

Glycosthene - General Information

A non-essential amino acid. It is found primarily in gelatin and silk fibroin and used therapeutically as a nutrient. It is also a fast inhibitory neurotransmitter. [PubChem]


Pharmacology of Glycosthene

Helps trigger the release of oxygen to the energy requiring cell-making process; Important in the manufacturing of hormones responsible for a strong immune system.


Glycosthene for patients

Glycine supplementation should be avoided by pregnant women and nursing mothers. Because of some conversion of glycine to ammonia, those with hepatic impairment should avoid glycine supplementation unless prescribed. Interactions: Antispastic drugs. Theoretically, supplemental glycine might have additive effects when used in conjunction with baclofen, diazepam, dantrolene sodium and tizanidine.


Glycosthene Interactions


Glycosthene Contraindications

Glycine supplementation is contraindicated in those hypersensitive to any component of the preparation. It is also contraindicated in those who are anuric (some glycine gets converted to ammonia).


Additional information about Glycosthene

Glycosthene Indication: Supplemental glycine may have antispastic activity. Very early findings suggest it may also have antipsychotic activity as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.
Mechanism Of Action: In the CNS, there exist strychnine-sensitive glycine binding sites as well as strychnine-insensitive glycine binding sites. The strychnine-insensitive glycine-binding site is located on the NMDA receptor complex. The strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor complex is comprised of a chloride channel and is a member of the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily. The putative antispastic activity of supplemental glycine could be mediated by glycine's binding to strychnine-sensitive binding sites in the spinal cord. This would result in increased chloride conductance and consequent enhancement of inhibitory neurotransmission. The ability of glycine to potentiate NMDA receptor-mediated neurotransmission raised the possibility of its use in the management of neuroleptic-resistant negative symptoms in schizophrenia.
Animal studies indicate that supplemental glycine protects against endotoxin-induced lethality, hypoxia-reperfusion injury after liver transplantation, and D-galactosamine-mediated liver injury. Neutrophils are thought to participate in these pathologic processes via invasion of tissue and releasing such reactive oxygen species as superoxide. In vitro studies have shown that neutrophils contain a glycine-gated chloride channel that can attenuate increases in intracellular calcium and diminsh neutrophil oxidant production. This research is ealy-stage, but suggests that supplementary glycine may turn out to be useful in processes where neutrophil infiltration contributes to toxicity, such as ARDS.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Glycine
Synonyms: 2-Aminoacetic acid; Aminoacetic acid; Aminoethanoic acid; Gly
Drug Category: Dietary supplement; Micronutrient; Non-Essential Amino Acids
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Nutraceutical; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Glycine: Aciport; Glicoamin; Glycocoll; Glycolixir; Glycosthene; Gyn-Hydralin; Padil;
Absorption: Absorbed from the small intestine via an active transport mechanism.
Toxicity (Overdose): ORL-RAT LD50 7930 mg/kg, SCU-RAT LD50 5200 mg/kg, IVN-RAT LD50 2600 mg/kg, ORL-MUS LD50 4920 mg/kg; Doses of 1 gram daily are very well tolerated. Mild gastrointestinal symptoms are infrequently noted. In one study doses of 90 grams daily were also well tole.
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Hepatic
Half Life: Not Available
Dosage Forms of Glycosthene: Liquid Irrigation
Solution Intraperitoneal
Chemical IUPAC Name: 2-aminoacetic acid
Chemical Formula: C2H5NO2
Glycine on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals