
sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur (Sulfacet R, Prascion Cleanser, Avar, Avar LS, Avar-E, Avar-E LS, Cerisa Wash, Clarifoam EF, Claris Clarifying Wash, Clenia Foaming Wash, Clenia Emollient Cream, Prascion FC Facial Cleansing Cloths, Prascion RA with Sunscreens, Rosaderm Cleanser, Rosanil Cleanser, Sumadan Wash, Sumaxan Cleansing Pads, Sumaxin TS, Sumaxin Wash, Zencia Wash, Rosula, Rosula Wash)


Classes: Acne Agents, Topical Combos; Antipsoriatics, Topical; Antiseborrheic Agents, Topical

Dosing and uses of Sulfacet R, Prascion (sodium-sulfacetamide-sulfur)


Adult dosage forms and strengths

sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur

topical cream

  • 10%/2% (Avar-E LS)
  • 10%/5% (Clenia Emollient Cream, Avar-E)

topical cream with sunscreen

  • 10%/5% (Prascion RA with Sunscreens)

topical foam

  • 10%/5% (Clarifoam EF)


  • 8%/4% (Sumaxin TS)
  • 9%/4% (Sumaxin Wash, Zencia Wash)
  • 9%/4.5% (Sumadan Wash)
  • 10%/1% (Cerisa Wash)
  • 10%/2% (Avar LS)
  • 10%/4% (Claris Clarifying Wash, Sumaxin Cleansing Pads)
  • 10%/4.5% (Rosula Wash)
  • 10%/5% (Prascion Cleanser, Prascion FC Facial Cleansing Cloths, Rosaderm Cleanser, Rosanil Cleanser, Clenia Foaming Wash, Avar)

Cleansing Cloth

  • 10%/5% (Rosula)



Indicated in the topical control of acne vulgaris and rosacea

Cream: Cleanse thoroughly with soap and water before applying thin layer to affected areas qDay/TID PRn

Foam: Cleanse thoroughly before massaging foam into affected area qDay-BID; if removing, rinse off after 1-2 minutes

Cleanser: Apply to wet skin and massage gently qDay/BID; rinse thoroughly and pat dry

Cleansing Pads: Apply wet pad to wet skin and work into full lather for 10-20 seconds, avoiding eyes; rinse thoroughly and pat dry; discard used

To minimize potential dryness, start with 1 application daily, then gradually increase to 2-3 times daily as needed


Seborrheic Dermatitis

Indicated in the topical control of acne vulgaris and rosacea

Cream: Cleanse thoroughly with soap and water before applying thin layer to affected areas qDay/TID PRn

Foam: Cleanse thoroughly before massaging foam into affected area qDay-BID; if removing, rinse off after 1-2 minutes

Cleanser: Apply to wet skin and massage gently qDay/BID; rinse thoroughly and pat dry

Cleansing Pads: Apply wet pad to wet skin and work into full lather for 10-20 seconds, avoiding eyes; rinse thoroughly and pat dry; discard used

To minimize potential dryness, start with 1 application daily, then gradually increase to 2-3 times daily as needed


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths

sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur

topical cream

  • 10%/2% (Avar-E LS)
  • 10%/5% (Clenia Emollient Cream, Avar-E)

topical cream with sunscreen

  • 10%/5% (Prascion RA with Sunscreens)

topical foam

  • 10%/5% (Clarifoam EF)


  • 8%/4% (Sumaxin TS)
  • 9%/4% (Sumaxin Wash, Zencia Wash)
  • 9%/4.5% (Sumadan Wash)
  • 10%/1% (Cerisa Wash)
  • 10%/2% (Avar LS)
  • 10%/4% (Claris Clarifying Wash, Sumaxin Cleansing Pads)
  • 10%/4.5% (Rosula Wash)
  • 10%/5% (Prascion Cleanser, Prascion FC Facial Cleansing Cloths, Rosaderm Cleanser, Rosanil Cleanser, Clenia Foaming Wash, Avar)

Cleansing Cloth

  • 10%/5% (Rosula)


Acne Vulgaris


Cream: Cleanse thoroughly with soap and water before applying thin layer to affected areas qDay/TID PRn

Foam: Cleanse thoroughly before massaging foam into affected area qDay-BID; if removing, rinse off after 1-2 minutes

Cleanser: Apply to wet skin and massage gently qDay/BID; rinse thoroughly and pat dry

Cleansing Pads: Apply wet pad to wet skin and work into full lather for 10-20 seconds, avoiding eyes; rinse thoroughly and pat dry; discard used

To minimize potential dryness, start with 1 application daily, then gradually increase to 2-3 times daily as needed


Sulfacet R, Prascion (sodium-sulfacetamide-sulfur) adverse (side) effects

Frequency not defined

Local irritation








Hypersensitivity to sulfa drugs



External use only

Avoid contact with eyes or mucous membranes

Avoid UV exposure

Discontinue if excessive skin irritation develops

Severe reactions including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, fulminant hepatic necrosis, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, and other blood dyscrasias reported


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: Unknown whether excreted in breast milk, use caution


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Sulfacet R, Prascion (sodium-sulfacetamide-sulfur)

Mechanism of action

Sulfacetamide: Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) inhibitor; restricts folic acid synthesis required for bacterial growth

Sulfur: Elicits antiseptic, antiparasitic, antiseborrheic, and keratolytic actions