

Esromiotin - General Information

A cholinesterase inhibitor that is rapidly absorbed through membranes. It can be applied topically to the conjunctiva. It also can cross the blood-brain barrier and is used when central nervous system effects are desired, as in the treatment of severe anticholinergic toxicity. [PubChem]


Pharmacology of Esromiotin

Esromiotin is a parasympathomimetic, specifically, a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor which effectively increases the concentration of acetylcholine at the sites of cholinergic transmission. Esromiotin is used to treat glaucoma. Because it crosses the blood-brain barrier, it is also used to treat the central nervous system effects of atropine overdose and other anticholinergic drug overdoses. Esromiotin can reverse both central and peripheral anticholinergia.


Esromiotin for patients


Esromiotin Interactions

No information provided.


Esromiotin Contraindications

Physostigmine Salicylate Injection should not be used in the presence of asthma, gangrene, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mechanical obstruction of the intestine or urogenital tract or any vagotonic state, and in patients receiving choline esters and depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents (decamethonium, succinyicholine).

For post-anesthesia, the concomitant use of atropine with physostigmine salicylate is not recommended, since the atropine antagonizes the action of physostigmine.


Additional information about Esromiotin

Esromiotin Indication: For the treatment of glaucoma, and in the treatment of severe anticholinergic toxicity.
Mechanism Of Action: By interfering with the metabolism of acetylcholine, physostigmine indirectly stimulates both nicotinic and muscarinic receptors.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Physostigmine
Synonyms: Eserolein, Methylcarbamate; Erserine; Eserine; Eserine Salicylate; Eserine Sulfate; Isopto Eserine
Drug Category: Cholinesterase Inhibitors; Miotics
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Physostigmine: Antilirium; Esromiotin; Ezerin; Fysostigmin; Physostol;
Absorption: Not Available
Toxicity (Overdose): Side effects include increased sweating, loss of bladder control, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach cramps or pain, shortness of breath, tightness in chest, or wheezing, slow or irregular heartbeat, unusual tiredness or weakness, watering of mouth, blurred vision or change in near or distant vision, and eye pain.
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Quickly hydrolyzed by cholinesterases
Half Life: Not Available
Dosage Forms of Esromiotin: Injection, solution Intramuscular
Injection, solution Intravenous
Chemical IUPAC Name: [(3aR,8bS)-3,4,8b-trimethyl-2,3a-dihydro-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-7-yl] N-methylcarbamate
Chemical Formula: C15H21N3O2
Physostigmine on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals