafine on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Fungi