
dihydroergotamine inhaled (Semprana)


Classes: Ergot Derivatives

Dosing and uses of Semprana (dihydroergotamine inhaled)


Migraine Headache

Oral inhalation administration form pending FDA approval for treatment of acute migraine


Pharmacology of Semprana (dihydroergotamine inhaled)

Mechanism of action

Binds with high affinity to 5-HT-1D-α and 5-HT-1Dβ; also bind to serotonin 5-HT-1A, -2A, and -2C receptors, noradrenaline α2A, α2B, and alpha receptors, and dopamine D2L and D3 receptors

Therapeutic activity attributed to agonist effect at 5-HT-1D receptors, which includes vasoconstriction of intracranial blood vessels, or activation of 5-HT1D may inhibit proinflammatory neuropeptide release