
brinzolamide/brimonidine (Simbrinza)


Classes: Antiglaucoma, Combos

Dosing and uses of Simbrinza (brinzolamide/brimonidine)


Adult dosage forms and strengths


ophthalmic suspension

  • 1%/0.2%



Indicated for reduction of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma

Instill 1 gtt in affected eye(s) TId


Ocular Hypertension

Indicated for reduction of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with ocular hypertension

Instill 1 gtt in affected eye(s) TId



Shake well before use

If more than 1 ophthalmic drop is administered, the drugs should be administered at least 5 minutes apart


Pediatric dosage forms and strengths


ophthalmic suspension

  • 1%/0.2%



Indicated for reduction of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma

<2 years: Safety and efficacy not established

≥2 years: Instill 1 gtt in affected eye(s) TId


Ocular Hypertension

Indicated for reduction of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with ocular hypertension

<2 years: Safety and efficacy not established

≥2 years: Instill 1 gtt in affected eye(s) TId



Shake well before use

If more than 1 ophthalmic drop is administered, the drugs should be administered at least 5 minutes apart


Simbrinza (brinzolamide/brimonidine) adverse (side) effects

>10% (brimonidine)

Somnolence in children (50-83%)

Xerostomia (10-30%)

Ocular hyperemia (10-30%)

Burning and stinging (10-30%)

Headache (10-30%)

Blurring (10-30%)

Foreign body sensation (10-30%)

Fatigue/drowsiness (10-30%)

Conjunctival follicles (10-30%)

Ocular allergic reactions (10-30%)

Ocular pruritus (10-30%)


1-10% (brinzolamide)

Blurred vision (5-10%)

Dysgeusia (5-10%)

Blepharitis (1-5%)

Dermatitis (1-5%)

Dry eye (1-5%)

Foreign body sensation (1-5%)

Headache (1-5%)

Hyperemia (1-5%)

Ocular discharge (1-5%)

Ocular discomfort (1-5%)

Ocular keratitis (1-5%)

Ocular pain (1-5%)

Ocular pruritus (1-5%)

Rhinitis (1-5%)


1-10% (brimonidine)

Corneal staining/erosion (3-9%)

Photophobia (3-9%)

Eyelid erythema (3-9%)

Ocular ache/pain (3-9%)

Ocular dryness (3-9%)

Tearing (3-9%)

Upper respiratory symptoms (3-9%)

Eyelid edema (3-9%)

Conjunctival edema (3-9%)

Dizziness (3-9%)

Blepharitis (3-9%)

Ocular (3-9%)

Irritation (3-9%)

Gastrointestinal symptoms (3-9%)

Asthenia (3-9%)

Conjunctival blanching (3-9%)

Abnormal vision (3-9%) Muscular pain (3-9%)

Lid crusting (<3%)

Conjunctival hemorrhage (<3%)

Abnormal taste (<3%)

Insomnia (<3%)

Conjunctival discharge (<3%)

Depression (<3%)

Hypertension (<3%)

Anxiety (<3%)

Palpitations/arrhythmias (<3%)

Nasal dryness (<3%)

Syncope (<3%)


<1% (brinzolamide)

Allergic reactions


Chest pain





Dry mouth



Eye fatigue




Kidney pain

Lid margin crusting or sticky sensation









Neonates and infants (younger than 2 yr)



Contains brinzolamide, a sulfonamide; caution with history of sulfonamide allergy

Carbonic anhydrase activity observed in both the cytoplasm and around the plasma membranes of the corneal endothelium, and therefore there is an increased potential for developing corneal edema in patients with low endothelial cell counts

Brinzolamide and its metabolite are excreted predominantly by the kidney and is not recommended in patients with severe renal impairment

Not studied in patients with acute angle-closure glaucoma

Contains benzalkonium chloride (preservative); remove contact lenses during instillation to avoid absorption by soft lenses (may reinsert 15 minutes after instillation)

Brimonidine elicits <5% mean decrease in blood pressure 2 hr after instillation; caution with severe cardiovascular disease

Not studied with severe hepatic impairment

Brimonidine may potentiate syndromes associated with vascular insufficiency (eg, depression, cerebral or coronary insufficiency, Raynaud’s phenomenon, orthostatic hypotension, thromboangiitis obliterans)

Bacterial keratitis reported from inadvertent contamination of multiple-dose containers of topical ophthalmics


Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: Unknown whether distributed in human breast milk; do not breast feed


Pregnancy categories

A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

NA: Information not available.


Pharmacology of Simbrinza (brinzolamide/brimonidine)

Mechanism of action

Brinzolamide: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor; inhibition of carbonic anhydrase in ciliary processes of the eye decreases aqueous humor secretion, presumably by slowing the formation of bicarbonate ions with subsequent reduction in sodium and fluid transport

Brimonidine: Alpha2 adrenergic receptor agonist; decreases aqueous humor secretion and increases uveoscleral outflow



Peak plasma time: 1-4 hr (brimonidine)

Peak plasma concentration: <10 ng/mL (brinzolamide)



Protein bound: ~60% (brinzolamide)

Due to its affinity for carbonic anhydrase (CA) II, brinzolamide distributes extensively into RBCs



Metabolized by liver (brimonidine)

Metabolites: N-desethyl brinzolamide



Half-life: 111 days (brinzolamide); 3 hr (brimonidine)

Excretion: Predominantly in urine (brinzolamide); 87% urine (brimonidine)